Date women from United States / Arizona / Sierra Vista, 33 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I would describe myself as someone who knows what I like and what I want but I am also open to new experiences and other viewpoints (my sister says that in reality I am willing to listen to others and then debate the issue until they give in....she was smiling when she said it so, maybe that's an attractive quality?).
There are certain things that are deal breakers for me and other things that I am flexible on. I am not flexible about smoking, cheating (when in a committed relationship), being disrespectful, and having or raising children. I don't mind dating someone who has older children (around 13 and up) and I think I would make a good big sister type but I'm not looking to mother anyone. I like children but I have realized I'm not really cut out for having or raising them.
I think it is very important for a person to take care of their appearance. I believe health and fitness needs to be a lifelong habit like brushing your teeth.
I don't believe that my match has to share the same interests as me, although having a few similar interests would be ideal.
I enjoy fitness and hiking and I run because it is good for me not because I love it and I NEED music when I run! I love to read, listen to music and watch movies. I have a wide variety of interests, including performing arts and travel, especially around Arizona and nearby states. This really is a beautiful state and the area has a lot to offer if you know where to look and aren't expecting big city type of entertainment.
I have a cat names Cassius and a 5 month old peki-weenie named Daisy Mae. They are both pound pets. I have made a commitment to my pets and consider my home their "forever home."
I would like to be with someone who considers me their equal. I am not someone who always has to have her way. I understand the art of compromise and the fact that in a relationship, every once in a while, sacrifice is necessary. I believe that what goes around comes around, good and bad. I want to be with someone who enjoys sharing their life with me but has interests other than me as well.
Additionally: I have tried dating outside of Sierra Vista and it ends up being too difficult on me and planning a date ends up being a major production. I don't want to plan every date around schedules and a long drive. I want to be able to be spontaneous if something interesting comes up. I am not willing to date outside of the Sierra Vista area; basically anyone past the Palominas or Whetstone area.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. What draws people towards dating websites? I don't know why but for now it seems that this is a good way for me meet a man who can become a close friend and start a relationship with. In my opinion, you need to try and be friends before you decide to take it to the next level.
I'm funny and silly but an honest person who will tell the truth and also a great cook! I learned from my dad and my grandmothers.
I like sports, I like watching sports and playing sports. I can't play all of my favorite sports, football in particular, but I do play soccer, my most favorite sport, and softball. I'm not very good at softball and I'm not the greatest in soccer but I do have fun playing both.
I love coffee and wine but too much of a good thing is never good!
Like I said, I'm not looking for perfection I'm just looking for a good guy.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. What Iam greatful for is my children. Things that make me smile are thoughtful words and a kind heart. The type of person I hope to meet is a strong man with a kind heart who loves kids and would love to be a family.

Meet a soulmate from Sierra Vista, United States. I am a female Veteran and mother of a 3 year old son.
I enjoy cooking, going out to eat, hiking, horseback riding, helping veterans, and working with my Service Dog.
Going out to watch a movie or me cooking and cuddling up on the couch while we eat makes me happy too.
I'm looking for someone who still believes in respect and romance. Someone who will sit and talk with me and enjoy going out and doing things together.

Date someone special from Sierra Vista, United States. I'm not sure what to put down here. I am "new" to the scene. I am looking to get to know someone, have some coffee (iced green tea for me ;) and see where it goes from there. My greatest accomplishment is my kids.