Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 48 year old

Date single man from Tucson, United States. I am an easy going and down to earth person. I am a communicative, smart, and funny and a former boy scout I like doing many activities and also just hanging out watching a movie or having friends over for wine and food. I'm seeking someone with similar character traits. Someone who makes me laugh, intelligent,
athletic but not obsessed, genuine and

Meet someone special from Tucson, United States. Me... I am a simple man who would love to find someone with good values and similar interests. I am grateful to be living in America and raised by some great parents who have passed on. I love to laugh at a good movie or just funny conversation.

Date a man from Tucson, United States. I take pleasure in working to stay fit, the outdoors and watching my kids have a good time. I try not to shy away from challenges whether they are related to household projects, expanding my professional repertoire or trying to be a better human being. I’m not always successful at any of these (I have to call in occasional help to �unbreak’ something, I’ll never be the CEO and I’m far from perfect), but I keep trying and like to think on the average I’m a little better everyday than I was the day before.
I enjoy simple pleasures. I don't have many hobbies, but like to work with wood, fix stuff (or at least not make it worse) and help other people with whatever they need (from fixing plumbing to helping carry furniture up the stairs). I like to laugh and look for a woman who can laugh as well. I'd like to think I have a good sense of humor, but my children (13 and 16) don't always think I'm as funny as I do.
Things I’d like to be better at: I’d like to be more patient. I can’t make myself dance. I can’t seem to get hands, hips and/or feet moving all at the same time to the same rhythm and IF that were to happen, that tempo would have nothing to do with the music. I’m dance phobic, but with the correct tutelage…. Who knows?
Some humor. I’ve managed to visit the ER 3 years running. For a damaged rotator cuff incurred from fracturing my shoulder while playing whiffle ball with my son’s baseball team… yes whiffle ball. I managed to shoot myself in the thumb with a brad nailer. Got Impetigo. I didn’t even know it existed. Of course the embolism was unavoidable. Despite all that I do have all of my factory original equipment, a dusting of grey hair (all earned) and laugh lines. That’s what I call those creases on my face. ;-)
If you are an intelligent woman who takes care of her body, enjoys a good laugh and wants a respectful man who will treat her well and who has all of his teeth and good hygiene, then drop me an email.

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I am pretty laid back most of the time. I love outdoor activities, especially anything that gets me away from town and out in nature. I didn't originally intend to stay in Tucson long but here I am 9 years later, decided I'm tired of being single.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I'm a passionate, artistentrepreneurcomputer geekengineer who figured out how to make a few bucks, while enjoying one adventure after another - all over the world.
I believe in "working smart - playing hard". So when it’s time to get away, you’ll only find me in the most exciting of places... From city-hopping through the French Riviera, to pulling all-nighters in IBIZA, or even a long weekend chilling out down in the keys, any time away from "the usual" is always worthwhile.
To me, the only time worth having is a good time and I will leave it at that.
I love to have a great time, socializing, meeting people old and new, my family, Art, design, quiet nights at home, movies, reading, internet, great food, marketing, music, listening to the ocean at night, watching the sun set and self improvement. I love life.
What turns me on are people whose hearts are deep and loving, and who dream big -- and will do anything to see their dreams come to life.
Too many people are jaded, unhappy or negative, but you aren't and neither am I.
I am passionate, athletic, respectful, kind, firmly supportive, truthful, flirtatious and like every man ...I want a woman who can keep me on my toes.
I am not interested in women who share George Costanza’s obsession of overly picky and shallow physical or behavioral traits when it comes to dating and I don’t want a self-absorbed typical Arizona woman who’s focused solely on herself — her friends, her job, her hobbies, her goals, etc.
I love women that love bringing out the "bad boy" side of a man... then again, what woman doesn't?
If you write me, please have something to say. Show me that you've read my profile. This is quality real estate here. I am an authentic man who has real and warm gifts to share with a passionate, ambitious beauty.
One thing that drives me absolutely crazy about meeting women on here is some want to "fall in love" SO badly, they really don’t care about the person - it’s more about "them falling in love".
I just want to find an attractive woman who’s cool, genuine and fun to be with. Where things go in 3 months or 3 years - I don’t know. Life can't be planned, it must unfold spontaneously, so BE OPEN.
If something grows deeper over time, I welcome that.
Don't be shy -- if you would like to meet, please feel free to write me and lets see if we "click"
Who knows? I might like you too. At the very least, maybe we can be friends.
There's a lot more to know and I would tell you more -- but it wouldn't allow me to leave you on the edge of your seat wondering just how awesome I am. lol :-)
Let's talk about it over a glass of wine and see where things take us. Life's short, why wait?
Just email me already. :-)

