Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 48 year old

Date a woman from United States. II am a typically shy person but friendly and likeable once you get to know me. I have a great sense of humor and enjoy clever jokes and puns.
I am attractive and intelligent; I am looking for an intelligent man who enjoys conversing about many subjects, stays busy, likes the outdoors and is affectionate. I would like a man who can be rugged and gentle and kind too. I love to listen to music and read. I especially like to read about WWII history- and like watching nature documentaries as well. Absolutely love to fish- grayling, salmon, trout and ocean fishing as well when I get the chance. I have been along on hunting trips but never actually bagged anything. I do enjoy target shooting as well although I am a novice at it.
I would like to meet a man who enjoys escorting me to hockey games (UAF Nanooks when I can), likes going fishing and the outdoors as well as indoor pursuits such as having dinner/lunches together; staying in and seeing a movie or interesting documentary. I like watching Turner Classic movies and seeing the great actors/actresses.

Meet someone special from United States. I am funny, outgoing and like to boat, hunt, fish, and do yard work. Like to visit with friends, travel, or just kick back. Have loved living in Alaska for the last 30 years, but also like to visit other places, or just see more of the great state we live in. Love to learn new things and meet new people, that share similar interest as me. Am new to dating, after a long happy marriage, so know what it takes to be in a healthy, respectful relationship. What sets me apart from a lot of women is I say exactly what is on my mind, don't do well with drama or mind games. Can and do laugh at myself (quite frequently) as my blunt, say anything, attitude can make me socially inept at times.
Am looking for someone to hang out with, who is honest, fun, enjoys the outdoors and has a positive outlook on life. Depending on the person, we will see where it goes from there. Looking for someone who can gut and skin a moose right along side of me, but can also surprise me with a nice dinner and cuddling on the couch.
Am used to being treated with respect and the freedom to be as independent as I care to be. Am not a girly, girl, but can dress up for a nice dinner, if I have too :)

Date a soulmate from United States. My humor tends to be self-depricating. Finding someone whose sense of humor matches up well with mine is REALLY IMPORTANT to me. I like to laugh and joke around A LOT!
A good match for me will be playful, and not take himself- or life- too seriously... and he'll be goal-oriented. Someone who plans well for the future.
I'm a retired Army Soldier, currently attending UAF (GI Bill). Do you want a new best friend?? Me too!
I don't watch TV but when I used to, I loved the History Channel, Nat'l Geo., classic movie channels, Futurama, Family Guy, South Park, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. Maybe you think its a good thing I don't watch TV anymore?! Also, I used to LOVE to watch NFL FOOTBALL!! And tennis.
Now I love to listen to the radio. KUAC plays a lot of awesome NPR and PRI programming, as well as great locally produced music shows. So that's my station, almost exclusively.... And I LOVE to read!!!
I'd like to find someone who shares my values. I am here to find a long-term partner, ultimately. Someone who makes me feel good about myself, especially when I'm around him. I will insist on a reciprocal relationship: one in which we get as much as we give. Yep, that means I'll do my best to make my beloved feel especially wonderful and deeply adored, every day.
If our politics don't agree, that's fine as long as we can agree to disagree, and still treat each other with courtesy and respect. I can play nice- can you? How we vote is one thing. How we treat one another is quite another issue, and is far more important.
For example: if you are horrible in the sack, we can work on that. A LOT. But if you are racist, we're NOT a match. Some things are open to discussion, and some things get better. (A LOT better.) Some things are just deal-breakers.
(And if you think you are awesome in the sack, you'd never be able to rest on your laurels with me. Just sayin').
I think of my life as a HUGE ADVENTURE- so I do what's necessary to keep the grand adventure going, and to keep it fun and fulfilling. I am content and happy, but not complacent. I'm self-aware, curious, and love learning. I am very loyal, loving, tactile, and not afraid to try new things or to trust the right person.... I love to do the little things that I know will please my partner, and I always want to try my best to pay attention to his needs, desires and dreams. So I'm seeking a partner who shares these attributes.
The profiles that will get my attention on this site are the ones that show a degree of insight and sophistication, and involvement with the world that would seem to mesh well with my own. So if you are self-aware, not afraid to trust and to love, and we seem to share similar values- I want to get to know you! Slowly, though. I'm taking my time. You MUST be a natural optimist, or you'll be relegated to chess buddy status.
I like people who can spell, and who FILL OUT their profile. And whose profile text doesn't look like a cellphone text! Proper punctuation in a well thought out profile text is what will really catch my interest, besides all the other stuff.
I'm just testing the waters for now- not expecting much right away. I LOVE kissing, and holding hands. I'm not here looking for sex, except with someone who I really care deeply about, and who is crazy about me. So that kind of caring takes time to develop. Once I find that guy though- look out!
The reason I mention sex above, is because it seems like a lot of the traffic on this site is guys looking for a hookup. They seem really oblivious to the fact that women do not need to go online, for that. If we just want sex, all we hafta do is ask the first guy we see, ya know? Or the first ten. We are highly unlikely to be turned down, ever.
If you've read this far, you'll get extra credit if you contact me and guess my favorite colors. Don't worry- there are 3 of them- so you're likely to get at least one of them right, with 3 guesses.

