Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 36 year old

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. Funny , honest , like movies like cars , like most anything .... but the best way is email me ........ lets share phone numbers and txt and ask me whatever u want to know .... hows that ..............

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. Confident, but not arrogant, good looking, successful, likes to travel, exercise, have fun, learn, eat good food, and live life. I'm looking for beautiful girl with the same qualities who enjoys doing the same things I love, and to be friends with.

Date single man from Tucson, United States. I have lived in Tucson all my life. This is my home and I am happy here. I like to travel sometimes, but there's no place like home. My family and friends are here. I visit with family at least once a week. I like to hang out with friends, but it is getting harder to find good ones. I am on here to find someone special, but if you're looking for a friend that's ok too.
I would say my most defining characteristic is probably my sense of humor. I enjoy laughing and making others laugh. I am also a good listener. It is a pretty good feeling to listen to someone's issues and give them advice based on experiences I've had.
A previous hobbie of mine was weight lifting. I was really into it for a while. I am going to return to that soon. I am also thinking about going to school. I mentioned I am a good listener. Well my sister is studying psychology. She is an inspiration to me and maybe that is what I will pursue. I also have respect and admiration for chiropractors. A doctor will usually just give you a prescription for something. If you have pain a chiropractor will most likely be able to help you. They give you adjustments that your body needs. When you leave there you feel like you're ten years younger.
I am looking for a serious, long term relationship. Someone special who shares similar interests but also brings different things to the table. I really want to fall in love and get married someday. I would also like to have a family someday. I don't have any children. If you do that's great.

Meet a man from Tucson, United States. You know what is challenging about these online profiles is trying to summarize one's self all in a packaged way. Honestly I don't know how to do it. I like and do so many things but how to convey it here? I can't pretend to say I know who I am looking for 100% or who I am 100% because a profile does not neatly summarize all that. I guess at the core I seek a friendship first (and an ensuing relationship possibly), but that takes emails, meeting up, doing things, talking. But I really do like the possibilities this website offers for getting to know someone first and vice versa rather than trying to meet randomly at a bar.
I'm an upbeat person in general! I like to try and be a good mix of everything, a blend of time at home, going out, socializing, getting exercise. A typical week for me would include be a 40 hour work week, cooking up meals for lunch and dinner, going to a movie or two, visiting friends, hanging out with my dad, and getting in a hike on the weekend.
I am proud of obtaining my Bachelor Degree. I have a decent job in the library. I rent a house and have a cat. I do pretty well as a bachelor! I work out at a gym a few days a week mostly to run and watch a movie in the movie run. It's sweet! I would love to run a mini marathon sometime for fun.
I'm a city person, and an outdoors person. I love social time at a bar or two and hearing bands, going to a sporting event like baseball, I love to take road trips, mini golf, occasional video games, coffee shops, the Desert Museum. You won't find me clubbing but in general I really am game for most events including those of people I am with.
I'm big on the hiking and outdoors and have pondered careers in this field. I am a duel British citizen as well and I have considered moving to Europe. Tucson is great, but I could easily move elsewhere, somewhere with more lakes, like a Portland, or up in the mountains of Denver. I'm also aspiring to writer more and publish fiction storiesbooks and non-fiction, maybe travel articles. I review for Yelp so if you'd like to read some of my writing, I'll share.
I have a dad in town, and the rest of the family is scattered about the USA. I have no kids but not sure if I want any of my own. I like kids. :)

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I enjoy chatting or reading at a coffee shop, preferably one with coffee that's actually good or even delicious (sorry Starbucks). I love to go out dancing, though the opportunity rarely comes up lately. I like to eat healthy (and spicy) food, so I end up cooking most of what I eat myself. I try to exercise at least every other day. I'll go for a bike ride, or go to a yoga class or just throw a mat down anywhere at the gym and practice. Sometimes I lift weights, but mostly to stay fit rather than gain bulk. Oh, I've also taken 200 hour yoga teacher training along with many workshops, so I wholeheartedly enjoy sharing that knowledge and experience with others. I usually tend to have at least one large scale project going, which can range from building and installing a new car stereo to creating a new iPhone app.
One of my favorite approaches to living is to do so with mindfulness and appreciation for what is happening right now. I love to be outdoors and interacting with the more natural, less manufactured world. I love camping, but again don't get to do it very often. Usually my nature fix comes from a bike ride through the hills/mountains, taking care of plants in the yard or just watching all those wonderful critters out there doing their thing. I try to attend at least one meditation retreat each year and have a fairly steady home meditation practice going.
It's a bit hard to pin down exactly what I’m looking for, so I'll just throw some things out there for now. I'm looking to meet someone who really compliments my attitude well. A positive outlook on life is essential. I want to take care of a special woman and share my bountiful love, so I hope to meet someone that is happy to receive it and send some back my way. We don’t need to agree all the time, yet we should be able to hear and respect each other’s perspective. My ideal match would have good family ties. She would enjoy exercising, getting sweaty, and she would have a bit of competitive fire in her. She would be happy to lounge around the house in casuals or break the monotony with the occasional dressed-up night out.
I don't usually send or respond to winks. If you see or read anything you like here, please don't hesitate to send an email.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Looking for some midday fun in Tucson. Message for more info.
I am pretty open to your appearance but you must be at least 21 years old. Definitely seeking women.
I'm fairly new at this online meeting system, so any and all help would be appreciated...