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am here expecting little and hoping for a lot more. I am a 3rd generation Tucsonan. I own a very unique business.. More than unique...It is really the only one I have ever seen... I enjoy starting things from scratch whether it is a business, a home project, or a cool science fair experiment with my kids.. The process of knowing nothing but finding your way to the successful conclusion is great fun!
I am positive and hard working. Lying is a waste of your time and mine. I don't lie even when it may make things a little less ugly.. I am rarely asked questions by friends or families that are difficult as they know I will not candy coat or lean towards them. The facts are the facts and the truth is the truth. I sleep well knowing I have been honest in my business and personal life.
My kids .. all kids are important to me. I enjoy knowing about their lives and participating in every facet from sports, homework, camp, plays, fairs, ballet etc.. Asking them about their days is a habit before they fall asleep every single night.. We learn a lot about each other doing this.
I would like to meet a fun, honest woman who is grounded in reality. We have fun in my house but we handle our business. I would hope she would run her life and family similarly.
One last thing: If you are a fan of the current president and his policies we won't get along. That said I also believe the first 4 years of Bush were good, the last 4 years very bad. The current president has made Bush's last term look unbelievably good. That is scary.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. This is the hard part, I’m going to write this myself and not recruit the staff at Match to do it for me so bear with me. I'm originally from NY State and now here in Tucson with some time in CA along the way. So when you read this add an east coast accent. Now about me, I prefer a smaller gathering to a huge party but I can have a good time almost anywhere I go as long as I'm with the right person or people. I know my way around the kitchen and enjoy cooking and trying new foods. To me, getting together with friends for a BBQ/dinner, add in good music, a few laughs and maybe a couple cold ones and you have a great way to spend a day, or night. I'm up for anything outdoors as long as it's warm (too many NY winters I guess) but I could be coaxed back into the snow by the right person. That's not to say I don't like indoor activities too. I like going to dinner or cooking at home, board games (I'm a wealth of useless knowledge), movies (at home or the theater), museums and even the symphony or going to a play now and then. I play a few instruments (have since the 4th grade) and I listen to all kinds of music. I'm very affectionate and attentive without being smothering. I like doing little things that let a person know I care or was thinking about them. I can also appreciate that everyone needs time to themselves without it hurting my feelings. I think I'm a well rounded person who has a lot to offer the right woman. I'm happy with who I am and proud of what I've accomplished so far. I don't have any children, but not because I don't like them. It just worked out that way, at least so far. I’ve been told by my friends (both men and women) that I’m the lowest maintenance person they know. I think that’s a good thing. I don’t have the time or patience for all the usual drama. I don't put a lot of emphasis on a persons age since it all depends on the individual. I also don't believe in putting on a front. If I build myself up to be someone I'm not, it's bound to come out eventually, so why bother? I would rather you get to know the real me from the beginning. Besides, it's easier for me to remember the truth than something I make up as I go along.
Are you still here? Now for what I'm looking for, I know you're out there, you're smart, funny, sexy (at least to me) know what you want, and you're willing to go for it. You'll be able to laugh with me and even at me sometimes (just no pointing), as well as at yourself. So, if I sound like someone you might like to know a little better drop me a line and say "Hello". What's the worst that could happen? We don't "click" but we might have a few laughs along the way. Hey, that was easier than I thought it was going to be. Good luck in your search.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Energetic and excited about life and future possibilities!Looking for Want to fall over backwards for a spirutually fit beautiful,healthy,loving girl.Who wants these dreams too?? LOVE SEVICE and SACRAFICE

