Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 33 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am a giver, I have a kind heart, I am beautiful, I am priceless. I also have my flaws.
I want to go out and have fun. Im not looking for a fast relationship. Im looking for the real thing.
Im always honest and straight forward.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I'm a spontaneous people person with a good sense of adventure, but not a daredevil. My girlfriend talked me into creating a profile--what have I got to lose? I adore my daughters and I absolutely love my job; both challenge me every day. I'm a firm believer that I will learn something new every day for the rest of my life, so I'm always open to criticism and advice from the people that I care about. I'm looking for a confident man who isn't afraid to speak his mind and who knows what he wants; someone who has a passion for his job or his dreams, but is still grounded enough to communicate with me on a personal level. I am unsure whether or not I'm looking for a lifelong commitment right now, I'd just like to meet someone that "clicks" with me. Although I have the utmost respect for the men and women who serve our country, I'm not looking for a man in the armed forces...I have no plans to leave Alaska.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I love to laugh but I'm not always sunshine and rainbows, I love kissing because it's romantic, I am in general a bit of a dork, and I can't help but laugh at people when they fall down (obviously, if they are hurt I wouldn't be laughing). That doesn't mean I'm a rude or hateful person. I am extremely loyal, and enjoy new adventures. I like my alone time and do not enjoy dating clingy men. I want someone who can handle a self assured, confidant woman but won't be freaked out that I can take care of myself. I tend to be a bit of a bimbo sometimes but my own stupidity cracks me up!
Yes, I have a sarcastic sense of humor but am turned off by people that use sarcasm as a way to belittle others. All I'm looking for right now is someone to have fun with (that doesn't mean sex on the first date btw). I'm interested in developing a serious relationship but it seems those tend to end up find you when the time is right. I just want to meet someone cool to enjoy the Alaskan summer with and if more develops then I'm open to that.
My top four reasons I'm concerned the Fairbanks dating scene might make me switch teams... These are all true and are NOT acceptable ways to begin or end a first date: 1) txting me pics of your junk 2) Telling me you are single and then suddenly remembering you are just "separated" 3) Being weird and asking me to drive you to Fred Meyer after dinner so you can buy tea on our first date 4) Handing me the bible and asking me to read a passage from it after a great dinner at McDonald's
Also, if we do go out on a date remind me to tell you about how a Panda at the San Diego zoo urinated on me! Eeeeeww!

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. It all starts with a best friend. I want someone committed, social, intelligent, good work ethic and motivated. Someone who understands that nothing is perfect and is willing to work at a relationship.

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I'm a single mother of a beautiful 12 year old girl. I have almost 15 years in the military and I'm currently working on Ft Wainwright. My job keeps me busy and travelling, but I love what I do and can always make time for friends. I enjoy almost anything outdoors (except this -30 degrees is difficult). Currently working on my BS in sports medicine. Not looking for any games or drama. Lets start as friends, maybe some coffee, and we can go from there.

Meet a woman from Fairbanks, United States. I'm not sure about this thing but I'm checking it out. I love Fairbanks for the lifestyle I can live here: cabin in the woods, walking dogs, playing outdoors, chopping wood and hauling water. I studied ecology but I work in social justice. I'm looking for an outdoorsy, smart, fun, kind man.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am very out-going and love exploring new things/places. I am a free spirited person and have been told I need to be tamed at times. I thrive off of having fun, being happy and doing my best to enjoy everything life has to offer. I enjoy spending time with my family and going out on the town with my friends, but I also enjoy just sitting at home watching a movie, cooking/baking or reading a good book. I love to go fishing, camping, hiking, and pretty much anything outdoors or adventurous.
I really dislike negative, unmotivated, lazy people and I do not have room and/or time for people like that in my life.

Meet someone special from United States. Right now, I'm just looking for someone to talk to, and eventually sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee. I'm finishing up a Master's degree, which has kept me tremendously busy for the past few years. I haven't had much free time to meet people, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and this seems like a safe way to make some new friends.
Once upon a time I took a genetics course at UAF and we investigated human sexuality, which consisted of logging on to Yahoo personals with a class account, coming up with a hypothesis and "researching" said hypothesis by browsing through people's online profiles. Naturally, we all found people that we knew. The memory of that particular lab, and the ensuing howls of laughter convinced me not to put my photo on here. Not to mention, I'd like to think I can get to know someone without my appearance being a deal-maker or deal-breaker. With that said, should you ever see my picture, you would not be disappointed...

Date a woman from United States. The little things in life make me smile. Im just looking for thr person whom i can love unconditionally, trust whole heartedly, grow old and grey together. Must like dogs. My dogs are my babies. They sleep with me too. Must like guns hunting and fishing. Wanting someone with drive and a backbone. Sometimes i need to be curbed cause i can be a handful.

. I'm a mother of two beautiful babies and have reached a point where I want nothing more than to be happy and fall in love with my best friend. I waitress and bartend and am a lot of fun...want to meet someone who is strong and independent, and is also not into cheating or lying or playing games- I need to find a real, honest, gentle man... I'm looking forward to him ;)

. I am a funny, outgoing girl, like new challanges. Love outdoors, love my friends and family and i am looking for a nice decent guy to hang out with. I enjoy a couple of glasses of wine on the weekends, cause I believe weekends are the time for us to recharge and rethink the last week

. I recently signed up for the 3 day free trial but have since ended it about 7days ago, maybe? I can't bring myself to paying so much for this right at this moment and perhaps not for a while, but.... I'm 31 going on 32, have a son in the 4th grade and am Auntie Jessie to 3 beautiful nephews blessed with my big sis as their mama, and adopted Auntie Jess to my bf's son. I cherish my family, and I am a Daddy's girl by far, so that should say tons about how I treat the man that I date...I am a one-man type of gal, and have been through all the nonsense and heartache of playing games. Games are great when not playing them in regards to one's emotions, know what I I am always honest, and am first to admit my faults. I am quite shy and have a tendency to hold back when I first meet someone unless there is that sense of comfort you can sometimes feel around some people...but anyhoo...
My son is my life, and if you are someone who expects to be put before anyone else, continue searching because I don't play that game...he is my everything, along with the rest of my family...
I have been told I have too much passion, am a total and helpless romantic, and am too emotional...( I cry at the smallest things and am a very empathetic emotionally sensitive I guess would be a better way to state that) love is fierce and burns bright when it is sparked so.......lolol....if you're not turned away yet, I s'pose that's a good sign
Fishing is the other love in my life other than my family, as stated in the beginning, along with enjoying the serene, calm, sometimes fierce beauty AK has to offer...
That's it for now...will start to babble about too much if I don't stop...silly, but...hey...take care and make the best/most of your days