Date men from United States / Arkansas / Ola, 31 year old

Date single man from Ola, United States. Blatant honesty:
My gut tells me that it's unattractive for me to just list all of my qualities outright. But then, how I see ME is a big part of who I am. You might as well know it up front.
A huge capacity for love/affection.
Not afraid to cry/not a cry-baby
Great genes
Natural musical/artistic talent
Massive life experience
Considerate/intuitive lover
Very healthy
Believe in God
Not religious/zealous
Rarely angry
Great since of humor
Financially stable
Not materialistic
Very open-mindedTolerant
I have to work at clear communication
I can be unmotivated
I am easily blinded to my own mistakes/flaws
I am opinionated and stubborn
I swear like a sailor at times (but I can hold it back when I need to)
I have a skeleton or two in my closet. (although, I guess it's not in your closet if you're willing to say it)
This blatant, Pro/Con style of describing myself is not like me at all. I tend to be passive and fairly quiet (not shy, just quiet) most of the time. I dream vividly of a better world with more peace and understanding/tolerance. I try to apply those dreams to myself - which usually means I'm politically correct and not very blunt. However, my small close circle of friends - the people I can trust to love me and not get offended by what I say and do - know me as a visionary. And, I'd like to think we are all trying to make the world a better place - one example at a time. We can't change people, but we can be responsible and change ourselves for the better....and still have a f$%#ing blast in the process.
A few words about my lifestyle:
From the outside, most people would see me as a square. I don't have any piercings or tattoos (that you can see). I dress conservatively and do my hair conservatively.
However......(this is where it gets tricky - keep in mind, I'm just trying to be honest from the start. Some of the things I am about to list were "young and stupid" moments, but many are not. I don't regret my life or my decisions. I have learned valuable lessons and gained valuable experience from each decision and each action. There are things that I would do differently, but I don't believe in feeling guilty about my past. It's a waste of time)....
I have...
...done more drugs than not (if you want the list, just ask)
...donated weeks of my time (at once) to people who are unable to help themselves
...a black belt in Tae Kwon Do
...ridden with the Hell's Angels
...never been in a [real] fight
...had a loaded gun pointed in my face
...never stolen from anyone or cheated anyone
...spent the night in jail
...loved with all my heart
...never cheated on anyone
...driven over 150 mph in traffic
...wanted to die
...had a couple (ok, 3) one-night stands
...carried a briefcase full of cash
...looked into a person's eyes and knew he was lying
...ridden a bicycle over 250 miles in one go
...built a mansion with my own hands
...built a church with my own hands
...hiked the Pacific Crest Trail
...made and lost two fortunes
...completed a triathlon
...performed in front of thousands of people
...gone skinny dipping
...There's more, but that's enough.
None of the above is intended for bragging rights. I actually don't think any of those things are very impressive.
Here's the kicker: I need a woman who can hang with me. I need a woman who wants to throw caution to the wind and LIVE. I don't want to spend my life wishing and planning. I don't want to try to fit things in nice neat little boxes. I still intend to make life mistakes occasionally.
What I won't ever do is take my lover for granted, cheat on her, abuse her, lie to her, hold her down, or hold her back - to the best of my ability, so help me God.
I take love seriously and I give it everything I've got. Sometimes it means I get a burning hole in my chest for a heart. ...