Date men from United States / Arizona / Show Low, 42 year old

Date someone special from Show Low, United States. I would like to find my soulmate someone who is down to earth and easy going and leads a clean lifestyle. Someone who is open minded to new things and likes to explore.
I am a christian first and foremost and I look for the same in a mate. Be slow to speak and quick to hear kind of girl.-)

Meet a soulmate from Show Low, United States. I am a single father of 2 great kids.We love to bike ride walk and just about anything outside. We also watch crazy movies come winter time.when we are trying to stay warm. Hitting the trails is always fun. I get every other weekend with out kids so I am not always a full time dad.
Right now I am more into being friends then anything else. If something more happens great :-).

Date single man from Show Low, United States. First and foremost I really have a desire to live my life as a "Peaceful Warrior" would. I spend most of my energy towards making myself a better person. I'm a singer and dancer now and soon will have a few more instruments. Surfing really soon!!! I also want to try the Iron Cross on Rings like those Olympians.
So I really enjoy being outdoors. Mountain Biking is my favorite followed by hunting, 4-Wheeling, camping, hiking and wildlife observing.
I spend alot of time going throughout the American Southwest checking out Native Architecture and the way we used to live in agreement with Mother Earth. Betatakin in Northern Az is the best example of living within our means.
So I hope that I have said something to spark your interest by now. I really do have alot to offer that special someone in my life. I'm a loving, caring, sensitive guy who is just trying to find a compatable life partner.

Meet a man from Show Low, United States. I am an outdoors loving man. I hunt, fish, camp, hike and cut wood. That's mostly why I live up here. Besides a warm fire is quite romantic. yes? well contact me if you would like to know more about me.