Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 65 year old

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I am a very outgoing guy with a great sense of humor and ability to laugh and smile at the world. I have been to most parts of the world and consider myself fairly well-rounded. I have a great appreciation of other cultures and how remarkably we are basically all the same. With that said, one could wonder why the world is in the sorry shape it is.
I like good friends and good food. I happen to be a fairly good cook and like to entertain friends at dinner parties or casual get togethers. I am a good listener and won't burden you with heavy baggage. I have a serious side, and as you can see from my pics, a silly side. I think of myself as well balanced
Politically speaking, I am center-left. Notice I did NOT use a capital "L". I served honorably in the Marine Corps and spent a year in Vietnam and sometimes involve myself in Veteran's groups.
Number one on my lists of "wants" in a woman is a sense of humor. We should compliment each other. I like a woman who is independent emotionally , as well as financially. She should be fluent in current events. Chemistry is also important. Don't we all desire a spark? I would love to find a kindred spirit/partner in crime.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Most people would say I am funny (often sarcastic) and smart . I think I am kind, friendly and compassionate, but also a realist who can express frustration with things. I have had a very successful career in reasonably high profile positions. My goal is to have new experiences and learn new things with someone with a fun personality who can help me relax and enjoy life more!

Date a man from Arizona, United States. My closest friends would describe me as unpredictably witty with a wry but caring sense of humor. i live for Christ and to witness for Him is my fervent desire. i love the White mountains in Az and hope to someday move up there. But for right now teaching Sunday school to 5th graders at Calvary Christian Fellowship will take up the next year( Oh how blessed am i?
i am seeking the one woman God is choosing for me. When i was a lad i thought i knew everything, actually not knowing anything... can anyone relate? i have learned that when we surrender our lives to Him, completely surrender, He rewards us here on earth. Then, when He comes again and we fall at his feet, we will be given our true reward. Eternal love, eternal life, and eternal worship of our loving God. The woman whom God chooses for me will join together with me, here on earth, united as one serving God forever and ever.
i believe He has given each of us spiritual gifts to use as He purposes. At times i have healed with touch, i have a gift of discernment, and of faith. Also along with these gifts we are given the spirit of singleness like the Apostle Paul, or the gift of marriage as with most people. Those of us who know we are NOT single minded are here on this and other sites to find a mate. In my case it will be a mate for the rest of our lives. No divorces unless, according to Scripture, there is a biblical reason to do so. So what i am saying, and i'm sure most of we in here would agree, we want to find our soul mate!!!
That is who i am and that is who i am looking for. All praise and glory to God for this and other sites like it.
PS i have photos pending and several changes under review. (waiting is difficult for many of us).

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Cats make me sneeze.
Close, but not quite 5' 9".
I am an eclectic man, searching for a diverse, kindhearted, compassionate woman with a sense of humor and the discretionary time to invest in building a relationship.
It would be nice to find someone who is spontaneous and adventurous, who enjoys road trips, and would like to see more of the U.S. I love to travel to the Northern States in the summer; I enjoy the trees, rivers, and the big lakes.
I love the warm water, beautiful beaches, and the lifestyle of the tropics. I like to swim, snorkel, and kayak, Hawaii is a favorite destination.

I believe that I am a thoughtful, kind man and I remember the important stuff. Believe that I get it... most of the time.
Enjoy conversation, and like to believe that I am a good listener. I am willing to do the work it takes to facilitate meaningful communication and problem solving.
Believe in public displays of affection. I like to hold hands.
I laugh at dumb jokes. Laugh at my own jokes.
Like horses, and I ride when possible.
I like motorcycles.
Like to be comfortable, wear jeans, or shorts and T- shirts most of the time. However, I clean up well if it is a special occasion.
Like photography (as you may have noticed), I am old school; however, I am trying to embrace the new camera technology, and just bought a digital camera that I am learning how to use... not nearly as satisfying as film.
MOVIES: A few of my favorite movies: "Blade Runner" ; "Away from Her"; "Smoke Signals"; "Harry and Tonto"; "Little Miss Sunshine"; and, I like documentaries such as "Encounters at the End of the World"; "Man on a Wire"; and "Public Speaking" (Fran Liebowitz).
TV: Watch the news and sports (I usually record the event and watch at a more convenient time). Prefer to watch movies at the theater, but enjoy an evening at home with a good video.
MUSIC: I like most music genres. Music is important to me, and I listen to a wide variety of rhythms, and styles. Last summer I discovered how much I enjoyed listening to American standards and sexy old torch songs; however, I still like rock n’ roll and that funky stuff.
PHOTOS: Many of the photos are recent... I try to arrange them chronologically from the present on back… some are reminiscent of a much earlier time. The landscapes are from Kauai, Oahu, Hawaii (the Big Island), and other destinations. The photo of the race car is from a long time ago; I put it in there because it was a fun time in my life.
I will not respond to individuals that do not post a photo.

