Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 46 year old

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. I am a laid back guy who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I own my own business and love to travel alot to hawaii and california. I currently reside in Scottsdale where I own my home and have several business's. I am into all outdoor activities and love competition and alot of sports. I am an avid semi-pro poker player and frequent casino arizona all the time (it's right by my house). I would say I am a very low key guy who likes to keep things simple and make everyday a sunday. I did graduate college ( USC ) barely LOL but have a strong grasp of marketing and advertising. I do have a large family who I am very close too, including several sibliings. I am hoping to find a nice - traditional valued woman who want's to have fun and go explore the south pacific...

Meet someone special from Scottsdale, United States. Hi. Thanks for reading my bio.
I suppose I should address why I’m here. (Thanks to for the wonderful service.) As you may have gathered from my profile, I’m separated from my soon-to-be ex-wife, and I have an 8 year old son part time. My son is the most important person in my life, as you might imagine. He’s my little man.
Lately, my friends and family have been urging me to “Get out there. It’s time. Meet a nice woman for coffee.” I agree in large part. Only I chose not to date until the divorce is finalized in a few weeks. I am however, comfortable finding and emailing back and forth with someone special until the moral "all clear" is sounded. At which time, yes, I'll be anxious to meet that special someone for coffee. So, that’s what brings me here. I'm glad to be here.
O.K. My profile picture is 6-7 years old. Forgive me. I’ll ask my sister to take some pics of me soon. I know my pic is black and white and staged and cheesy all that, but hey, I needed a pic like that at the time. I was showing in art exhibits. Oil painting part time. I needed an “artsy” self pic. Honestly, my appearance hasn’t changed that much. Though I have trimmed down some to a healthier weight. Most people today would say I look 40ish. (My mom’s genes. Thanks mom.) But, I’m thinking about losing the glasses.
Here’s the next big biography hurdle...job and income. My job today is job hunting. I’m out of work. If that’s a deal breaker for you right now, I understand. Check back in a couple months.
My friends and family would probably describe me as sincere, thoughtful, honest, compassionate, funny, creative and a good father. I can be shy in new situations, but then really open up. I’m curious by nature. Consequently, I have a lot of interests. I enjoy cooking for others, but not so much for myself. The kitchen is my kingdom (though I’m happy to share it). I enjoy travel, but getting through airport parking, check-in, metal detectors, etc. can be both adventurous and unnerving. I’d rather play sports than watch sports. I love the outdoors, but I’m also perfectly comfortable reading the latest economic news and following the markets online at my desk. I love reading fiction and U.S. history, but it’s hard to make the time. I do a lot of writing. I like writing.
I’m a big coffee drinker. I don’t drink or drug anymore—that was a long time ago.
The most important thing in my life is my relationship with God. I am a member of the Lutheran faith, but feel a closeness to Catholicism. I’m hoping that is true in your life. As for my faith, I am not evangelical. I’m a live-and-let-live kind of guy. It would make me terribly uncomfortable trying to push my religion on friends and neighbors.
And I’m conservative. Ironically, I was a liberal most my life. But today, I am very conservative—individual liberties, personal responsibility, limited govt, low taxes, free enterprise, work ethic, living within one’s means, giving to charity, etc. I am deeply patriotic.
Who I’m looking for. Trust and honesty are a must have. Loyalty. Family is very important to me also. I don’t have hang-ups about body type. If you are slender and your slenderness is in all the right places, or if you are curvy and your curves are in all the right places, wonderful, you have my full attention. Chemistry is a funny thing. Your eyes and smile will tell me much of what I need to know. The rest you can tell me.
I'm looking for Ms. Right, NOT Ms. Right-Now.
If I can’t make YOU smile or laugh, it’s a deal breaker.
What I am not. I’m not a 46 year old man who has spent the last 20 years having found his profession or calling. At least not yet. I do have goals and dreams to be sure, and I work hard to realize them. I'm just trying to alone like everyone else. The next chapter of my life is a blank page. I'm optimistic what God has in mind for my life. I feel like a box of chocolates.

