Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 38 year old

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I would be described as a fun, good natured person. I enjoy making people laugh. I'm grateful for my amazing friends and family. I'm looking for someone to enjoy my time with. I enjoy going out to dinner, movies. My favorite sport is hockey, but football is a close second. I like yoga and rollerblading. I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. I view myself as a very stable and reliable person. I have been working with the same company for 13 years.

Meet single man from Scottsdale, United States. Aaaaah...talking about myself....I hate this part. Well...I was born and raised in southern Louisiana and moved to Arizona shortly after Hurricane Katrina. I'm trying this out as a dating supplement, so we will see how it goes. I am a funny ambitious man who is seeking the same in a woman. My perfect match would need to have a great sense of humor or appreciate one, because laughing is a Huge part of keeping my sanity.
I'm the kind of guy who can get dressed for a really nice event or lay around in pj's watching a movie. I'm not afraid to take chances and I have a good bit of spontaneity in me so I'd like to find someone with a little bit of that in them as well. I'm not here to play games, be a boy toy, or a 3-night stand (yes I said 3…I’m kind of like lays potato chips haha). Jokes aside, I’m genuinely looking for that special person to commit myself to 100%.
I'm a very confident and driven person and I would love to meet someone who is strong-minded and understanding that will appreciate me for me. I'm looking for someone with the same self-confidence that is easy going, goal and family oriented, honest, educated in life, health conscious, and who knows how to have a good time. I'm hoping to find someone who can be my best friend and have the relationship grow from there.
I would also like to say that I have a pretty good understanding of woman and the roller coasters that your emotions can sometimes take you on, as I was raised by women. So trust me…I know hormones at times can be one hell of a chemical. I have no problem being a listener when you need a set of ears, playing Dr Phil when you need advice, or being your strong warm protective body when you need a hug or shoulder to cry on. (Awwwww....He's so sweet!)
Aaaand I forgot to mention that I can cook....WELL. Just need someone to do those pesky dishes. Haha

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. Concert pianist, Rhodes scholar, Decorated war hero; I am none of these and never will be, though I did win the school story telling contest in the 6th grade, which was a very big deal back then.
So apart from those revealing items, some other tidbits to describe me would include; that I’m exuberant and passionate. I love to laugh and to make others do so, too. I’m an incurable optimist, always finding the best in every situation. I’m honest to a fault, outgoing and affectionate. While I’m not a “club guy” at all, I can move fairly well for a white boy and enjoy cutting a rug every now and then. I always try to keep an open mind to new ideas and to look for ways to learn and broaden my horizons.
I traded an iron-pumping/cross-fit regiment a couple of years ago to practice yoga, which I’ve found to be the perfect balm for both body and soul. It’s helped me to put into proper perspective the many trivialities that used to distract me from fully enjoying my life, and I'm not going to lie, the added flexibility comes in super handy for limbo competitions and/or party tricks.
But my quest for physical and emotional well-being takes me far beyond the yoga mat. The mountains are my playground — I hike Camelback two to three times a week (though far less in the summer) and ski whenever I can. And whether it’s cooking at home or dining out, food is also a cornerstone of my life-enjoyment project.
What I’ve Got My Eyes On:
A woman who shares my passion for living a healthy lifestyle, spending time outdoors, and eating good food. Ideally, she hikes or skis. She's equally at home at the gym, in the mountains, on the couch with me watching a cool flick, or hanging out with friends or family. She's passionate about what's important to her. She's independent - with a career, family, and friends that keep her occupied and happy - but she still enjoys spending time with me. She's adventurous, open minded, and spontaneous — ready and willing to travel to new places, consider new ideas, and expand her boundaries. She's self confident, not the jealous type. She's sexy because she's smart, confident, physically fit, passionate, and adventurous. She's supportive and has my back, but is not hesitant to call me out when I deserve it.
In short, I'm looking for someone who shares my interests and outlook on life, but who is also their own person, attractive for what she is both inside and out, and I'd love to hear from you if you think this might be you.

