Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 51 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am a single white female. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs and am looking for someone who also doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. Not into liars, been there, done that! Looking for someone who likes to have fun, is employed, and doesn't have kids under the age of 18.

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. I may be over 50 but I don't look it or feel it. I am passionate it about being fit and healthy thus I am looking for someone who feels similarly. I would like to meet someone who wants to enjoy outdoors activities together like hiking, running, skiing, skijoring, camping, hunting and thinks snow is something to rejoice about! Relaxing by the fire or soaking in hot springs afterwards enhances the pleasure of the workout. I spent a lot of years in school to achieve my career goals and missed out on having a family so I'd really be happy to find someone who has kids. I have been repeated burned by dating guys who are separated or newly divorced and just started dating for the first time so I don't want to go there anymore. I am most passionate out my dogs, working with them and having fun.
I leave in Fairbanks so I only want to hear from you if you live in the Fairbanks area.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I was married for 28 years and I must admit internet dating seems like something I would never ever do, but her I am giving it a try. I am recently divorced. I have two wonderful kids one boy and one girl that are the light of my life. I have worked full time or more since I graduated from college so haven't had much time for traveling but would love to. I have been very active in all of my children's activities (team mom, scorekeeper, PTA, etc.) but now they are both over 21 and so I figure it's time to figure out what I enjoy and go for it. I really like to fish and am learning to fly fish and can't wait to land the first big one. I love to garden but am still learning. I like to cook and learning to cook with the fresh herbs that I have grown. I love road trips, hanging out with family and friends, watching movies although I have been told I get a little too involved...I clapped and cheered during Miracle. Didn't everybody? I love to laugh. I like adventures and trying new things. Probably one of my most exciting adventures was a jungle hike in Hawaii with my daughter, niece and nephew. We hiked through water and mud up to our knees. I was scared to death but when we got to our destination we were greeted with a private white sand beach and a bunch of turtles. The walk back was just as unbelievable the moon lit the way as the ocean crashed into the rocks. I also went on a zip line in Mexico it was awesome! I love to snuggle and I want to find someone to share my life with that has common interests.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a single woman, with three girls. I have 4 precious Grandchildren. They all live away from home. I Like Dogs, and Horses, not to crazy about cats, although i've ment a couple I liked. I have 2 beagles,and yes they both live at home. I enjoy the outdoors, four wheeling ,snow machiening. Hunting and fishing. Would love to go gold prospecting somewhere north of Fairbanks. Can be a speratic person if necessary.
I am an honest person as well as loyal to my partner and expect the same in return. I'm, for the most part, Happy, Positive,and outgoing.

Date a woman from United States. Looking for a good guy who loves the great outdoors, traveling, socializing with friends and lots more. A guy who is interested in a committed relationship and who can just be real are important. Love to hike, bike, kayak, swim, cross-country ski, walk my dogs, etc., and looking for a partner to do those things with me.

Meet someone special from United States. I just moved to AK from CA and would like to get out and see the sights. I enjoy spending time with friends and a good game of darts, pool, or shuffleboard over a glass of wine. I enjoy live sports more than watching them on TV. The hockey games have been fun hereI love the outdoors and the snow...the worse the weather conditions the better for me. Start a fire, put on a really scary movie, and snuggle up on the couch--that's my idea of a good time. I love a good sense of humor and friendly people. My social life is nonexistent at the moment and I could use some new friends in Fairbanks. I just started a new job/career that I love after graduating from college in December and am ready to have some fun. Looking for someone who wants to have fun with me...or who just wants to throw some darts.

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. Large fat white women, nice, kind, troubled at times do not need prince charming just a person who is also kind, nice and hard working.
Have solid work background, raised six children and am ready to be me. Just me. Would like to do that with someone who understands what that means.

Meet a woman from Fairbanks, United States. I am shy at first but I am very loving and caring person easy going and fun to be with.I am looking for a person who love and care for me and he"s always there when I needed him and enjoy life.Like to travel to Europe and sight seeing around the world.

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. Well I finally got to go fishing and catch my first salmon! First snow today 10/17/2011, next up is ice fishing. I am in my third year here and still have not done near enough exploring! I love this wild and beautiful place. Want to show me some of your favorite spots? : )

. I am passionate about learing more about healing arts. I enjoy being outside, sunshine on the snow and shimmering on the water and good weather. My intelligence and that I am able to apply it in my work and daily life. I enjoy meeting new people and sharing and learning from them. I like to relax by reading. I am looking for a man who enjoys life,genuine, caring loyal, honest and depenable. He would be a kind who is true to himself and others.

. I am pretty much a homebody, I find myself working all week and one of those all work & no play, but do like to go to a movie, or out to dinner now and then. I spend my free time walking outside, every day if I could. I like to travel a couple times a year and see the outside world, but also like to come home to the great state of AK. I would like to continue my education and be able to help people by furthering my education, which would require relocating, but thats part of the plan, which is a goal that I hope to achieve in a couple of years. I spend time with my children, they both live away from home, but we get together for dinner and travel. If you would like to learn more, send me an email and I will get back to you.

. Hi, my name is Sydney. I'm a piano playing, pool shooting, cat owning, outgoing, blue-eyed brunette. I love my job, traveling, animals, motorcycles, fishing and De Niro movies. I also have a genuine passion for the game of baseball and am a huge MLB fan. The guy I'm looking for is tough but tempered, he's good looking but doesn't necessarily know it, he's a bad boy that will treat me good, he has lots of positive energy and he makes me laugh.