Date single man from Scottsdale, United States. **I will be on vacation and away from a computer for 9 glorious days! Will be back in Scottsdale August 5th**
I am a fun guy with a serious professional side. What does that mean? It means I like to have fun, enjoy life, laugh and make others laugh, but I take success very seriously and work hard to accomplish that.
I am tall, fit, healthy and spontaneous. I love to get away for quick trips. I like everything from camping in the mountains or the beach in Mexico to high end resorts anywhere in the world. I am an experienced traveler but still have many places I want to see and things I want to do. I hope to meet someone who shares my sense of adventure, who can enjoy both simple and pampered trips and understands sometimes you have to make lemonade out of lemons.
I am resourceful and intellegent with a ton of common sense. It drives me crazy when someone can tell you the molecular makeup of a substance but can not figure out how to assenble a bicycle at Christmas. I guess that"s why they have me as a friend.
I enjoy food of all kinds. Kind of like my travels, I can drink beer and eat wings but I also appreciate fine dining and wine. I enjoy cooking and creating in the kitchen. My home is designed for entertaining and I enjoy having friends over for the big game, or a fancy dinner with all the flair.
I am hoping to find a woman who gets me. Who understands what drives and motivates me. A woman who is an individual and successful in her own accomplishments. A woman who is fit, healthy and happy. A great attitude toward life and the energy to explore it.

Meet a man from Scottsdale, United States. Do I reallymhavemto figure this out right now. I just wanted to checkmoutmhismdite, it assets seems like there a. Million oeipellm that just keep dating and datijgm. Hiemdoesmthe stir work. I really just eajsjndynm. Udjns nududjunmn djdjjm,