Meet a woman from Fairbanks, United States. I like to stay active and enjoy time w family & friends I also like to watch movies and go out eat. I'm pretty simple person but I don't like drama and don't play games. I would like to meet a good hearted person who is honest and can laugh and enjoy life

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. EVIL GENIUS SEEKS HENCHMAN! :~) .... I'm retired military, ideally seeking the same. Hey- a girl can dream.... I'm just looking around a bit, for now. I'm an optimist. I like to laugh, and joke around. I'm an extrovert, but I also love my alone time. Just not nearly as much of it as I've had, the past decade or so.
I like artists, athletes, pilots, writers .... People who can express themselves well, and are curious, and eager to learn. I travel frequently, and I'd love to have a fellow adventurer along, to share the world with... But I also love staying at home, snuggling... So hopefully I can find someone who enjoys staying in, sharing our own special time alone together as well. I like people who are self-aware, and who don't take themselves (or life) too seriously- but yet are goal-oriented, and have planned well for the future.
I hope to find someone who shares my sense of humor. That's really important to me. I'd also love to have a regular chess game, with a fun, interesting person. So if I don't seem like your cup of tea- but you'd like a regular get-together for a game of chess- or some other board game, or cards, or dice (what sorts of games do YOU like? Try me...) - with an interesting, upbeat person- then drop me a line.

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. I am a health and very happy person who has raised her child and it ready to explore life.
I am looking for a partner that will have fun with me and be willing to explobe the world together. Or at least the United States.
My job is very demanding and takes lots of hours. But I like to have fun and relax after work.
I love the out doors and have fun riding my 4-wheeler. I like to go way in the woods and explore Alaska on my 4-wheeler.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. Ok my ideal match is a man who is strong in mind and spirt. Who can love me, play with me, laughf with me, and cry with me. Who knows a good thing when he has it. He will open doors and has the key to my heart. Will watch over me guide me and protect me. Im looking for my king, I want to be your queen. I will do anything to please you, yet need to be free to be me. I will never cheat,lie or betray you or your heart. Im looking for forever not just for today..
I have so many interestes good spelling as you can see is not one of them lol. I enjoy tuff sports shooting 4 wheeling, snowmobiling ,camping and hunting, must admit have not bagged or tagged anything in quite some time. Im looking to give and get love. Not here to speed date I want one on one action a healthy start, to find a friend first, the rest will work its self out.people who know me think im funny and outgoing sometimes loud sometimes a flirt but im a "good girl" when you meet me you will understand how your life was lacking untill you met me lol.
Must admit I am somewhat submissive, I would like a take charge tryp of guy. I have/do work with FD/PD so I come from a world where a man is a man, no little should be said that although I am a romantic and submissive, I do have a voice and am srtong and vigilant and always even tempered. If I feel threatened I know how to handle myself, I usualy get what I want not because I demand it, rather because I earned it.
Thank you for spending the time to read this.
I have withheld my photo you what to see me I will email or text it to you, it is about safty for me and the rampant abount of identity theft and what not

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Woman of strong faith seeks a kind-hearted man to build a friendship and see where that might lead. I am too sweet for grizzlies and too old for childish games. I love life, live for my children and find the most joy in the simple things in life. Only the sincere in heart need apply.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I consider myself very outgoing, love to be spontaneous, I like to have lots of fun. Depending on the circumstances I can also be very shy. I love preparing and planning events, love to cook and entertain. I love children and I love animals, especially dogs! My best friend is my dog khleo we love to spend time outdoors as well as being homebodies. My favorite place is the beach, however it's difficult to find them in Alaska! I was born and raised in Oregon and chose to move to Alaska about 10 years ago and I'm here to stay! I love the beauty of Alaska and love the snow! I'm looking for a genuinely good person, someone who enjoys doing things for the people they care about. Someone who strikes a balance in life, interjects humor when appropriate, and knows when it's alright to be serious about things.

. Great sense of humor, fun, active. I like to read, don't mind being alone but also have tons of friends. Tailgate!! Yes, please! 5k sure, marathons, no thanks.
If I wanted someone to clean me up, I'd get myself a maid. If I wanted someone to spend my money, I won't even get paid. If I wanted someone to understand me, I'd have so much more to say. I need you to make the days go easy...
I'm just a fun girl, with a good heart. Oh, and a can be an issue with some.

. Sometimes spontaneous, vivacious. Loves to work very hard, dedicated, focussed and just be happy just for today. Don't worry about tomarrow, it will come and when it does deal with it then. I enjoy camping, fishing, hiking. Just about all outdoor activities. Moose Hunting is a in our family. It's a time when family gets together and travels the Yukon River. Camping, BBQ, fishing hunting, making coffee over the camp fire. Lot's of laughter, hard work, and listening to Hank Williams with my 75 yr. old mom and having a beer!! Now that is good healthy living!!! Or driving out to the homestead and moose hunting on the road. These are some of the things that are important to me.

. Just looking for a friend and someone to make me happy when I have bad days and someone to say something special to me to make me smile. I don't want anyone that thinks they can take advantage of me.... I have values that I live by and they are important to me, and I love my family, and I would never take anyone over my family. I love where I live and would never leave my hometown... I like to hang out with my friends and have a few drinks and have a good time!!!!! I love to laugh, and be happy as long as people let me be who I am, not who they want me to be. I enjoy attending church, and taking my children to church, there is nothing wrong with church.... Things that I dislike, I don't like it when people think the world revolves around them and they use people and hurt people to make their life better... I am not a perfect person, and I don't intend to be perfect. I have flaws just like everyone else.