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I grew up on the streets without gaining a formal education. What I lack there, I make up for in common sense. I am a thinker problem solver. I don't do very well at trivia or Jeopardy. I do however make good crucial decisions. Like for instance, my paying off all my property loans in general(When I came across the funds). I've seen others spend different inheritances settlements on everything, but what really matters in their lives. So what I lack from public school I make up in other ways(I have been told I am very smart) just not in a book sense.
Yes, I do read. Your full profiles that I send a wink. The reason I send winks; I seek a go getter, one who doesn't mind showing a man their Interest. It's an experience that I've had with some women. Which helps me break out from my shell. Which allows me to be more of myself when talking with you. It's a lot easier talking to someone who's shown interest than a person who awaits email after email. Never really knowing where I stand. I am a romantic. I love to do little things that keep our love for one another fresh.
Honesty; as you can tell I speak my mind. No holds barred. I am too honest for my own good, sometimes. I hope that my partner is very outspoken too.
Far as activities, I'm up for it all, whether I've done it or not. I'm game to try anything at least once, twice if once wasn't enough:-). I enjoy playing pool(have a bar size coin-op in my living room). I really like the ocean or water as a whole(Just got a boat, Yippee). Fishing, swimming or just hanging out tubbing down a river. I enjoy road trips, sight seeing historical areas or anything else we might enjoy looking at.
My sense of humor is a bit dry, though I can sometimes pull off some laughter by way of my personality. Doing stupid things which I can laugh at myself for doing. High stepping through a crosswalk or being somewhat comical at times verbally. I can make some people laugh. Including at myself. I try to find the good in all things..
I've been known to care too much at times. Helping others. Even if they're not willing to help themselves. I've been a pushover on occasion. I try to typically help those who are making an effort to help themselves. Rather than those who don't. If I seem to be critical at times towards those who can't seem to get it together. It's my experience that some are simply mooches of society.
I'm a bit of a Jack of all trades sort of fellow. I have installed A/C the past ten years. I'm currently doing a job at a local resort. Being I save my money when I do work. Giving me the opportunity to take mini vacations from the workplace. I work for a few years than take a couple off, repeated. It's nice being able to take breaks from working all of the time.
I seek an independent gal who may want to retire somewhat early. Or in stages. So that we may travel or otherwise enjoy time off from time to time. A person who'll take charge at times. A go getter! I do like cuddling up with my partner holding hands public displays of affection. I hope that she has a thing for the outdoors. I love peace and tranquility listening to nature and all it has to offer.
I do enjoy movies, hanging with friends or relatives. Biking, hiking, walks on the beach. Love sunsets sunrise's. Love working in my garden. I enjoy hanging out with all of my friends families children(as I'm a child at heart) The kids see it. I do very well with young ones. Though, I am serious when looked upon to be. I don't mind animals if you have them. I tend to stay away from them as often as I can as their dander causes my eye's some problems here there. Always washing my eye's out. My friends say I should get goggles. LoL.
I am my ladies man. I'm a one woman man. I believe we can keep it real whether behind closed doors or in public. It's the little things which matter most.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I love honesty and looking for the same. I am pretty laid back most of time. I am really open minded and non judgmental. I love all types of music and can carry a conversation about anything I can be serious when the occassion calls for such but love to go with the flow of things.

Date someone special from United States. I'm just a hard working man looking for that special woman to share my life with. I need someone that is true and loyal. Somebody that loves to relax at home but can still be spontaneous. I just want someone that I haven't found yet.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am recently single (several months now) and am looking to get back into the dating scene. I am told that I have a dry sense of humor, am rather easy-going and somewhat intelligent. I am looking for a trustworthy, funny, smart, affectionate and loving woman that wants to enjoy what life has to offer.

Date single man from United States. im a very funny outgoing guy. love my boys and im very involved in sports. I work for an apartment complex, im the maintenance supervisor. I also love to take trips like the beach.
im looking for the right person.

Meet a man from United States. Laughter is very important to me, I like to have fun. My family and friends are very important to me. I am highly motivated and like to stay busy. I would like to meet someone that I can have fun with, relax with and laugh with. It is important that my mate is social, outgoing and not afraid to meet new people and try new things. Honesty is important and the foundation for any relationship. The song "The cowboy in me" by Tim McGraw sums me up well.