Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 39 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Some would call me a workaholic, between the day job and house building I stay pretty busy, but I still have time to notice that I'm missing out on some of the best parts of living.
My goals for 2012 are proceeding at an acceptable pace. Next year will be driven toward travel and landscaping of my property. The kids are ages 13, 15, 16 and 20. It still varies how many are home at one time. I do have the freedom to venture out when I want but rarely do more than drink a few beers with my neighbors.
I hope to find a guy that will be easy to converse with and that makes me laugh. Someone to have fun with! I find fun in most everything given the right attitude. Unfortunately for me it's been all about work. I am ready to experience a better variety of activities and really need some help.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. My roommate made me do this. Well, not completely. ... Basically I'm at a new point in my life. I'm wide-eyed in Alaska. Loving all the beauty. I would love to meet a man who is a strong, but with a gentle soul. Do you ever watch Caesar Milan? He uses the term "calm/assertive." Similar interests would be fun, but I'm developing new interests all the time. I love music and theater. I enjoy movies, long walks in the moonlight and candlelit dinners. ... I was writing that to be funny/cliche, but I do like that stuff. .... More later, perhaps.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I have endured some life changing experiences that inspire me to appreciate every day and see all the good life has to offer. I have no regrets about past relationships, I see them as stepping stones on my life's path. I have learned these experiences are for me to grow, expand my thinking, not to be judgmental, use them as a frame of reference not a crutch or baggage. To take individuals for who they are, as they are. To understand that we as individuals must recognize a need for change, decide to change if needed, that we can only change ourselves and lasting change starts from within. I've decided to be open to love like I've never been hurt, live and enjoy each day, cherish the minutes, take time to see the good in everything no matter how negative it appears. It is through these experiences that I've aspired to become a strong, decisive, courageous, articulate, powerful, sexual, intuitive, nurturing, affectionate, and intrinsically beautiful human being. I choose to be an asset, not a liability.

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. I'm just starting my journey in parenthood and have just obtained the rank of "soccer Mom". Grin. (No mini-vans here, I've got a roaring 8 cylindar, fuel eating, 4x4 machine!)
Not looking for the rest of my life, or just for tonight. Looking for someone to chat with when I have down time and to catch an occasional show, sporting event, or a cup of coffee. I do go to an average of one dress up function a month so be prepared to be asked to go. (Rare is the tux event, but there are a few suits and just plain slacks and nice button down shirt/sweater events, summer brings the more casual events.)
I have my feet in two radically different worlds and would like to make friends with those who can make snow angels, then get dandied up and enjoy an evening of intulectual stimulation over a nice meal with me or friends.
Its your mind that will win me, and your heart that will make me want to stay.
Till we meet...TAG You're IT!
PS: I only respond to those who have a photo. Thanks!
No drugs....
No Rap-sheets...
No negative fellas....
I won't jepordize my relationship with my kids because of mistakes made in your youth.

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I'm a simple and easy-going person. I like the outdoors and love all the beauty of the nature. I'm looking for someone special who would like to spend time together to know each other and enjoy the life in the future.

Meet a woman from Fairbanks, United States. My friends say I'm a bit of a paradox, and I guess I'm looking for the same. I was born and raised in a big city, and much as I love to go back to visit, Fairbanks is home. I love being able to ski from my porch in winter, pick berries along the trail in summer and still have a 10-minute commute to work. I love it that my dogs don't really know what it's like to be on a leash, and yet you can get excellent Thai food here. (Better, in fact, than anything I've had back east.) I've been known to go from the First Friday gallery openings to a hockey game on the same night, and would love to have someone join me for one or both of them some time. The only thing I'm really not crazy about is motorized sports, unless it's someone hauling my gear into a White Mountain cabin while I ski in. I stay plenty busy with work, volunteering (as a Big Sister and on a nonprofit board), and time with friends. I really treasure quiet evenings at home and my "me" time. That, combined with a social circle consisting of married folks, means I don't meet many singles. Whether youРІР‚в„ўve lived in Alaska your entire life or just moved here, you have a connection and commitment to Fairbanks -- itРІР‚в„ўs up to you to define what that means. And, of course, you realize that whatever you have on your list or I have on mine, in the end, it really boils down to simple chemistry. Interested? Intrigued? Drop me a line...

Date a soulmate from United States. Am I an Alaskan girl? I would love to be more adventurous but not looking to climb Mt. McKinley. There are many more other exciting activities to do in this beautiful country!! Would love to go white water rafting!!
Activities I enjoy are many... sightseeing, traveling, snowmaching, hiking, golfing, playing volleyball, bowling, tennis, cooking, watching movies and painting to name a few.
I really love to golf. I know AK isn't the best place to play but there are many places to travel too that have beautiful courses. Do you love golf or have any interest to learn to love it?
I am not the most outgoing person you'll ever meet. I tend to have to warm up to my surroundings to open up and basically let loose. Just know I'm not a social butterfly but enjoy social gatherings :)
I love to laugh and making others laugh. I do find myself often being quite silly, you should know I am a true blonde. Not dumb, just silly. Can you handle that?
I am looking for a well groomed, well dressed and well mannered man that has self confidence and ambitious but isn't cocky or arrogant.