Date single man from United States. Im a loving easy to get along with and very loyal person. I enjoy cooking especialy for my Woman. I like weekend and day trips. Dinning In and out. I can also be a home body. I can be a adventuror and spontaneous. Im dependable a one Woman's Man. Looking for a Woman that we can build a relationship and grow togather. And is fun loving, honest, loyal, dependable and wants a good MAN.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I’m looking for a woman who is stable, cute, fun and likes the outdoors. Someone bright, articulate, caring, sweet and emotionally ready to fall in love.
Grew up on the coast in Texas, lived there, AZ, or both since.I'm loyal, honest(to a fault sometimes), witty, intelligent, and take life a day at a time. I love travel(short,long,spontaneous), outdoors, music, art,conversation ,reading,quiet times,new experiences. Mexico has a special place in my heart-ranched there when I was a kid and I've spent a lot of time there since. Love the people and the culture. .One of my greatest joys is just to take off and explore some new areas. I'm pretty easygoing,laid back, flexible(I think) but I've heard stubborn. Work-wise I have been in Insurance, Real Estate Development, art galleries,ranching, feature film, and am a photographer. BBA/grad work in Psy/Fine art.
I miss the simple joys of everyday life shared with a special person. Meals,talking ,travel,activities, shopping(some). I enjoy going and doing-but also enjoy down time. In other words a normal home/family life. My dogs are Labs-Missy ,Bones, and Reggie. I guess my biggest hope is finding someone who is on the same page in life. I don't expect her to like just/all the things I like, in fact it's partly the diversity that I do like. You would want to experience new things and be challenged to expand and learn. I'm looking for the girl next door that grew up(mostly). Yes, she should have a certain physical appeal, hopefully slender ish?, and posses a mischievous grin. Hopefully romantic, caring and passionate, as well as funny-even a bit of smart ass occasionally. Saw a saying once, something like "choose a woman(mate) who calms your soul, not challenges you to a fight". Some wisdom there I think. I was raised,married, divorced a Catholic. Wasn't active for awhile but have been going to church regular for about 8 years and it continues to grow in importance in my life. PICS-fishing=sons Guatemala, porch=home,horses=Mx ranch, sons, group photos are guys I grew up -get together once or twice a year.
Would rather talk than type .