Date single man from United States. I'm semi-retired, self-employed software engineer. I'm at a point in my life where I don't chase after anything anymore. I work whenever I feel like it and I go on hikes or just relax whenever I don't. I live on a ranch in a natural, desert surroundings.
I value and enjoy solitude, but i'd like to share my life with a woman with a similar mellow character (no dancing clubs, bars, parties, etc.). Any interest in science is a plus.

Meet someone special from United States. OK, Ladies, I'm trying this again. I found a beautiful woman online before, but she let her past affect our future. That being
said, My past has made me who I am today, but it stays in my past, so if you can't do the same, please move on. In others' words, I am a loving, caring, giving, gentle soul that is not afraid of committment, very affectionate, even in public.
I have came to a point in my life that I want someone to share my life with. Of course, I want to date and become great friends first, but when I find that one person, I will be all in, and I expect the same.
I am a faithful person, not just sexually, but spiritually, and mentally. If you are the one for me, I will foresake others for you. You will be treated right, you will be my world, you will have affection poured on you, and i want the same.
I am an intelligent intellectual who you can speak to, and I will understand what you are saying. I will look you in the eyes and listen to what you have to say, and comprehend. There will be no need to dumb your vocabulary down to me.
I consider myself just a regular guy. I have a beautiful home, I have an awesome career with a future, I'm not rich, but I don't miss meals either. I try and have fun in whatever I'm doing, whether its hopping on the Harley and heading out to the White Mountains, to Bisbee, or just for a nice dinner local. I hunt, I fish, I get outdoors as often as I can. I think I'm a pretty good catch. I may not be the fitness club God, but I've been told that I'm good looking. I'm still to the old addage that beauty from within reflects itself, but we have to be honest, there has to be a physical attraction. I am in pretty decent shape, and would like the same in my partner, friend, companion, lover. I cook, I dance, I will hold your hand, touch you and kiss you in public.
I want to be proud to walk with you in public, and want you to be proud to tell people that I'm your man.
Wow, I hope that's enough to spark your interest. If so, let me know. There's one woman out there that will be treated like a queen. If you want to be that woman, climb on. Let's go. Let's make everything right again.

Date a man from United States. People say I have a quick wit and that I know about a lot of subjects. I would say that I have done many different things from the mundane to the very interesting and exciting. I've had lots of "galfriends" who say I would make a great boyfriend or husband. However, I don't get the opportunity to meet many single women and I'm not comfortable with the bar scene and other conventional meeting places. I would say I'm shy at first and then as I get comfortable I "blossom" socially.
The ladies I would like to meet would be interested in different types of activities to share experiences old and new-- anywhere from a tandem skydive to just vegging out on the sofa watching a DVD. I like women who don't take life too seriously and can have fun in a relationship without all the drama and the games. Let feelings and a closeness guide us, a planned road map kills the adventure and the fun of it all. Intelligence, a sense of humor, the ability to share are other qualities I would consider essential.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Open minded and non judgemental. I know who I am and takes responsibility for my happiness. Friendly and personable...some say hilarious. A little quiet initially but I open up once I am comfortable. I prefer small groups to large crowds. I absolutely love my kids...though there getting to old to be kids now...being there dad has been my greatest honor in life. I absolutely love hanging out with and playing with children, in no small part because they are unpretentious and like to have fun.
I am looking for someone that is mindful about their faith, unpretentious, optimistic, likes to play and can have fun doing almost anything. Open and honest, and able to recognize and be comfortable with thier strengths and weaknesses as well as those of the one thier with.