Date women from United States / Arkansas / Cabot, 40 year old

Date a woman from United States. Hello..... I am 39 years old, I have been married and divorced once, I have no children of my own but kids (and pets) love me and I have 45, and counting, nieces and nephews (first and second generation) along with a couple hundred friends' kids who also call me Auntie (literally). I lived my very first dream of living, working and making a name for myself in the country music industry in Nashville,TN, and now I am moving toward the next stage of my life - hopeful that it includes my best friend and the love of my life.
I have been divorced for 13 years, and I am basically and honestly looking for someone to drive to the ocean with me or just to the diamond mine to dig in the dirt, or spend a weekend at the casinos (penny machine one-armed bandit junkie but I do love to play poker, I have just never had the nerve to sit at the table with the big boys-love to smoke cigars with them though). Someone who wants to meet and get to know people in my life, as well as to include me in things that he does and to introduce me to the people, and the passions, that matter to him too. To read the Sunday paper cover to cover under the covers with when it is pouring rain. I want to spend Saturday's on a boat at the lake and Sunday's in church. I am not selfish, I want to be this person for someone too. I want to go fishing, and just sit without talking, or spend six hours on a political debate even if the person doesn't believe the same way I do, as long as you can back up your arguments with intelligent reasons then I'm there. Life is for the living, I believe that living is better when someone that gets you is there.
I love food, not junk food really, but real food (my favorite is starch), and I have a love/hate relationship with exercise. I am currently 135 lbs and about 28% body fat, and I would love to meet someone who motivates me to work out with them, because I have been the 112 lb, 22% body fat person too, and while it is great, it leaves little time in your life for anything else. I think as I get a little older curvier (this does not mean lazy or unfit) is better suited to me as I am God given naturally top heavy, so a little more curve makes me look more human.......lastly, I guess, I am a forensic junkie...I would become a forensics expert in a heartbeat except the first time I had to dumpster dive I would be finished and would have to quit. I don't currently have a gun, or a permit to carry one, but I really would like to learn to shoot and to obtain a license for it.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm a nice person with a big heart, I'm a country girl, I love country music and dancing and being outside on a nice day, love going camping, fishing , cook outs. I'm a hard working woman, right now I work two jobs. I'm very loyal to my family, friends and most of all in my relationships and expect the same loyalty back. (I'm a big believer of what's good for the goose is good for the gander!!!) Do right by me and I'll give you my heart, soul and my love. I'm looking for my Mr. Right, a true gentlemen. Not looking for lies and selfishness, done had enough of that stuff. I want that special someone to take my hand and stand beside me. Someone who is loyal, sweet and likes the outdoors. I will one day like to find the love of my life but right now I just want to have fun and have someone to stop and smell the roses with me. Thank you for taking the time to see if I'm your match, have a nice day!!! ;-)

Date a soulmate from United States. I guess I could say that i am looking for a wild romance like the ones they write movies about but I don't think that would really be true. I am mostly looking for someone to just have fun with. You know, a friend first. If something else comes out of it then great.That would be a bonus. My son is almost grown and I think its time to figure out what happens after he is gone. I work quite a bit so my down time is important. Yes, there are those days when I want to just sit around the house and do nothing but for the most part I like going and doing something fun. Maybe a Razorback football game, a walk in the woods, dinner on the river or just a movie. I love scary movies! My friends and family are very important to me. I take pride in the fact that they know they can always count on me for support and understanding. Of course my son is my first priority and I would like to find someone that understands that. I am not looking for a one night stand so if that's what you want, keep on looking. I am a very confident professional woman but can be silly and a little sarcastic too. I would never hurt anyones feelings on purpose but if you ask for my opinion, you will probably get it.
I moved to Arkansas 4 years ago and love it here. The men here seem to be different than in CA. Ya'll are true gentlemen and that's exactly what I would like to find. Of course you have to have a little bit of an edge for those wild times ;-) At this point in my life I'm not into playing games with people. If we go out and it's not a fit then let's just be honest with each other and either be friends or say goodbye. No head games here please... I have no regrets in life and believe that everything happens for a reason. The man that is perfect for me is the man that becomes my best friend and is happy to see me whenever he does. I have a lot to give to the right person and would love to get a lot back. However....I will say that I don't NEED a man in my life but I do WANT one in my life. What I mean by that is I can take care of myself just fine and have been doing that for many years. I want someone to share my life with me not provide a life for me.
So, If you're ready to have a good time and take things day by day then send me a "Wink" and lets begin an adventure.

