Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 42 year old - page 4

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. This is the hard part. I do think that people these days can talk a good game. It's all about the chemistry and if two people are really meant for each other. I believe that if it's meant to be, it will happen.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Fun loving person grateful for all the blessings in my life. Love to travel, read, walk on sandy beaches, and sleep in on Sundays. Like to watch comedies on TV or at the movies, enjoy playing tennis looking for companionship.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. OK, I can't believe I'm actually using the internet to find a significant other. I don't have any difficulty attracting women, but at this stage in my life, I've outgrown the "bar scene". I'm very career-oriented and love my job. In my off time, I love working out, running, and essentially doing anything athletic. I'm primarily looking for someone that shares the same interests that I do (ie working out, sports, travel). Also, I tend to be most attracted to women that are strong-willed, independent, and liberal minded. Most importantly, they must have their own interests, friends, career,etc. Basically, I'm not looking for perfection as I certainly have plenty of faults myself, but someone who is "normal", nice, and somewhat similar to me. Also, due to my career, I often work nights, weekends, and holidays. I need my significant other to understand that this is just part of my job and nothing against them. I do have a few basic requirements for anyone that I may date:
1) Must enjoy running and going to the gym. This is my favorite thing to do, so I'd like to be with someone that also enjoyed it.
2) Must eat healthy. I'm very health conscious, so if your daily diet consists of fast food and ice cream, we're not a match.
2) No smokers. It's a disgusting, unhealthy habit. I don't want to be anywhere near cigarette smoke.
3) No criminal activity. This is not negotiable.
4) Must love to travel, especially to exotic beach locations (Cancun, Hawaii, etc).
5) No crazy drama. I have enough excitement at work. I want to relax when I'm home.
6) I'm looking for a long-term, serious relationship. If you're just looking to "hook up", we're not a match.
If I haven't scared you off and you're interested, send me an e-mail. Despite my strict "criteria", I'm actually a very nice guy:)

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Im 40 year old heavy equipment operator Have good outlook at lifes ups downs Good shape enjoy running heavy machinery welding
Building machinery Not much time for social meetings But looking to share my lifestyle with others who have same likes

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. i am here just looking for fun times with a great woman who knows how to laugh and share in good times. i love going out to eat once a week. i love a woman whose intimate and expresses their feelings.

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. A professional, self-sufficient male looking for some company. I am open to trying new things and am looking to find new friends. Hopefully, finding one whose relationshiop can go far beyond just a friendship.
I am looking for someone to share experiences and adventures with. A person who likes to cuddle during the thunderstarm, watch a movie or just star gaze. But who is also willing to get out in the world and see what it has to offer. Whether its just to a local museum or new place to eat; a weekend getaway to San Diego or Rocky Point; or maybe an international trip. As much as travel is enjoyed, time around home and the potential it may offer is just as rewarding. Always open to kids but that will depend much on my partners feelings. A person of good values who is willing to stand on her morals and ethics. One who is willing to share her views just as much as she is willing to listen to mine.

Date single man from Tucson, United States. Most of the things I like to do are outdoors, my favorite being skiing. Living in Arizona that gives me a large part of the year where I have to find other things. I play on an outdoor and indoor soccer team which is a lot of fun and keeps me in decent shape. I have both a road and mountain bike and like to do both although I think currently I do more road biking as it is easier to just walk out your front door and go. I was into rock climbing for a while, but my fingers started to getting really stiff which is good for climbing but bad for my guitar playing. I still like to climb and would go outdoor climbing, but I just cut back a bit. :) I guess that leads into music. I have a pretty wide range of taste in music and enjoy listening to almost everything. I play the guitar, drums, and bass although I would say I play the bass more like a guitar player than a bass player. I use the word play because I am not a musician. I say that because I have friends that are and I am just not at that level although I really enjoy it. I work a normal job 9 to 5 and play music for fun. I am scuba certified, but haven’t been diving in a while. I guess you can say I have done a bunch of different things in my life and enjoyed all of them. I guess that pretty much covers things I like to do activities wise. As for personality I think I tend to be pretty relaxed and layed back. I like to goof off and have fun, but also know when to be serious, as long as it is not too often ;) I would consider myself patient and good tempered. I tend to be on the logical side in the way I think about things, which would explain why I am in a technical field. Not really sure how much more too say as the way I see myself is probably not exactly the way others see me. I guess I will leave it for you to decide if we ever get the chance to meet.
Describe my perfect match. I suppose there is such a thing, but I have no idea how to describe it. I would like to think there is an initial spark and she is someone who is easy to talk too. In general I would just like to find someone I am attracted too and with whom I enjoy spending time.

Meet a man from Tucson, United States. Hello, looking to start new. Friends first to get to know each other and who knows where it might lead. I enjoy spite of the moment trips for no reason, eating out, movies, and just spending time together. My kids come first and I try to spend as much time with them as I can hence my being family orientated.

Date someone special from United States. Hi! I realized that I have been working so much the last few years, my circle is limited to work. Looking to meet people to do fun interesting things with. Hiking, wine tastings, dining, symphony and many others. Hope to hear from you beautiful ladies very soon.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Just checking this site out but not a "full" member yet but I figured what the hell. A little about me I guess is required though I prefer face to face after the initial contact but here goes... I enjoy most things like outdoor activities, music: both playing and listening to, sports, cooking, movies of all types... well, most of them, exercise, and eating out once in awhile or something along that line. I like a woman who is confident, attractive, and who has a great sense of humor and a sarcastic wit. I'm looking for a friend as much as a companion so I am patient and in no hurry to get all serious and stuff but I love to have fun and a make the "friend" I'm with laugh and have fun too.

Date single man from United States. I'm a loyal fun loving Guy kid at heart would enjoy someone that is the same and trusting look beyond the faults of others love spending time together I have very. Few friends and really no family so it just me and my cat

Meet a man from United States. I am grounded, happy, and strangely normal in a quirky sort of way. I am irreverent, self-deprecating, quick on the uptake, established in my life, confident not smug, and I can cook and sing at the same time. I think kissing is hugely underrated. I am tall with all my original equipment. I love to surf, shop, watch college football and I read far more than I should. I've never seen Star Wars. I am wicked fun. I love sushi, wine and great coffee. I see the humor in most everything, especially myself. Travel excites me...I want to go to Tuscany, Bora Bora and most every place else. I am incessantly observant and love to people watch. I want to be married to my best friend someday...I am going to be a great husband! I love Classic Cadillacs, Indian Motorcycles, John Wayne and leaving the phone off at dinner. Music is a huge part of my soul. The subtle nuances of life make me happy. Clowns scare me, children love me and I value my friends and family. I love the small of a woman's back. I am happily employed and pay my bills and do all the life-things adults are supposed to do. Did I mention kissing is highly underrated? I can be impatient and I drive too fast in parking lots and I hate to empty the dishwasher. I subscribe to 11 magazines and I have a bit of a book buying problem. I can be bold but I know when to keep my mouth shut. I know the difference between coincidence and irony. I am handy, easy going, kind and I throw great dinner parties. I want a woman who's quick and witty and kind. She's easy going and bold. I want to nibble her ears. She smells like heaven and kisses with abandon. We crack each other up...