Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 36 year old

Date a woman from United States. * I will be moving to Anchorage in the last week of August, hoping to meet people to show me around. *
Well… where to begin. I never thought I try an online dating service, but why not. :) What a great way to meet friends or that someone special. I want to meet that special guy that wants to enjoy life to the fullest. I have no time for drama and negative people, so if you have that, kindly please move on. I don't need any games, I know what I want and I say what is on my mind. :) I know we all have our issues, but I try to look for the positive in everyday situations. I don’t have children, but I don’t mind if you do. I just never had the chance on that one. :)
I do have a beautiful Rottweiler that I adore and that someone special needs to be ok with big dogs or dogs in general. He is my great stress release when needed because life likes to throw curve balls our way. We like to take car rides, go on walks and the dog park.
I see myself as loving, romantic, honest, faithful, respectful and expects my man to feel the same way. I'm ready for that special man to enjoy life with me and must be willing to try anything.... within reason. LOL

Meet someone special from United States. I'm very active person, like outdoor doing. I always try to be kind person. Of course always laughing! But I don't have a boyfriend for a long time... I don't know why.
I'd like to camping, cycling, hiking, rock-climbing and floating kayak with someone in summer. I'd like to do snowboarding, snowshoe hiking and sitting in front of warm fire place with someone in winter.
I always did these things alone but no more... I really want to do and enjoy with someone.
I'm working. I'm looking for kind, gentle, honest and has same sense of values person. DO NOT DO violence, abusive, discrimination. You know, I'm not an American and I cannot speak English very well so please try to understand each other. Also I don't know Alaska very much so I wish someone advice me, protect me, help and respect each other.
I've never done like this communication so if someone interest me, please mail to me. I'm an honest and serious.

Date a soulmate from United States. Ive been described as classy, intelligent, and fiercely independent.
I describe myself as a tomboy-at-heart kinduh girl.
While I love dressing up for a special evening occasionally, I am most comfortable in jeans n T's.
I do not, nor have I ever done any kind of drugs. My health is too important to me for that junk.
I relate well with others who have a kind, even-tempered, sweet, thoughtful, and funny disposition. Patience and humility are extremely attractive personality traits also.
Im not a materialistic kinduh girl nor easily distracted by shiny new things. Im looking more closely at your character.... n smile ;)
Id like to meet a good quality man to share my time with as I think of myself as a good quality woman :)

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. I hate to shop..I'm just letting you this because you'll never have to hold my purse. :) I love the Lord, my church and family and friends. I am consistently aware of my contradictions how fluently I move from one extreme to another. Classic to modern, liberally applying icing on a cupcake (the more icing the better) to strictly making sure I'm early for everything, from graceful walking into a room to clumsy dropping things, from smart college girl to silly goof ball. Such is the nature of me. Tonight's bliss mostly includes timeless books and movies that make you wonder for days about whose side you are on put great flavor into many of my evenings. This coupled with an amazing dinner and you MUST save room for dessert...

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I am active and enjoy outdoor activities like biking, hiking and fishing. I also enjoy reading and relaxing on a sunny porch or by a crackling fire. Spending time with family and friends is also important to me. I love to travel -- I recently spent two weeks in beautiful Australia and New Zealand and plan to go back!
I'm looking for someone who enjoys life, can make me laugh, who is kind, honest and intelligent. Someone who is not afraid to learn more and try new things.
If any of this sounds interesting, let's chat and maybe go out for coffee or drinks.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Flexibility, humor, love, trust, respect. Tolerance for wide varieties of weather is good too. All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical.
To see ten thousand animals untamed and not branded with the symbols of human commerce is like scaling an unconquered mountain for the first time, or like finding a forest without roads or footpaths, or the blemish of an axe. You know then what you had always been told--that the world once lived and grew without adding machines and newsprint and brick-walled streets and the tyranny of clocks.
Beryl Markham,
_West with the Night_

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. Very nearly a doctor, I am completing my last year of medical school at OHSU and looking forward to residency very soon (eek!). I feel I that I have crammed multiple lifetimes of experience into my own small existence. I am passionate about learning, people, and the work I do. I don't know how to do anything with half a heart and I have spent much of my life pushing my limits. After multiple adventures, both academically and around the globe, I am trying to relax and take life at a slower pace...but, if given the option to jump on a plane headed for Africa tomorrow, I wouldn't skip a beat.
When I think of the "ideal match", I imagine a best friend, companion, and fellow adventurer. I greatly value being able to participate in the hum drum of life as the work I do is exhilarating, dramatic, tedious, and heart-breaking. Cooking meals, gardening, hiking, laughing, running with my dog, exploring, reading, telling stories, and enjoying my friends and family--I could go on, but these are the things that I enjoy and would like to enjoy with someone else. While the hum drum is important, I plan to regularly travel the globe, both for medical work and exploration. I would love, love, love for my nearest and dearest to globe trot and experience the world with me.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I am looking to meet new people and make new friends.
I am most proud of my kids and my career.
I am not looking for a serious relationship.
I am artistic, have tattoes, love to read, go for drives, watch movies, camping etc...

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am not sure what you say here other then I think I want what everyone wants. I want to find the one person who is not only my best friend but my lover too. A man who I can respect and who loves me for me! Someone to grow old with, someone to live life with, to share joys and sorrows.

. I am not sure I can adequately describe myself in under 4000 words, but I will try. I am absollutly 100% a christian. This is the number one thing I want people to know about me. I love Jesus Christ, He is the best thing that has happened to me and every day am so grateful for His love. I want to tell people about His love and to have a positive influence in others life.
I also love to be outdoors, my favorite sport is downhill skiing. I cannot put it into words, but there is something really cool about being on top of a mountain and looking around and seeing mountains all around you. In the summer I like to attempt mountain biking I got started with this last summer, I do a lot of road biking, but again, I like mountain biking.
My friends have been a staple in my life. I am honest and loyal to my friends. I value their opinions and treasure the time I spend with them. If you have any more questions, then I encourage you to ask.

. I am very laid back and enjoy good conversation with friends, I love to laugh and joke around, I think it's important in life to share laughs and smiles!
I love the summers in Alaska and try to get out as much as I can. Nothing better than a great campfire with great friends!
Im looking for someone with a sense of humor and enjoys making me smile. I would love to meet someone that likes to dance, go out camping but also the nice movie night at home cuddled on the couch.
I think life is short and want to enjoy every moment of it.
My friends would say I am outgoing, loveable, fun, and they enjoy my company.
Im not perfect but then again no one is, I do however try my best and give it my all in every situation.
Not sure if this online dating is for me or if it really works but I will try anything once!
I enjoy all kinds of music from country to hip hop! I enjoy dancing very much and its good for you!
I like to curl up and read a good book!
I guess you could say I know how to have a wild fun time but also enjoy quiet moments as well!!
I hope to find someone who enjoys the same!!

. I'm happy with who I am and you should be too! My kids are a big part of who I am, plan a lot of my life around them so I'm looking for someone who does and feels the same about their children and are willing to feel the same about mine! Looking for someone who shares the same interest and that wants to have fun and grow old together (is that corny or what?). I also want someone who knows how to treat a lady and is close to his family. I am pretty independent and have done things my way for a long time so please don't think that you will be able to change me because the last thing I wanna do is change you! My friends will tell you I am honest, loyal, understanding, excepting, faithful, and fun to be around. I hate drama so leave it where its at....not around me!