Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fair Oaks, 58 year old

Date someone special from Fair Oaks, United States. One of my favorite things is being spontaneous. I love doing something on the spur of the moment, just because we feel like doing it. I can also be a great planner enjoying the anticipation of an event. I love doing family things, friend things or just hanging out at home. Going to the movies, attending church events and checking out nurseries for new plants for the yard are things I do regularly. I enjoy cooking and browsing through markets for dinner items to prepare and share. I'm very lucky in that my life is good filled with family and friends, but I'd still have extra time to share with someone new. I have my own condo, great daughters and parents, money in the bank and a job I enjoy. You are the only missing piece.
The perfect guy for me would be someone that doesn't take himself too seriously. He enjoys his life and isn't too regimented. He can mix things up without stressing about it. He likes local festivals and tasting all the unique foods. He'll help me cook dinner or just sit there and talk to me as I prepare it. He'll let me help him spruce up his patio with pots of flowers. He'll introduce me to his oldest friends and want to meet my daughters. He'll surprise me with a day trip to the city or lake to do touristy type things. He'll appreciate it if I call him at the last minute to hang out with me. I'd also like a man that's willing to go to church with me on occasion, if not regularly.
I believe that a solid loving relationship can come out of an amazing friendship. I'm looking for that friendship. Want to be my friend?

Meet a soulmate from Fair Oaks, United States. I've got a heart of gold and would like to find someone to share my laughs and smiles with. I enjoy caring and giving and will provide fun and spontaneous adventures. I admire the person who has worked through the hard times and made it out the other side and who can really appreciate how good and rewarding life experiences can be. I want to find a friend who has character, intelligence and wit and who is ready to passionately go after the good times with me.