Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 42 year old - page 6

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. any thing my me smile.I am grateful geting on line to do this. I am look for any one.I have a grat social life.any thing make me laugh. I am loking to have a relationship and to have sex with. my friends would describe grateful and happy and have fun

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. looking to find someone real and nice, dont have lots of time for games or really looking for anyone at clubs. Hope you like going out and having fun or staying in and watching a movie. Im nice,cool, and down to earth. But not a pushover or someone to walk over. I have a great job where I do what i love so keeps me real positive.
My family is awesome wish i could spend more time with them , and i have some great friends as well as still close to lots of childhood friends who are now all over the country( got to love fb).
Looking really for a good friend to hangout with and go from there, i do want to settle down so im not playing any games just trying to meet a nice woman and enjoy our time together.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm somebody who refuses to settle, who is focused and committed and loyal. I am a devoted parent of two sons who I share custody of. Although they fill a great part of my life, I know also know that I have the capacity and the desire to create time for a great partner. I would adore to romance somebody, to be romanced in return, sit under a blanket on a cold night, hike through the forest on a sunny day, and drive to the San Diego beaches on a long weekend. I'm in no hurry to rush feelings or try to make a fit where non exists, but rather would like to build on common likes and genuine moments. I love to give of myself but I love to receive as well, just as I believe everybody truly does. I want to have intelligent conversations about things that matter. I want to get beyond the superficiality of those first dates and talk about and experience things that are important. I'm committed to being completely honest -whether it be the photos on this site :) , my thoughts, or my intentions. I'd rather underplay myself and have you be pleasantly surprised than vice versa, and I hope for the same. I'm a patient man who is no longer given to many of the impulses of youth. I love a good adventure, and find that one of the best things of any day is when you can find things to laugh about. There are so many things in life to reach out for and explore, and I'm trying to take the time to achieve as many of those as possible.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. i'm a regular guy who likes to have fun whether it be what i like doing or if it's what she likes to do...normally i like a nice dinner and drinks and maybe even a movie. i'm NOT a "club" guy. i would much rather engage in pleasant conversation than shouting at one another in an over-populated club. however, i'm not totally against going every once in a while. i have a beautiful young son and he is the best son in the world, of course!! i'm looking for a nice woman with similar feelings about the club thing. but not a deal breaker.

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I'm an intellectual. A deep thinker. I've been accused of having a good scene of humor and a sarcastic sense of humor. I'm inclined to think that those with a sarcastic scene of humor are actually the ones who also think I have a good sense of humor. Follow ?
I can be cocky and arrogant but that's supposed to be perceived as "confidence", right ? I'm fiercely loyal to my family and friends. I believe that integrity is by far the most important quality in a person. I am pretty blunt and open about how I feel and what I believe in. I have my own moral compass and I try to follow it's direction provided doing so does not compromise my principles. I am open minded and always willing to hear things out before I make a decision.
Because of my work hours I am quite the night owl. I like to stay up late and sleep in til noon. Given the choice between a night on the town or a night at home relaxing, 9 times out of 10 I'll take a juicy steak off the grill and a good movie at home over running all over town. However, I do like to get out every once in a while.
I have 2 boys. One is 17 and lives with me and the other is 8 and lives with mom. Like any good parent, I believe the kids come first !
Ideally, I'd like someone who has a sarcastic scene of humor and can give it right back. Someone who also is an intellectual and can hold their own in a debate. A person who is liberal and her beliefs are felt from within rather than dictated to them by a holy book. A woman who has her own opinion even if it differs from mine. Strong willed but compassionate at the same time. They have to have a positive outlook on things generally to offset my skepticism.
I am not here to "complete you". I'm not your knight in shining armor. If your still looking for that fairy tale relationship, I wish you all the luck in the world. :-)

Meet single man from Tucson, United States. Just moved to Tucson, Im a native Californian which probably is pretty common but I just moved from Dallas TX where they look at you like youre an alien from outer space when you tell them where youre from. I have friends and family in Tucson so Im super stoked to be here! Looking to meet new people and have fun exploring my new home.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. I tend to be reserved or shy in some social situations, I have a lot of self-dicilpline and patience and motivation in things I do. I am drawn to girls who are different or eccentric. I am clean-cut most of the time, I usually don't even cuss. When I get angry I try to ignore it. I like simple things like watching movies or eating at a resturuant. I love to exercise, I run around 15-20 miles a week on a treadmill, I like hiking, I do Wing Chun, Judo, Taekwondo and I like weight training. I did have problems with Depression, anxiety, etc., but I am not affected anymore. I tend to be very loyal with my family and whomever I am dating. I like girls with short hair, who are pretty and tall. I like women who are intelligent, a little quiky, eccentric and or shy. I like girls who are pure of heart, honest, nice, considerate, clean-cut. I like "perky" girls.

Meet a man from Tucson, United States. Hello all you beautiful women out there! Here you have a 41 year old single daddy, I say "daddy" cuz that's what my 2 beautiful wonderful daughters call me. One is my heart, the other my soul, one is my sun, the other my moon, you get the picture. They are my absolute world. I love spending time with family and friends, would rather cook out than go out, would rather kick back with a glass of wine at home than be bumped and jostled at a club or bar, yeach. I love all sports, especially football, played and coached over 20 years. I'm also a GREAT cook! I love coffee and tea, my favorite thing is to pour myself a hot cup of joe and watch the sun come up. I love thunderstorms too, love to sit by the screen when a monsoon is raging. And after 41 years of watching Sonoran Desert sunsets, each new one is another disovery.
There's much more to me than what can be written here, this is just a glimpse. As for me physically, I'm 6'6, about 320 lbs, most of it muscle thanks to my football training days, short black hair, light brown eyes, got a couple tattoos, nothing outlandish. I work as a CNA with my ultimate goal of becoming a RN. I worked for the city for over 12 years but it was a dead end career and very unfulfilling, now i help people every day, make new friends every day, I love it. You literally can train an orangutang to do the job I did at the city.
Well I certainly hope to hear from some of you lovely ladies. If not, then I wish you success in your search. Oh, one last thing, very important, my heritge is Mexican-American, which makes me a Chicaahno, and I really love the chocolate drink Yoohoo. ; )

Date a soulmate from United States. LOOKNG for a real person not some fanciful made up character tha you want people to think you're like.I like intelligent convesation and real romance.Hopefully I'll find agirl to make my own and she wont be all damaged because of some A/H JERK from her past.If you feel you fit this bill then ,by all means keep looking.

Meet single man from United States. I am pretty easy going and like a wide variety of things. I consider myself to be very independant with a good sense of humor about life. I have been focused on my career for a number of years so I have been out of the "scene" for awhile. I have always had reservations about the online thing but at the behest of my family and friends I am giving it a try and apparently I am not getting any younger. I am looking for someone to laugh with and enjoy life with.

Date someone special from United States. I love story telling. I like finding the remarkable in the ordinary. I write, I read, I see plays, I travel, I enjoy restaurants, and would like to enjoy cooking. I'm an optimist. I would like a partner in crime.

Meet a man from United States. I'm a fun guy who is new to town and new to all of this. I'm looking for someone who loves life and who is real. I have 2 great kids who come 1st im my life and who i spend most of my time with. And i think thay are getting sick of me hanging aroud cuz thay are the ones making me do this. thanks for reading.