Date women from United States / Alaska / Seward, 51 year old

Date someone special from Seward, United States. Ok about me.......I am a single mom of a beautiful 17 year old daughter that has grown into and independent and intelligent young lady. I am not into games although a few have tried. I expect that if I email someone that that person would have the common respect to respond just as I would. A wink means I'm interested and my profile wont disappear the next day! I am out spoken and independent but love to cuddle just as much as the next girl!
My one request is if you get a email please just respond with an answer one way or the other. I will do the same for you.
I am a program manager for youth. Which basically means everything that has to do with kids from 0 to 44. I work with our native dance group, coach native youth olympics and weio, work in the schools talking about native cultures and values, teach art classes and the list goes on and on but I love my job and all the people I work with everyday.
If you want to learn more or have a specific question then please just ask and I will answer you back!