Date men from United States / Arizona / Vail, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from Vail, United States. I am good looking, hispanic, funny and out going I like to do anything that involves getting up off your but. Not into the stay at home people. I am an A type personality. Wild fun and a little crazy. Hum

Meet single man from Vail, United States. I am an extremly faithful person that does not enjoy drama, Im looking for someone with similar characteristics. My friends would describe me as a person they can always count on. What makes me smile are the little things usually my kids how they sleep so peacefully without a care in the world. I am grateful for all the beutiful caring people in my life. I enjoy going out and partying, but i also enjoy chillin at home

Date a man from Vail, United States. A little about me: I grew up on the East Coast, but the best decision I ever made in my life was to move to Colorado in 2001. The Colorado lifestyle has been good to me, as I honestly feel like I have not aged a day since moving west! After 5 years in the Vail Valley, I decided to try something different and moved to Whitefish, Montana. After a fabulous three years there, I did feel a bit isolated from the rest of society, so I moved back to Colorado with a new appreciation for everything here. Since moving back in 2009, I have been busy remodeling my home, developing my current business idea, and working several jobs throughout the year to pay the bills and feed the soul. Life is definitely not all work and no play! I moved to Colorado for the active lifestyle, and love the change of seasons and the variety of activities that are possible. Fun stuff outside is always a priority! For fun at night, I play the drums in a local rock and roll band and I play Ice Hockey in the local men’s league. As busy as I am, I always make room in my life for those things that are important to me, including my two dogs and that special someone to share life with.
I am very passionate about life, and always open to new experiences outside my comfort zone. I have been known to be caring, compassionate, charming, responsible, fun-loving and relaxed. I am also driven, inspired, feel the need to make this world a better place and try to lead by example. I listen to a lot of NPR and Pandora, haven't had broadcast TV in over 5 years and have a thirst for new information. I possess high moral and ethical standards, not dictated from some “religion” but from my soul. Honesty and integrity are incredibly important to me, as they are the foundations of any trusting relationship. I hold myself and those around me to a high standard, as life is too short to deal with those who are dishonest or just idling through life and not contributing something positive to society. I am very social, yet am independent and happy to have time alone to pursue my varied interests.
A little about you: We all have thoughts on our “ideal” mate. However, I feel that the undeniable chemistry between two people is what matters the most at first. I am open to many different ideas and experiences that people can offer each other and wish to enjoy the company of someone that accentuates my life, and hope that I can do the same to hers. Shared interests are a good start, but openness to sharing new experiences together is much more important in the long run. I’d like to attract someone with similar characteristics as I have, someone who is comfortable in their own skin and where they are in life, who knows what they want, and maybe even a plan on how to get it! I'd love to enjoy their company without having to actually “do” anything, be able to be immersed in intelligent conversation and see where it goes. "Reality TV" fans and readers of US or People magazines need not apply!
I’ve included the Front Range in my search area because there are some fantastic people that live on the “other side of The Divide” that I wouldn’t normally have the chance to meet here in the mountains, and my new business will take me to Boulder and Denver on a fairly regular basis. I'd love to meet someone that loves to spend time in the mountains, and can show me a good time in the "city." The possibilities are endless when you are open to them!

Meet someone special from Vail, United States. Ive grown up in the mountains, also have lived in Florida for a few years. I love doing anything outdoors. I haven't done one of these sites before so just looking to get to know people. If you wanna talk just hit me up.