Date men from United States / Arizona / Avondale, 42 year old

Date a man from United States. Names Andrew, im easy going and fun to be around. Im looking for someone new and fun to be around. Always willing to try new things and go tk new places, I don't like a routine like lifestyle. Get to know me

Meet someone special from United States. I am 42 yrs old a little skinny but healthy. I was married for 10 yrs but have no children. I work and go to school full time so I don't have a lot of spare time but I have been getting lonely lately. I am looking for a nice easy going woman maybe even a little "hippyish" if that's a word LOL. I am not too hung up on looks but she must enjoy sex not that I want it all the time or anything just want to be happy. so If you like what I am saying contact me don't count someone out before you meet them you never know

Date a soulmate from United States. I grew up in Colorado and moved here are few years ago for work. In school, my primary means of meeting people outside of school was through Church. That has not worked for me here. I have never been one for the bar scene. I only head to a bar if I know friends are going to be there or there is a group performing I am interested in. When you meet me, I can be a bit introverted and shy. However, it just takes a little extra time (or maybe that special person) to get me to open up. Once I open up, you’ll see that I’m kind, understanding, and looking for what comes next in my life.
Growing up in Colorado helped in my developing a great love of the outdoors. During the summer, my family did plenty of camping and backpacking. I also was in Boy Scouts and my troop camped 11 months out of the year. I enjoy going hiking and camping during the summer and once winter comes I will head out to the mountains every chance I get to go cross-country skiing. While I am in the mountains, I also indulge in photography. My cubicle at work is covered with pictures I have taken. Getting away to Flagstaff and the mountains is what keeps me sane in the Valley of the Sun. I’d very much like to meet a match who shares my love of the outdoors and really likes to get out and explore the beauty of nature.
In my free time, in addition to heading for the mountains, I can be found at the gym/pool (my favorite workout is swimming), dancing Tango or Salsa, or attending a concert or dance performance. I generally listen to classical and jazz, but also listen to an eclectic mix of other genres.
What first attracts me to a woman is a great smile and natural beauty. I like women who are comfortable with themselves, not wearing a lot of makeup and wearing minimal or no jewelery, keeping things simple allowing their personality to shine. A woman who is confident, smart, caring and possesses a strong faith would be my ideal match. She will have her life in order and will like to be challenged and challenge me to try new things and become better. She will live a healthy lifestyle. I’m family-oriented and hope that my match will share this trait as well.
If you think we may hit it off I’d love to hear from you, send me an email and maybe we can get to know each other better!
PS. The more you say in your profile about yourself, the easier it is to come up with something to say to you beyond sending a wink!

Meet single man from United States. Hi! I'm a fun-loving, caring, straight-forward man with a great life, but wants someone to share it with. I'm intelligent and witty, and I love women who are as well. I'm spontaneous, and I'm looking for a girl who can be too. A girl who can live in the moment and who has passion for life.
I'm very affectionate, and I need a girl who hugs, gives kisses, holds hands, and isn't afraid to that in line at a Costco. I want to find someone who will watch Michigan State or Lions games with me, even if they're not her teams. And she will understand my tears of joy or pain...more pain with Michigan teams.
I am serious about my career, and I want a girl who is too. But she must know how to put her smart phone on ice during dinner.
I take very good care of myself, and I'm not looking for Ms.Victoria Secret, but a girl who takes overall pride in her appearance. values family very much. My Mom and Dad are so important in my life. I'd like a girl who values family the way I do.
Thanks for stopping by! I'm not a fan of the wink, but welcome an email.

Date a man from Avondale, United States. I just started on here so I'm not real sure what to say. Who likes talking about themselves? I do know that I just want to be happy..that's what it is all about. I'm an easy going guy, I don't take to much real serious unless I have to. Oh, I will get a pic up as soon as I can.

Meet someone special from Avondale, United States. A little shy at first but when you get to know me it is a promise that you will laugh a lot. I have a quick whit and am never ashamed to use it (sometimes I should be). I started teaching and coaching full time eight years ago after working in radio and television for 12 years. Now that my professional life is where I want it I figured it was time to get the social life where I want it. I am looking for someone to hang out with and see what happens.

