Date a soulmate from Placentia, United States. First thing... I can talk a lot. It's not a bad thing I just always have a lot on my mind and want to express it.
Ok here it goes...
I am extremely patient at everything. I absolutely love to try new things. I mean anything, you can't decide to hate something if you never tried it before. I love to meet people and party. I love to dance and from what I'm told its very unique lol. My favorite artist would be Dash Berlin which is also my favorite genre of music. Look him up amazing good vibes.
I don't watch tv because I just don't need it right now. I spend most of my free time reading about quantum physics or any new advancement in science or tech.
I always try to cheer people up when they are sad. I love to explore new places so camping is one of my favorite things. I have been known to just leave for the night and go to Joshua Tree and camp by myself just to be with nature.
I am originally from Northern Cali so I grew up in snow country and need my wilderness fix sometimes. I have a history in wine because of the family business. Also my family is amazingly supportive of everything I do, even my mistakes.
I am always curious of my surroundings, its like I see the world differently then other people or I'm hyper sensitive to things people overlook. I am a nerd and proud of it so being on a computer is a normal thing. I have been called a jack-of-all-trades by many people so I have lots of random projects. I am very self-sufficient and have been for a very long time. I love to snowboard and consider myself very advanced at it and wouldn't mind teaching someone to ride.
I don't have a degree because I seriously love doing everything which sucks lol
My job is helping in the manufacturing of electronics for the government or other non-commercial entities.
I would like to find someone who is naturally goofy and isn't stuck up or loves to be the center of attention. It would be nice to find a person who shares my love for things but not all of them so at least I feel needed. It would be amazing if they could walk out into the world and not care about getting prepared for it. They wouldn't care what people thought about how they look because it whats inside that matters. Bonus for that one! They could be nerdy also, a guy can wish can't he!
I have to, I mean have to, have intellectual conversations. That is a must I can tell right off the back if it will work or not. I will supply the wine :D
I talk a lot... oh I said that already lol