Date women from United States / Arkansas / Pocahontas, 69 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'am looking for someone to spent these long lonley days with.I enjoy fleamarketing and yarlsales and seeing whats out there would love to travel some.I don't want someone who is just looking for a good time .

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I dont know what to say except, a guy at or around my age to talk to, have fun with , dine with laugh with.i have grown children, that I enjoy being and their family. Also I am grafeful for having fairly healthy body and I am looking for someone that isnt a couch potato all the time. My friends describe me as being fun, living life and my family, my home, I love clothes, the normal, things that women like I supose, a good time out now and then, Love to be out doors.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. my friends say that i am honest cearing andcherful i am looking for a man who will hold my hand give me hugs and love me for the rest of my life i have fun just travling camping just spending time with my mate that is all i need to be happy i am honest and trustworthyi and hope to find the same

Meet a soulmate from United States. My perfect match would be someone I could talk to comfortably. In other words if we felt like talking about anything and everything that would be fine, but silence is ok too, if that is what we are in the mood for. I think a relationship has to grow over time to be this comfortable, but if you achieve it it's great. We could go for a ride just to look at the scenery. Motorcyle is a fun way to go, double on just one bike, not me on my own. Dinner out is great, as long as we can linger and talk over coffee or drinks. Cuddling on a couch watching tv is a good way to spend a lazy night.