Meet a man from Scottsdale, United States. I'm originally from Chicago and have been in Scottsdale for about 2 years. I have lived and traveled all over the world. I'm a big city kid but love to get away to the beach or the lake. The online dating scene is new to me but seems as if it makes sense to meet people who are similar. I am not shy and very comfortable in any social setting. Can also sit in a bar, lounge, coffee shop, book store etc. solo and feel perfectly content. Sometimes prefer it. I can also speak to a group of a thousand. Love meeting new people. I can sometimes be a bit too sarcastic and dry but I'm working on it.
Romance is not something to be over thought, this isn't rocket science, you either have a connection or you don't. If you don't there can still be mutual respect and you never know you can turn out to be great friends. Loyalty and honesty are huge for me. Loyalty being number 1. Loyalty comes in many forms, you need to be in it together during the good and the bad not just the good.
I love to walk into a little hole in the wall joint and sit in a corner with the woman I am with and play the jukebox and share some laughs. I also love a woman who can walk into a place together we can give each other a kiss and then go our own way to be with friends and at the end of the night we both know we are leaving together. Security and confidence are very sexy in a woman. I do not have the jealous gene. Never did and never will. You get trust from the start. You can only lose it. Being a good guy should be easy, being a jerk actually takes work. My ideal night would be to crack a great bottle of wine, turn on some good music and you sit back and relax and unwind from the day. I'm more of a fun on a random Tuesday night guy then one to make big plans for Friday or Saturday nights, there is nothing better then the spontaneous great time. I'm hoping to attract someone who is very secure with their own identity and not looking to change who they are just to find a relationship. When two people let their guard down and be themselves the possibilities are endless!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm easy going and I like to keep things simple, without expectations. Eating at new and unique places and watching movies is something I enjoy a lot. I'm looking for someone WITHOUT any drama or still has issues and hangups with an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband. It's important that you have a good sense of humor, genuine, positive, likes to laugh, a good communicator, enjoys having fun, and goes with the flow without drama. Chemistry is very important too. I'm a spontaneous person, but I'm also organized so I plan things too (special occasions, dinners, trips, etc). I like to cook (for you sometime) and do special things for the people i care about.
Traveling is fun (with the right person, of course). Recently, I've been to France and Brazil. A casual drink - Wine bars are great! Good conversation and good company is important. I am very selective as to who I surround myself in my daily life, personally and professionally. Good quality (positive) people is very important. I'm NOT interested in someone that is negative or likes to hang out at the nightclubs and get drunk all the time, or is still emotionally attached to their last relationship.
Music entertainment and party planning is my business. I am a creative person and like to think outside the box. Risks = Rewards. I love all types of music so if you like music too, and who doesn't... Maybe I'll make you a mix tape (on CD).
As you know..... it's difficult to realistically get a good feel for who I am (or who you are) by seeing a few photos or reading a profile (at least I think so). I am confident you will get a much better impression of me by (us) getting acquainted (initially) on the phone, or better yet, a face-to-face conversation opposed to only reading this quick overview to determine who I am, completely. Shoot me an email now and let's talk. If I'm not the right "profile" for you, I wish you the best in your search.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Hello!
Ok – a quick intro to me…
- I’m a confident, upbeat man with a very positive outlook on life.
- I have a solid career that I enjoy; and I volunteer as much as I can.
- I don't take myself too seriously; hard to do when I am a bit of a klutz.
- I believe in working hard and giving it your all. As a result, I also savor my downtime and relaxing.
- I am thankful for being healthy and intelligent. I am blessed and don’t take that for granted.
- Practicing good manners and being respectful of others are very important to me. That said, I am very easy going…
- I can be quiet by nature but love being around other people and being social.
Now, about the woman I am looking for…
…A woman who is intelligent, adventurous, confident and happy.
…A woman who values decorum in herself and in others. Someone with poor manners will not work for me.
…A woman who takes care of her body and values being healthy. Physical attraction is important!
…Class and a little sass? I love that combination!
BTW – I am happy to receive emails and texts; but I would prefer to meet you in person soon after we contact each other. Meeting face to face tells us so much more…
For those of you that contact me and I may not reply, I thank you for your interest! I am clear on who I am attracted to and prefer not to use up your time or mine. Thanks for understanding.
A profile can only relay so much – if this sounds good to you, please reach out. Let’s meet and chat and see what happens! Good Luck!

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. fun guy looking for a fun girl I've had enough of the bars and clubs. I want to find a girl that will have fun and trust me to have fun without her around. I do my best to show people I care about them but I'll never be the kind of guy to be all over a girl and over do things in a relationship

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I’ve done long and soul full, short and blunt and everything in between.
So basically I am looking for what we are all looking for. That one person out there who fully complements me, who I can accept and welcome into my life. What it all comes down to is mutual respect, chemistry, a willingness to communicate, similar goals and one hell of a sense of humor..actually, just getting my sense of humor would make very happy . The trick here is...and it's a definite to make sure you're falling for the actual person you are with, and not just who you hope they are.
I have a lot of good in my life. I’m really into my family, and I love my nephews and nieces. To me there is nothing better then a bad movie on netflicks. I try to be active when it isn’t 120 degrees outside. Yes there is always the gym. I love backcountry hiking and camping. My favorite thing to do is traveling to a new city and just exploring. Finding all the little places that are not in the guide books.
My match... that is a good question. I don't have a type per se. Someone who has decent direction in their life.

Date someone special from United States. People around me have always told me that every time they see me I always have a big smile on my face. They are right! They usually have a smile as well as I've probably made some sarcastic comment to make them laugh. I am not real big on talking about myself so I'll start with the activities that keep me on the go. A successful career, golf, working out , playing hoops, yoga, hiking, biking, cooking, TRAVEL, planning events or vacations, laying low or hitting the town with friends or anything else my friends or I decide to do.
If you would like to get to know me a bit better just send me a message and ask away!

Meet single man from United States. I'm a fun easy going guy looking to start new friendships and hopefully find that special person . I just finished up my Architectural technology degree at SCC and I work in retail management (liquor manager). I enjoy a wide variety of activities (travel, sports, movies, comedy, going out). I have a big heart. I'm a romantic and love to listen. I like to be spontaneous. I am an all around happy person, looking for someone to be happy with. Someone who is caring and easy going. It's hard to describe yourself in 3-4 lines, so if you would like to know more about me drop me a line. I look forward hearing from you!! :)

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm honest, loyal and have a great sense of humor. I like to laugh and have fun and am looking for the same in a girlfriend. I'm outgoing and I like to try new things. I grew up in Arizona but I've spent the last 14 years living overseas or out of state. I'm finally home and couldn't be happier! All I need now is someone special. If you are interested and want to know more please drop me a line. I promise I'll make you laugh :)

Meet a man from United States. I have been divorced for just over two years. I enjoy baking, four wheeling, riding my motorcycle among other things. I am looking for somebody to be a friend and a partner to share my life with, as well as doing many things together.