Date women from United States / Arkansas / Pine Bluff, 66 year old

Date someone special from Pine Bluff, United States. My friends describe me as very loyal, someone with great strenght, trustworthy, generous and fun to be around. I love to travel, read, visit family and friends, dine out, watch a movie, walk on the beach, early morning quiet sitting on the back porch and listening to the sounds of nature, going camping, fishing, seeing Broadway plays and walking with a friend. I also enjoy football (Saints & Cowboys) and some baseball (Yankees). Would like to meet someone who makes me laugh, enjoys the same things I do but most of all must be truthful, someone who likes to sit around the fireplace on cold rainy days, hold hands and drink hot chocolate, someone who puts God and family above all else.

Meet a soulmate from Pine Bluff, United States. My closest friends would describe me as honest sincere and dependable. Making others happy makes me happy. I am hoping to meet someone who will find happiness in making me happy as I will strive to do the same for him. I am only interested in men who can find happiness in a relationship that involves one woman. I am most passionate about doing unto others as I would have then do onto me. Honesty is very important to me.
I am very passionate and love to cuddle and snuggle close to the man of my desire. If you are a couch potato, we would not be compatiable, I love to travel and am quite a busy body.