Date someone special from California, United States. I work full time and go to school part time. It's taking longer than most, but I've been busting my a off to finish. Hopefully sooner than later.
I love basketball. Music wise I can listen to anything. From the Ramones to jay-z. Movies is the same thing I can enjoy a comedy but can also appreciate a good indie film. Warning on watching a movie with me though, afterwards I will break it down, and rant about it. It's an annoying habit, but I've been told its funny how I piece things together.
Well there's a lot more that ima leave out for when we actually meet. But here's a few characteristics that people say I have. Funny, talkative, outgoing, sarcastic, dorkish.
Meet a guy from California, United States. Generic and over-used adjectives are not my thing so here are a couple randoms to get the ball rolling:
Away from home: First off, I love staying active. I workout as often as possible. Unfortunately my body does not exactly reflect that (thanks to my and mild addiction to Starbucks). I'm not morbidly obese, but I do not have David Beckham's abs (work in progress). My maturity level for the most part is higher than most other guys my age. However, juvenile tendencies sometimes emerge at Costco where I take an umbrella and rig it in such a way that it resembles the jibboom of a pirate ship and couple with it nautical terms as I'm pushing the cart around the store. But, I know when to switch off the witty banter and be a mature professional. I never hesitate to step up, be a man, and give random acts of kindness. I rarely expect any return on my good deeds, not sure if it's my acceptance of the selfishness of society or that I don't exactly need a whole lot. In the bar, I'll put it this way: You know the well groomed guy you glance at on the opposite end of the room? The guy who's shooting pool/laughing with his friends, not causing a scene, isn't overly loud, casually enjoying his mix of Jack and Coke, glances (not stares) back at you...maybe throws in a wink if the glance is mutual, at which point will approach you and engage in conversation/offer you a drink? Yep, that's me!
Career: I am as modest and humble as they come when talking about my career. But yes, I am a pilot for a commercial airline. This is THE thing that a lot of people don't believe about me, it gets a little frustrating which may be the root of my modesty. It's always been a passion of mine and I'm so grateful to "get" to work instead of "have" to work. I worked my tail off for 5 years to get to where I am now. Nothing beats the thrills, challenges, and freedoms in aviation. And, I love sharing it. My work days/hours are all over the place as well. It's nowhere near a 9-5/M-F line of work...example: I'm based in Denver and commute from So Cal and I can be gone for 4 days at a time.
Other goals: Up to this point, I believe I have accomplished a lot for my age. Graduating college being the biggest, establishing myself in a career that I love, and I recently purchased my first car (er, truck). There are more though: Buying a home, continuing to improve my fitness, running a marathon, progressing further in my career...but the most important to me is being the best possible companion, whether it be friendship or something more.
I'm Nick, I rarely send messages because 95% don't get responded to, nice to "meet" you.