Date a boy from California, United States. I am an accountant at a firm in the Valley, and I am also studying for the CPA exam.
I'm looking for someone ladylike. (That doesn't mean I'm looking for someone who never burps and who can balance a book on her head as she walk down a staircase, but if you can that's really cool.) The more ladylike, the better. If I emailed you and you are reading this, it's because I think you seem like that type of person. I'm glad you're checking out my profile now.
I take pride in trying to be a good guy. I'm a blood and platelets donor, I recycle, and I try to be an upstanding citizen in general. I enjoy cooking, swing dancing, and chess (I'm at the beginner level in all three.) I took a little bit of Spanish in college and I would like to learn more, maybe after I am done with the CPA exam. Some women have told me I'm strong and others have told me I'm gentle, and I'm grateful for both of those compliments.
My goal with Match is to meet women who treat people considerately, respect normal boundaries, and have an appropriate sense of decency.
Thanks for reading to the end.n