Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 45 year old

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. no drugs or drama, need a normal relationship with someone who has responsibilities and is there own person. I have no problems taking care of someone, but when that is taken advantage of... well that is what got me here.

Meet single man from Scottsdale, United States. Hello,
I am kind, caring, compassionate and honest. I am also very driven and passionate about my beliefs and convictions. Life is too long to be with the wrong people, and too short not to have FUN! I'm a very positive person and have tons of energy. I own and run A business in Phoenix and in Los Angeles. I love to laugh. I enjoy working out, spending time with my family and friends. I love to cook, usually meat, seafood, and veggies. I enjoy going to movies, the theatre, and going out for happy hour. I love to fix things, gardening, and nature. I like the outdoors, the ocean, surfing, scuba and boating.
I am looking for someone who is classy, has style, smart, and knows what she wants out of life. I hope She enjoys traveling, have at least a small sense of adventure and have the desire for a man to love her like she has never had before.

Date a man from Scottsdale, United States. Most people I meet would describe me as confident, intelligent, focused, strong willed, self assured and sarcastic. Those closer to me use additional terms like open, honest, creative, positive and liberal minded.
As for what is important to me. A healthy mind & body, close friends, family and a life of purpose. I am up for anything that gets me moving, especially in the outdoors. I also enjoy my downtime relaxing, reading or playing with my kids. I love any activity that promotes a sense of connectiveness with my kids, friends and partner.
Unlike a lot of others I don't have a long list of attributes or common intrests I am looking for. In short I am looking for a like minded, easy going best friend to share feelings, hopes, dreams and everyday events with. Superficial similarities are less important to me than common morals and values. Chemistry is important but the strongest relationships are based on respect, honesty, communication and an openess to each other. I am not looking for a "perfect match", it is the differences that make life interesting.
Yes I am separated and working toward a divorce. This is a good thing for both of us and we are both on good terms with each other. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. In this case it has given us both a second chance at life.
I am comfortable with myself and my current situation. I am a very independent person and do not define my happiness by having a partner. That said I think the right partner brings fulfillment that a single person struggles to find. I hope to find someone who is also independant and comfortable with themself and not looking to just fill a void.

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. I consider my self to be honest, genuine, and I try to live life with integrity.. I say try, because I fall short sometimes.. oh ya, that would make me human:). Faith is very important to me.
Grew up in the "burbs" of a town in the midwest.
One obssession, decorating for Halloween, and usually hosting an adult costume party each year. I consider myself a christian, but I always enjoyed halloween as a kid. I decorate to the max, mostly for the kids - they love it! Halloween night, the neighborhood usually ends up at my house! Guess I'm the Clark Griswald of Halloween.
I love snowboarding!
I love to dance! I'm a good dancer. Oh, wait a minute.. I haven't been to a night club in years! I did teach all of my kids how to do the "Moonwalk". And I CAN pop-lock-and-drop it, better than most "white" guys. Just ask my black friends! Hahaha!!!!!
I love coffee! Starbucks is good, but Dunkin' Doughnuts tastes better! Ever listened to the music they play? It's way better, too! Plus, I feel really cool buying a cup of coffee from a place that has more putrid orange than any IHOP or Burger King! I don't even have to stick my nose in the air when I go there! I just cover my face:).
We learn the most about ourselves when we go through hard times. I have learned a lot about myself in the last 2 years. Dang! I thought I was so close to perfect for so long? Funny.... I was SO NOT even close to perfect..
If you can belch louder than me, a plus. But not required.
Wings and a cold beer!!!!
I do have some conditions - I have webbed feet, a drooling dysfunction, and no right ear - I blew it off in a freak, firework accident - matches, gasoline, explosion.. it's a long story. (Yes, that is a joke)
If you have cute feet, and enjoy a good foot massage... I think I will stop there:).