Meet a woman from Cabot, United States. I am a caring, loving and fun person. I am looking for a man who loves God and his familly. I am not a fake person and enjoy people who are not afraid to be the same. I am shy but warm up quickly. I have a good relationship with my son (15) and daughter (12). I love being with my kids and around other children. I have a big heart and try to see the best in everyone. I get told alot that I am always smiling...I am very optimistic about what God has in store for my life, relationships included, and I trust in Him to help me find the "one" ;-) I enjoy beautiful things but am not materialistic. I love to be around people, hang out, and laugh. I am romantic and love to do things for others.

Date someone special from Cabot, United States. Hello, Im a outgoing woman who loves God and her family. I enjoy living beyond the box that won't cause any harm to me. Also, I 'm in school going for my BA in Education and love working with children. I 'm not online trying to meet up and have sex nor am I trying to get free meals which I can do on my own. I am wanting to meet a well rounded man who faith is in God and his heart is in helping others and meeting the right match. Do I think I might meet my better half? I don't know, but I do know it will happen one day.'
***I do have pictures***

Meet a soulmate from Cabot, United States. Well what to say about ME, I am a christian. I am an intelligent, kindhearted, funny, driven, energetic woman. I m almost the big 40 at first that bothered me but then i look in the mirror at the gym and say dang you look good for almost and those years have taught me allot and I survived and am better for it!! i dont think i look 39..I take good care of myself and still feel like i am 25. I have a wonderful career, great friends,a home and healthy - happy kids! What more could anyone ask for ? I think the best of people which sometimes gets me in trouble. But If I didnt than I would not be me.. Anyway.. I love my family and close friends to pieces they are the ones that will always be there for me no matter what mistakes I make or what accomplishments I achieve they love me when I am at my highest and lowest. I am a very determined confident woman.. ok stubborn.. I LIKE TO SAY PERSISTANT!! Anyway I love life and want to live it to the fullest.. I want to laugh and love and just treasure everything...I have learned that memories and poeple mean so much more than things.. I volunteer for two organizations I am a very loving and giving person. Im a giver I love to see a people when you give them something from your heart with no rhymn or reason and the true blessing you can be to someone with out doing much at all..
I love to dance and act silly! I go to the gym at least five days a week.. It clears my head and makes me feel good physically and mentally. I enjoy hanginРІР‚в„ў out with friends having a beer or a glass of wine and yapin.I enjoy sports events. Watching or playing ( I play a mean set of badminton LOL). I have two amazing sons and I take pride in being a good mother. I love to watch the Razorbacks and I love music! All kinds it just depends on what mood I am in at the time as to what I listen too. I like to be active, I enjoy anything outside and I really love to mow the grass.. that may sound wierd but hey who wants to be normal.. not me : ) I just make the most of whatever I am doing..
I am a Christian and I want my partner to be one as well. I attend church regularly and have a very blessed life. I dont exspect my partner to jump right in and go to church with me as long as they have a relationship with Christ I am sure they will go on their own time I dont think that something you can push on someone, you have to let them choose it..
I just want to find someone that inhances my life as well as me theirs.. I am settled but not in anyway boring...I am just at the stage that I have a wonderful family, great friends, job, home, and just looking for someone to enjoy my lilfe with me.I love to spoil and be spoiled , I am very affectionate.. definately a touchy feely girl.. cuddle up on the couch is like awesome place to be for me or just to have someone by my side at events . I can be in the dirt one day diggin up something or fixing a my fridge and then later that evening be in cocktail dress at a silent actuion or something... or in jeans and tank going to a baseball game.. I dont fit in to any box or label .. I am just ME..
I just want someone thats on my same playing field..likes to be active...has a career.. a home .. is driven.. christian.. funny... just the normal stuff but you wouldnt believe its kinda hard to find in gentlemen now days. .

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. I'm only here looking for one man. The man that sleeps in my bed and comes to my house that's supposed to be my partner. How sweet is he that he created a personal account while he's still with me?? Nice guy, ladies beware.