Date men and women from United States. A friend with benefits. To plant a hope in another's heart, and thereby take my eyes off me, seems worthwhile enough a start, and likely Jesus would agree. I'm visiting Israel March 15. Leaving from LAX. Will be in LA from the 9th. Hoping to lunch or dinner with a woman interested in friendship. I live in Maui. Used to live in Alaska 29 years, and LA 5 years back in the late 60's, early 70's.
Meet someone special from United States. I'm a big guy. Most just think of me as Large Norwegian Teddy Bear who likes to give and get hugs. Looking for someone who is comfortable with my being a big guy, with a big bass voice. I've lived in my house for 30 years so I guess I'm stable. If any of this interests you send me your regular email address as I can't use Match to send mail only recieve. Just a nice guy. A gentle gentleman. I'm a part time professor in the Horticulture Dept at Pierce College. I'm a conservationist in tune with Mother Earth.