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a very driven person with great sense of humor, I have a passion for success.I work a lot and it somewhat defines me but when you love what you do is it work or play?? I am a hands on person in work and life, like watching a baseball game but would rather be playing a softball game, like watching my son practice motocross at the track but rather be chasing him around on my bike, like watching my daughter compete with her horse but rather ride with her.
You won't catch me on the couch watching football or some other sport all weekend although I do enjoy a game at a sports bar with friends...mainly the friendship and beer!!
I am self sufficent, don't need a handyman, sprinkler man, mechanic most times.
I can clean house but rather pay to have it done, I like to cook and can even do dishes!!
I wish this site had another catigory than the 3 for body type because I am way more fit than the average 46 or 36 year old but athletic and toned to me means I would need to eat more celery and hang out with the gerbils and there prepetual motion machines at the gym more!
My Match:
Would be able to put up with the above at a minimum, be sexy smart beautiful,honest with me and themselves and not in need of a mental, physical or financial savior, and preferably someone who doesn't need medication to get through the day...I'd settle though if you just remember to take them though!! My match would need to be patient I am not interested in instant marriage or co habitation, I need to know your bad side too, and you mine! I like spontaneity but if you can't tell the difference between that and being irresponsable we might clash a bit! Oh did I mention beautiful, I have a lot to offer you should too.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am originally from Iowa. I would like to think that I have solid midwestern values.I basically am old fashioned. I like to listen to ABBA. I like going to Las Vegas not so much to gamble, but to walk around and look and meet diffferent people.
I do not drive a pickup truck. I do not hunt or fish. One of my favorite dates was walking along the beach in Coronado.It was sunset The girl was wearing a beutiful sari dress. There was a light breeze blowing in our hair.. It was quite nice.
What I would like to find. Love a witty lady with an edge! . A strong woman who knows what she wants and is confident in that. Now this is important.
Keep it simple on the first or glass of wine. I like the cookies at Paradise Valley Bakery.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I've been told I'm a bit of a nerd. I prefer reading over watching television, a small group of friends over a party, a meaningful conversation over a club, love over lust. I'm pretty observant so I notice the little things in the world around me. I find joy in the simple things in life; the beauty of a wildflower, the sound of birds in the morning, the feel of the sand and the sound of the waves at the ocean to name a few. I'm proud of the person I am and if it makes me a bit of an oval peg in a round holed world, so be it.
I've been told that I'm too nice. When I responded to a friend that I was afraid of becoming an a-hole if I changed, she told be that I should try to be one, because where I'm starting from I never could be and I'd probably end up in about the right spot if I did try. I have my moments where I try to bring out my inner a-hole, but it is uncomfortable so I save them for those occasions when it is really deserved.
That said, I realize I'm sarcastic and enjoy the absurdities offered up by life. I love to laugh at the craziness that goes on around me, and living in Scottsdale there is plenty of craziness around. But I'm not a one-trick pony, along with laughing at the absurdities, I love to learn and am somewhat a walking Google of both useful and useless information. Ignorance is not bliss in my opinion, especially when I have my iPhone with Google to look that up on.
I'm not looking for the perfect person, nor the perfect person for me. I want to find my complement, somebody that challenges me, that nurtures me, that shows me new things, shares life with me as I do with them. I think that somebody will think a lot, read a lot (good material, and is, above all, sensible. I love to be surprised in being wrong. Will we like the same things all the time? I doubt it, but that is part of the joy of it all. I want to find someone who is honest, who loves me for me.
I care about my fellow man so I'm not on board with the tea party.I enjoy learning and must admit to being a news junkie. I love dogs and cats, well, love them in the way a person should, not like some do in Mesa (see Mesa Fire Marshall story at AZCentral. "You caught me, I was trying to blank your sheep").
I'd like to meet somebody that is comfortable being herself, and is open and honest about who she is. I want to know you, not who you think I want to know. I will do the same. If we are a good match, then it will work. We are all interesting in our differences, so unless somebody is out to hurt others, I find them interesting and enjoy sharing my time and self with them.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. My friends and family describe me as a person who is outgoing, fun to be around, great sense of humor, caring, thoughtful, patient, a good listener, intelligent, trustworthy, rock-solid integrity, and supportive of friends and family. I have a very optimistic nature. I enjoy life to the fullest and I'm a very healthy person. I love outdoor activities like running, hiking, bicycling, and swimming. I also love snow skiing, but I haven't been in a number of years. I enjoy ATV-ing and snowmobiling. I also enjoy watching football, baseball, and basketball. Even though I enjoy outdoor activites, I also like to spend time watching a good movie (at home or in the theater, especially older movies), going to concerts, or just relaxing at home. I'm a pretty good cook, but would enjoy learning some new recipes with a lovely lady. I am looking for a woman who is intelligent, funny, confident, a good conversationalist, kind-hearted, super affectionate, cuddly, and enjoys cooking and eating healthy food (juicing a plus). I am searching for a lady who would like to courted by a gentleman. If you are tired of games, so am I. I'm looking for someone real and genuine who is ready to move forward. I am originally from Michigan (old-fashioned, Midwestern values), but have lived in Arizona for over 34 years, so I'm almost a native. I enjoy children, and love family gatherings around the holidays. Family is very important to me. Email me and let's see what develops.