Date a man from United States. I retired early from executive positions and want the next phase of my life to be the best ever. I have worked in a few countries and have really enjoyed experiences in diverse cultures.
I am looking for an equal partner who enjoys some of the many things I like to do. Most importantly, she needs to be the one I feel most comfortable with as my best friend. Honestly, it would help if she was bright, athletic and attractive. Not looking for too much, am I!
Let me just get the age thing out of the way. I am 64 going on 55 and am looking for a woman in her 50s or so. I'm sure you've heard that before, but I will give you a money back guarantee! I have always dated a younger woman and it has worked just fine for both of us. You have nothing to lose and we have everything to gain! If you are looking for a beautiful, full head of hair, then you'd better keep looking. On the other hand, If what is below the scalp is more important to you than what is over the scalp - you are in the right place!
I am a born romantic and love snuggling and holding hands, among other things. I think that thoughtful and lively discussions are important to any relationship. I care very much about what you are thinking and feeling, and have become a pretty good listener. I think that differences make life interesting, as long as they are not in basic values and too substantial. Let's have dinner and see what we think about our compatibility and chemistry.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm a guy who is very active and feels and looks younger than my age. So, if you can broaden your outlook you will not be sorry that you met me.
I'm a romantic at heart and tear-up at those girl gets guy flicks like the Jane Austin novels. A great evening for me is cuddling on a sofa watching a DVD. I'll spoil her with frequent hugging and kissing. My soul-mate is gone and this dating thing is tough. I like women and feel another soul-mate is there for me. Someone sensitive and caring. Let's watch those gorgeous clouds casting shadows over the Catalina's, and row after row of layered clouds and the sunsets we get here.
Easy-going, laid-back, easy-to-get-along-with older guy who is very active and does not look or seem his age and hope to find the same. Seeking a woman of quality, non-controlling or judgmental, emotionally available, a touchy-feely hand-holder not embarrassed by public affection.
I believe that after a good first-date connection we need to spend frequent time together to really get to know each other and be thinking about a permanent partnership.
Me: Liberal arts college degree; retired M.D.; a transplanted New Yorker in Tucson.
I'm am a widower; I am considered good-looking or handsome in replies I've had. I am a good listener, a good conversationalist, emotionally stable with no emotional baggage and I'm financially secure and seek the same in a LTR partner - especially one who likes to TRAVEL.
I haven't been to Japan yet and a beach resort in Thailand is on my list.
I am basically a family man with 3 grown children; living now in a big empty house. My late wife and I greatest accomplishment in life is the self-motivation, independence and success of our 3 children. They live in the East.
I have unrealistic fantasies of an ideal match. Any attractive, intelligent woman 48-62 interests me - tall, at least 5' 7", pretty or very attractive, not overweight (maybe a few extra pounds), with a good figure; intelligent, well-educated woman who is looking for a love match. Eager to give and receive unconditional love and in touch with her own sexuality. She should be a social drinker only, a must non-smoker, and affectionate, non-confrontational, or controlling and a good conversationalist.
I like to read non-fiction and biography. I'm well-informed on current events; play tennis 3x/week, walk 2 1/2 miles 3x/wk; enjoy skiing; snorkeling, swimming.I'm movie nut, use Netflix; prefer PBS to the networks.
AZ Wildcat fan- men's BB and softball.

Date single man from Tucson, United States. i am at a place in my life where i need someone full time- no one please who is in doubt about their availability. They must be a believer and know the date of their salvation exactly. They must have an unusual sense of humor as do i( nothing in a negative sense).

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I think one of the necessities in any relationship is a great sense of humor. Of course that must complement honesty, loyalty, compassion, and empathy for others. I am a happy, confident, well adjusted man who balances his life with exercise and work. .
I am a spectator of many sports although that is difficult in Tucson so I resort to the TV!. I will show genuine interest in your work, hobbies, and any endeavors that are important to you. I have a positive, easy going, personality, and tend to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. My philosophy in life is not to sweat the small stuff and most of it IS small stuff.
My photos are recent(within the last 3 months) so you will not be surprised when we meet!! The same is appreciated in return.

Date a man from Tucson, United States. I am a psychotherapist in private practice. I enjoy my work and took my dog Max to the office every day until he passed on July 4th. It's sad to lose a good friend.
I see myself as a romantic and have no interest in just dating. I want a loving, available partner.
I adore my grandchildren, enjoy my Harley, and scuba dive whenever possible. I share a home with my cat, Apache.
I am spiritually based but don't follow any single religion. I enjoy the teachings of Adyashanti, Anthony deMello, Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz, Deepak Chopra, etc.
and trustworthy
I am looking for an independent thinker that sees real partnership as the highest form of relationship.
I want to build a relationship where we are free to be who we are but can be open to change in ourselves and each other.
If you are a grown-up, have your own thoughts and desires, but are open to change and new things....I might be your man.
Ideally, you enjoy motorcycles. If you don't have any experience with them...I would like it if you were open to trying...if not this is not a 'deal breaker'.
Please don't contact me if you:
Post old pictures as current, are lying about your age, or don't show a picture on your profile.

Meet someone special from Tucson, United States. Passionate, George Carlin's sense of humor ,Independent, fair-minded, easy going but firm, spiritual but rational, creative but precise, educated. In short: Mind, body and soul.
Seeking positive, cultured, intellectually curious, practical problem solver, independent professional woman is also a doer who could change light bulbs, when needed.
I am traveling away from home, with only an IPad, until September and will update my profile
at that time.