Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 36 year old

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. Hi to every one out there I was trying this to find some new friends so if u would like to do the same thing just drop me a line and hope we can chat :) I enjoy fishing and camping, I stay busy with my kids we do summer fun stuff and it is a blast

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. HI I AM FINIX i try to find a men for my best friends she is a very good women is just i want see she happy. Well she like almost everything and she love kids. She like go to the teather, go dinner, travel, she like cook and OMG she like fix everthing in the house like carpinter, fix the door, paint, plomer to something. Something she freak me out but what i do she my best friend. SHE like craft to and she a good liten friends, if you have problem you can talk to she. I hope i can find somebody like she and star a good frienship or maybe more. I hope so when she know i about this she not killme naaaaaa! i dont think so jajaja she forget anything well bye.

Date a woman from Fairbanks, United States. I am a sports-aholic. Love football, hockey, tall ball (basketball), sticks and wheels (baseball), and anything that allows for chants and cheering. I love to bike...both with my feet and on a motor ;-)
Living in Alaska I am a lover of the outdoors. I'm an adventurist at heart and generally the life of the party. You will never find me without a smile on my face. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I live life in the moment and enjoy everything life has to offer. I am a generous soul and have friends from all around the globe.
I am a travel junkie...meaning if there is a place I want to see I make it happen. I'm spontaneous and tend to take risks A LOT. I'm a social butterfly and am always running into a familiar face. I steer clear of drama and like to keep thing simple.
I'm looking for a relationship that will be emotionally and intellectually stimulating. I'm pretty independent and self sufficient. I don't NEED a man in my life and if I CHOOSE to have a's because I see a unique quality in that person. I am also searching for a man that will support and encourage me in my endeavors as I will in his.
I'm a single mom of three whom take priority. They have a father whom is very active in their I'm not looking for a father figure.
So...what are you waiting for??

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I love to laugh and have a good time. I love my very big family and would love to have a pet but cannot because I live in an apt. I would like to find someone to share my live, I have a lot of love to give.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am fun loving and easy going, looking for a friend and maybe a bit more. I enjoy life to the fullest, I love to travel and the outdoors, enjoy dancing, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. I'm looking for friends and maybe my true love..... well aren't we all :) I don't really care about looks or weight. Its what on the inside that counts..... I know that sounds lame but its true. Guys please have a photo! its really not too hard to upload one! Also Im not here to send anyone money, so don't waist my time or yours!! Good luck on your search!!

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. I am passionate about helping and encouraging people in practical ways and looking for a partner who enjoys the same. I enjoy the outdoors, a wide variety of music, being involved in community events and most of all quality time with family and friends. My friends describe me as faithful, out-going, compassionate, level headed, trust-worthy, resourceful, good sense of humor, and a good listener.

Date someone special from United States. I know men are visual creatures; photos coming soon.
What I'm looking for, wow, how loaded. I want a man who knows what he wants, someone with a vision, creativity and passion. Some who know who they are. Maybe we share the same vision or come up with one together. I don't dwell on the past, it is gone.
I study very non-traditional spiritual paths, I've studied Western and Vedic Astrology, tarot cards, I Ching and Shamanism. Please, don't write me if you are not interested in sharing your birth information and sun sign or if earth-based spiritual worship upsets you. I will tolerate God, our Father, if you tolerate, Earth, our Mother.
To clarify some of the statements throughout this profile. I'm not into heavy drinking, I don't mind tobacco but if you're going to smoke--grow your own, whatever it is--not into drugs unless it involves a spiritual path. Tobacco is a shamanic plant and powerful psychotic (a word crated from the pathetic Western World Gaze). Got it? Try not eating for a week and smoking unprocessed tobacco and it's a whole new reality.
Oh, and if I got that supposed of bonus from that silly "what if" question this site prompted: I don't have credit cards, I would pay off my student loan debt. I've tried to be responsible with money--only I learned that AFTER I graduated.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm pretty laid back and I enjoy the simple things in life. Friends would describe me as genuine and idealistic. I'm a kid at heart, yet not childish. I am able to find the humor in most situations and can appreciate the idiosyncrasies that people may have.
Looking for someone who has a sense of adventure and really enjoys the outdoors. Someone who has a mellow personality would be the most ideal for me.

Date a woman from United States. little about me...
If you don't live it then what is the point. I say what is in my mind. I am down to earth! openminded and very out going by nature. I also, consider my self as Kind, caring, responsible, hand working, independent, honest and fun person. I like to smile a lot, laugh and i sometimes laugh at my self LoL! I enjoy traveling and trying new things. I plan to maintain my individuality and would want you to maintain yours as well.
About the one I'm looking for...
I admire a confident man, one who knows what to say, and when to say it! Who experienced life but has not been jaded by their past. I want a man that is confident, has strong personal values and integrity, and is looking for the same values. An intelligent person who enjoys a varieties of cultures, inside and outside interests, but also anticipates being in the intimate setting of home. Someone who desires a friendship with a healthy, hand working, caring, faithful, kind, loving woman. Someone who is relaxed and positive thinker. Friendship first!
I'd just like to add...
I like running, cooking, entertaining, dancing, reading, picnic, watching movies, indoor and outdoor activity. I love children.

. i sometimes take care of everyone easle and let myself fall to pieces i got a big caring heart and i need someone who cares about me for me not what i have or looks.i want a man who will be my best friend whol i can give my heart to who will be 100% with me only

. I am beautiful inside and out..
Honest, reliable, responsible and funny..
Love to have fun but know when to quit.
I'm one of a kind. My family, friends & work are whats most important.
Love animals, kids, laughing & living in the moment.
Married to my work but looking for that Best Friend that understands.
Someone reasonably intereasted in my intereasts.

. well this is my first time on this site just think i may meet some new people iam out going i like fishing,camping,shooting,and lots more.I enjoy being around honest people i think family is very important in life