Date women from United States / Alaska / Eagle River, 36 year old

Date someone special from Eagle River, United States. I think the best way to describe what I am looking for is to say that there is an author (Betty Neels) who has written well over forty books about romance, and what is funny is that it is pretty much the same story told with new characters and I think I own every one. No matter how many times I read the story it shows me what I am seeking in a relationship. Regardless of how independent I am I want that person in my life who balances me, draws out the best in me. The beauty in the small things is very important to me. I approach life with two motto's "it's the small stuff that matters" and "improper planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."
My life goals are not to live with regrets and to take one big vacation every year. I am a very energy based person, which means that the types of things I like to do usually depends upon the type of "energy" associated with them. I really enjoy being outside both in the city and in nature. I love watching people and observing how different cultures approach life. Human nature is the ultimate study to me, it is fascinating. That being said I relate better to dogs than I do to people, probably back to being an "energy" based personality.
I fall under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon (with a fire element) and all that it entails.
I want someone who understands who they are, flaws and all and wants to move forward in life. I like the idea of sharing my life with someone but I have to admit that my life, as far as my career, is pretty much built. I am in a stable place in my life and looking for someone who is also stable in theirs and ready to open themselves up sharing life's adventures.

Meet a soulmate from Eagle River, United States. I am a strong professional who loves her friends and family dearly. My ideal match would love family, have moral fiber and family values. He would enjoy traveling or willing to take time to appreciate our beautiful backyard of Alaska. I have a huge appreciation of the Arts (all arts) and would enjoy sharing that with someone.

Date a woman from Eagle River, United States. I'm fairly happy-go-lucky and easy going. I really like spending lots of time outside and working with my hands. I like activities like gardening, woodworking, cooking. I'm not really looking for a serious relationship, just someone to buddy around with a bit. I'm not looking for a baby-daddy for my kids. My amicable divorce will be finalized soon (no drama there). I believe strongly in the Bible and try to live its principles in my daily life. I'm hoping to find someone with similar perspectives and interests.