Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fort Smith, 69 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. My friends have nicknamed me "the Party Orginizer"...I say I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas planning parties, deciding where to go and what to do and My friends agree. My job is about mentoring to women and I am so blessed to have so many young women who look up to me.
I want the man in my life to have good self esteem, but not egoistical, trustworthy , honest on all issues and Not see the woman in his life as his subordinate. I believe to have a good relationship with your mate you must first be good friends. There is a saying that goes "True love is Friendship caught on Fire" and I KNOW that to be a fact. I know there is someone just meant to be with me. I don't necessarly want to marry again but I really would like a male companion. I am a true romantic at heart and with my creative abilities I KNOW I could make the right man very content and happy. Who knows you might be the Very one...send me a flirt and lets see where it goes from there!!!

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. At this point we try to put our best foot forward without sounding vain. Those who know me say that I am unselfish, kind, giving, easy to be around and with a good sense of humor. I enjoy a good joke, a good sad movie that makes me cry, or one that makes me laugh out loud .
going to the lake and being on the water brings peace to my soul.
I am comfortable in the country walking through fields, and I thrive in the city. Guess you can say I'm a city/country girl. I am also family oriented and my faith is very important to me.
I am capable of handeling life as it comes at you since I was a widow at a young age, raised two children and ran a business.
I am looking for a man who likes to share the comfort of quiet conversation as well as the fun of a good party. I would like him to have a sense of fun, quick wit, be open to my family and friends, like to travel and most of all, want a soul mate.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I tell my friends I just celebrated my 29 birthday for the 39th time.... I believe in always having a positive attitude and never be around negative people. I love antiques, decorating my home, going to movies, going on road trips, going to plays, concerts, eating out and hosting parties for my friends. Riding in convertibles with the top down.
I expect anyone I might have a relationship with to be above all honest, trustworthy, a good conversationalist. He must treat all women with respect and not look at the woman in is life as his subordinate.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I like to be around positive people and and work to keep an open mind and a great attitude. I never have problems just challenges to learn and grow from while I am working through them. I m not getting older, just more interesting.