Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 26 year old

Date single girl from Fairbanks, United States. I would describe myself as an independent 'free spirit'. I am not your typical city girl, I am a child of the wild. Living in Alaska I love the outdoors, hiking, camping, fishing, dog mushing, skiing, I am up for any adventure. I try to take every challenge as an optimist, making the best of every situation.
To balance sportive activities in my life, I enjoy playing music or just some quiet time with a special someone.
You should have a broad variety of interests as well, especially the love for the outdoors is something I would want to share. I want you to make me laugh.
This matching thing is kind of a weird thing I guess, just signed up for this 'for shits and giggles' one night. So I can't receive your messages though. But how about you look me up at the book where a lot of faces are; with my username here and my favorite state as last name :).

Meet someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I am originally from California but decided to stay in Fairbanks for now to finish earning my AS in Culinary. I have a 3 year old dog named Ruffus and he is a big ball of energy, kind of a lot like me. I love to dance, drink wine and have fun, but I do work a lot. With balancing full time school and full-time work as a manager of a bakery here in town, and as well as taking care of my dog, I have to admit that this lifestyle keeps me on my toes....I do have my weekends open though. :) I also have a small side business baking wedding cakes, which is my passion. I am looking for a romantic partner who would be truly reliable and have a passion for trying new things. If you are interested I would love to have a bottle of wine or a intimate romantic dinner, or even just a nice cold beer at a local bar.

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. I'm Heidi. I like to try new things but I prefer to bring someone along for some extra excitement. I work with disabled people and absolutely love what I do. My philosophy is to make your plans with a little wiggle room since you never know when life's gonna throw you a twist or two. I value honesty and openness. Feel free to ask me anything, I won't hold back. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)

Meet a girl from Fairbanks, United States. I'm good natured and interested in the place and people around me. I want my guy to be the same. I have a job I love and good friends. I'm looking for a smart interesting guy who likes to be outside.

Date single girl from Alaska, United States. Im very quiet and reserve at first. I need patience to open up. Trust isnt something I just give away, it's earned. I'm a very giving and kind hearted person. I like to think of myself as the type of friend someone could call and i'd stop what I was doing to help. I put my child first and foremost, nothing will ever change that.
I want to find someone who enjoys and wants the same things in life as I do. Not to serious and enjoys the smaller things. I want to find someone who wants to be my best friend. My dad always told me "marry your best friend".

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I love adventure, meeting new people, traveling, creating, fishing, hiking, dreaming, and learning. Following my heart and hoping it leads me to someone who challenges me and makes me laugh! Forever enjoying the journey.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm active and greatly value practical skills in myself and others. I'm a blacksmith and farrier as well as a musician and would like to find a guy who shares the interest in old fashioned abilities :)

Meet a girl from Alaska, United States. "And I pray to God that one day, He will grant me the power to reach out and hold my hand over your head and give you instant belief, 'cause you don't have instant belief. You've been hooked, you've been crooked, you've been lied to so many times, that you're suspicious-minded. And when the right thing comes along, you don't believe in it. When I'm coming in knocking on the front door, you're out the back door looking for four leaf clovers. And when you find it, you think somebody planted it there to fool you. 'Whats the angle?' You look for an excuse. In this modern day and age we have instant coffee and instant tea--instant disbelief. Thats the reason we will never become anything--it is because we will never believe in ourselves. We will always listen to the mass majority. If everybody's making fun of you and criticizing you, then you know you're on the right track. Cause most people ain't got it."