Date women from United States / Alaska / Sitka, 51 year old

Date someone special from Sitka, United States. My work is social iam most proud of being a GIA graduate and traveling to exotic destinations for my work I am a realist I am greatfull for a vivd imagination and sence of humor. I am a happy blondie. Being raised Italian i am amost passionate person. In a relationship i want to feel like i'm the only one for him. My closesest friends would say im funny careing krizmatic and i might even know the pope! I get around. I want to attract someone with some class alittle talent an adventurer some one i can admire.

Meet a woman from Sitka, United States. I'm really just on here to see who alls out there, I just left a 5 yr relationship that was not good, so I was just checking. I like the beach and I love to travel, at one time I drove an 18 wheeler and I loved it and would'nt have a problem going back out on the road, I loved it. As of right now I just moved to Sitka AK to be with my son and his new family, I'm a CNA and I love my job takeing care of the elderly, I do love animals and have a dog with me and left a momma cat and her five babies in Tn. I'm very easy to get along with, I love to sew I do alot of clothes for kids and make my own scrubs, I make dolls and really just what ever I feel like at that time.

Date a soulmate from Sitka, United States. I'm just looking for someone to talk with,watch TV, go for walks with me, text me, and reat me special and like a lady should be treat. Plus, respect my son and I. I have very caring heart,like to help other what ever case maybe. I enjoy going to church,start my week.