Date men from United States / Arkansas / Searcy, 57 year old

Date a man from Searcy, United States. I am 6 ft tall weigh 190 lbs like to workout daily. Enjoy meeting people and making new friends. Would like to meet someone that is not afraid to speak there own mind. If you have any questions please just ask. Thanks you for looking at my profile, JL

Meet a soulmate from Searcy, United States. I realy don't know
what to say here. I have never been good at talking about myself. I have been in Arkansas since 2007. I spend most of my time working so I am not sure what to do if I have spare time. So I would like to find that someone that could fill this empty spae.Who knows it could be you.

Date someone special from Searcy, United States. I stand 5ft 8in and i wiegh 250pds i love to fish and ride a motorcyle and i love to party with the right person That love to party to i am the father to 3 lovey girls and i have got two grandsons 7 and 3 years old