Date women from United States / Arkansas / Cedarville, 40 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Who am I? Well, I'm a Single Parent who is comfortable with who she is. I laugh often because its the best medicine. I love my family - Hanging with my kids is awesome.
Thing is though - I'd like to find someone to hang out with that isn't family!
I haven't been in the dating scene for probably 10 years. So the kind of guy who will attract me will be patient and kind. He will like family and hanging around the homestead probably watching movies, eating a home cooked meal, and, yes, watching football because we are big Hog Fans. Occasionally he will want to take me out somewhere nice for drinks, maybe a movie, some dancing, or just a nice drive somewhere quiet.
My life is a peaceful (well as peaceful as it can get with 3 girls and one boy), quiet, yet simple one. I'm more comfortable in my boots and jeans hanging around the house than I am in heels and pantyhose, though I can rock those out too!
The kind of man I'm looking for is a kind man, patient, but knows what he's looking for. Simple, but not socially awkward. He will have a christian faith based lifestyle, clean appearance, and be confident in himself and his abilities.