Date a soulmate from Avondale, United States. I'm looking for someone who wants to spend time and talk. Someone to have a great time with and enjoy each others company. I want someone I can laugh with and joke with about anything. We can't take things personal and read into things but talk and discuss anything. She needs be easy going and want to do whatever comes to mind. Anything from watching movies to going hiking in prescott or flagstaff. I want someone who will just sit on the couch and watch a movie or movies in PJ's and only get up to eat something. I think family is very important and should be a major factor in life. I'm a hard working person and I like building things around the house or making improvements. I like a clean house and enjoying it even more. I want someone who likes to do things from just going to the Wal-mart and taking a road trip to anywhere time allows. LIfe is too short and worrying about what other people think about you is a waste of time. I like working out but being lazy rocks. I like a girl who can enjoy wine and a bottle of beer without thinking about it, just choose. I'm pretty easying going I don't ask for much just what your willing to give. I give more than I receive and thats cool. I believe in Karma.

Meet single man from Avondale, United States. Someone whom wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her. Love follows...
I am ready for a stable relationship and a good fun entertaining scenario that grows into a positive caring daily event with lots of fun!
Not sure how Matching works but I'm willing to give it a shot. It sounds like fun without having to explain yourself all over when you meet someone new, but it takes away from the conversation.
I like to talk and enjoy the moment of where ever I am. I think I pay pretty good attention to when someone else is speaking. If anything finding out other things about a person is cool. I like to relax and do whatever comes to mind. Whether its going out to eat to cooking out, dancing or watching people dance to sitting around all day in PJ's eating cereral for Dinner its about the company I'm with that makes the difference.
I work alot so at times having free time is limited. I try to eat healty cause I'm getting older Blah, but its cool and working out has gone from everyday to twice or three times a week again blah because I like to exercise.
I like to try new things and keep things real, I'm respectful but can speak my mind. I can't stand lazy and ignorance, just man up to what you are and owne it.
I teach my girls not to make the right decisions but to make good ones and everything else will work out. At some point in time we all have to deal with issues its how we react to them that makes us.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. i am a very caring and outgoing person, i am very easy going. and like to make others happy as often and as simple as i can. what makes me smile everytime and never fails is sports: my favorites being football and fishing, and my favorite team is the patriots. I am grateful for my 2 beautiful daughters stephanie and jocelyne. i am a single parent. i am a very sociable person, i like to go out to the bar and have a drink every so often. spending time with my family is also very important and try to attend every family event possible. what makes me laugh is jokes and someone that has a good laidback personality and doesnt take things to personal. in a relationship the most important factors are: trust, honesty, and good comunication

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Ideally I am looking for someone who would like to get together for drinks/dinner. I am not currently looking to become serious with someone at this time, and I am fine with taking things slow. I would like to meet a woman who is fun and can hold a conversation.
What's my perfect match? I'm looking for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, especially because I do not take myself too seriously! Someone who enjoys sports would probably be a plus since I enjoy sports.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hello. So I am not a member of match yet, still deciding so a wink instead of an email may convince me. I am here on this site to meet that person who I can share new adventures, so if you are not active and spend a lot of time on the couch then we are not likely going to have a connection. Also, I am not here to hook up or play games, I just thought I would give online dating one more chance. What am I looking for? . I am looking for someone who is confident and strong, true and honest. If you are the girl who can get dirty in the day and then get dressed up for a night out, lets meet.
I have an adventurous soul and definitely enjoy life. I love the outdoors and would rather exercise outside than go to the gym. I like to hike, backpack, rock climb, scuba dive, and travel. I hope to do a lot more traveling outside the United States, I made a solo trip to the country of Belize, what a fantastic feeling to be completely out of my element, uncomfortable and with wide eyes.
I think children are great but do not have any of my own but I am a Big Brother in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. I am matched with a awesome kid. He allows ME to be a kid again. Above all, I believe I will make a difference in his life and know that our friendship will last a lifetime.
Being originally from Pennsylvania, I am a Philadelphia Eagles fan and during the football season love to spend my Sunday watching the games and BBQ with friends and neighbors. I will not lower myself to go out with a Dallas Cowboys fan, I have standards!
Music, I love music. Live performances (and music festivals) is something I really enjoy. I have diverse taste in music and it can change depending on whether I am cooking Italian, playing bocce ball in the backyard or woking on the bike in the garage. Currently my music tastes consist of music you might hear on "the Coffee House", bands like Amos Lee, Bob Schneider, Band of Horses, Ray LaMontagne, Carbon Leaf, Mumford and Sons, Pete Yorn, Abigail Washburn, and The Decemberists.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I am a kool person trying to find a kool person.I think they should b honist with me and not play games life t short. maybe we can b friends or maybe more but got to c what happens.I like kicking back with friend and family doind things with my kids and if she has kids the same