Date a soulmate from United States. About Me
Ok, I might not be Superman. :) but...
With me, wit and compassion go hand-in-hand. I believe in opening doors and helping strangers with their airplane luggage. And I've built a successful career assisting people through adversity. But yes, I'll still make fun of the Panda Express slogan (Chinese for Yummy?? Really?). Quick sense of humor aside, I remain sensitive to those around me. I'll fly to visit family in Pittsburgh. And if you need a hand moving, I'm your guy. I've been told I have a gentle strength and I'm serious about working out and eating healthy. While I love the finer things; a contemporary suit and a sushi meal. I'm still game for ice cream cones dripping on my blue jeans. It's all about balance. Jackson Pollock fascinates me, and I spend Monday evenings learning French, but I'll still covertly check the football score on my phone. Anything to broaden my horizons, whether it's exploring my great-grandmother's birthplace in Switzerland, or hiking the Arizona wilds. I embrace change; it's crucial to lifelong happiness, but laughter is my constant. And I'm passionate about those moments when the world falls away and all that's left is someone you love. When it comes to relationships, I bring fun, stability, and a desire to explore the world and become better people together. I'm looking for someone who excites me, and whose hand I'll be holding when I'm 90 years old.
About You
You're game for an adventure, whether it's indoor skydiving, or a trip to the baseball stadium. And you care about your health and appearance; you would never miss a yoga or pilates class and you'll enjoy dressing up for a night on the town. You're perpetually curious about other cultures, and eager to travel. That said, there's nothing like staying close to home; you've built a wonderful relationship with your family. When a friend is sick, you'll make soup; you'll make my favorite meal out of the blue. When we're out to dinner, you'll have a smile for everyone, from the waiter to the taxi driver. I'll record The Shawshank Redemption so we can watch it together, and you'll pick me up the new Radiohead CD, just because. Maybe you read the newspaper, or catch every new documentary, but you're passionate about a great many things. You thrive in a good conversation. And when you're engaged in a debate, it's less about winning, and more about understanding the minds of those around you. At the end of the day, you'll challenge me for a rousing game of pool, or hop on a rollercoaster. You believe a strong relationship is built on honesty, attraction, and laughter. Together, we'll bring out the best in each other.

Meet someone special from United States. They're making me read books and all I want to do is look at the pictures and eat the covers.
The action begins in February 44 BC. Julius Caesar has just reentered Rome in triumph after a victory in Spain over the sons of his old enemy, Pompey the Great. A spontaneous celebration has interrupted and been broken up by Flavius and Marullus, two political enemies of Caesar. It soon becomes apparent from their words that powerful and secret forces are working against Caesar.
Caesar appears, attended by a train of friends and supporters, and is warned by a soothsayer to "beware the ides of March," but he ignores the warning and leaves for the games and races marking the celebration of the feast of Lupercal.
After Caesar's departure, only two men remain behind — Marcus Brutus, a close personal friend of Caesar, and Cassius, a long time political foe of Caesar's. Both men are of aristocratic origin and see the end of their ancient privilege in Caesar's political reforms and conquests. Envious of Caesar's power and prestige, Cassius cleverly probes to discover where Brutus' deepest sympathies lie. As a man of highest personal integrity, Brutus opposes Caesar on principle, despite his friendship with him. Cassius cautiously inquires about Brutus' feelings if a conspiracy were to unseat Caesar; he finds Brutus not altogether against the notion; that is, Brutus shares "some aim" with Cassius but does not wish "to be any further moved." The two men part, promising to meet again for further discussions.
In the next scene, it is revealed that the conspiracy Cassius spoke of in veiled terms is already a reality. He has gathered together a group of disgruntled and discredited aristocrats who are only too willing to assassinate Caesar. Partly to gain the support of the respectable element of Roman society, Cassius persuades Brutus to head the conspiracy, and Brutus agrees to do so. Shortly afterward, plans are made at a secret meeting in Brutus' orchard. The date is set: It will be on the day known as the ides of March, the fifteenth day of the month. Caesar is to be murdered in the Senate chambers by the concealed daggers and swords of the assembled conspirators.

Date single man from United States. I am athletic and probably still a kid at heart. I like all aspects of life from the quiet dinners at home to the parties with friends. I want my partner to be my best friend and the first person i talk to every day and the last one I talk to at night!

Meet a man from United States. I have a combination of personalities...Love to be adventurous, fun, social, host, but also love my down time for quiet and laid back relaxation. Love to have deep and passionate discussions, especially those that reveal who God is. And have a Chevy Chase humor--which unfortunately not all get :)