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am hoping to find someone with good family values. I am hoping to find my other half.I am romantic.honest, trustworthy, dependable,and caring of others. like long walks holding hands. and much more. Iv been told I'm a great father.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Hummm I haven't been on here in quite a while.. so many more questions! I work from home. I would like to meet someone to have fun with, maybe more. I live a pretty balanced life I think - everything in moderation. I'm trying to get 200 characters here.. Let's see no criminal record here, excellent credit, no drug or alcohol issues, but the alcohol thing may change because I have a lot of family here in Tucson that are a bad influence... but really they're a lot of fun. I have not messaged any users looking to hookup for the night although, I did check out the some of the guy's profiles just to scout the competition and see what kind of pictures they put up because mine really suck. I really need to get out and take some action shots on jet ski or something. Maybe I can just go down to the dealership and get someone to take a picture of me on it and shoot the top half so you don't know I'm not in water. Anyway when I was checking out the guys profiles I clicked on a picture and it said I sent a wink to some dude so that kind of sucked. How embarrassing. Even worse he didn't E-mail me back or show any interest at all lol. Well I think I've written enough here maybe.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I consider myself to be a fun, easy-going person who enjoys being out of the house. I am always up for a sporting event, working out, concerts, shows, movies, hiking, biking, bowling. I enjoy getting together with my friends for a pizza or dinner. I enjoy going out, but there are days when snuggling up on the couch and watching a movie is perfect. I am thoughtful, generous, caring, hard working and responsible.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. …if you are looking for someone who is successful but also sensitive, responsible but also playful…then this may be for you…
I grew up with lots of love, freedom, art and culture around me. I am sensitive and enjoy intimacy and closeness. I am looking for a dating relationship that can become more long term. I would like to meet someone who has a sense of direction in her life and some independence--although I would like to do most anything with You...I don't spend my weekends with buddies on the golf course :-) I can be happy with simple things, but I do enjoy the finer things in life and I am looking for someone who does the same.
I am well educated and well mannered, loyal and I am successful in what I do. I was brought up knowing about proper etiquette and how to treat a woman—yes I hold the door for You and Your coat and I will pull up Your chair—and I enjoy doing it.
Some of the traits I admire most in others are personal presence, gracefulness, generosity, wisdom, compassion, kindness, open mindedness and flexibility…long list, I know…but they are not all “must-have’s” :-)
It is important for me to be in good shape and while it is not the single most important thing in a relationship I have to admit that Your appearance and style are important to me... I hope that's not all too much...I promise I will reciprocate :-)
Topics related to personal growth and spiritual development have become more important in my live and I think a relationship can only be successful and “happy” long term if a couple shares a journey of personal and spiritual growth—so I am interested in someone who is willing to grow :-)
I think a relationship it is all about companionship, compatibility, relationship skills, and intimacy on many levels ~verbal, ~intellectual, ~emotional, ~spiritual—wait wasn’t there another—yes that too :- )
...I hope You are out there...
…I don’t like too long profiles myself, but if You want to know more about me …here is some more…
…I have fairly diverse interests. I am a real fan of board sports, boating and water, but also nature in general. I love and read about topics involving personal growth, psychology, spirituality, consciousness and energy...the Field :- )
…I like to get out of town occasionally…I am not a big hiker, but I like road trips, scenery, the mountains or driving up the PCH from Dana Pointe…it would be great if you like water, snorkeling, diving etc.
I used to row competitively and could never stop playing sports after that—so I run and lift every day to stay fit, to relax and to have fun—it is an important part of my life, and I hope being physically active would be something I can share with You. I enjoy cultural activities like theatre or listening to music and I like going out or going shopping, but I also enjoy quiet activities like talking about a book we both read, going for a walk or a drive, listening to music, watching a movie, cooking or a dinner at home.
I was born and raised in Europe, educated in England, Ireland, the US and Germany (I have a dual citizenship in the US and Europe). My graduate education and most of my work experience is here in the US which I call “home”. Growing up abroad and living all over the world has given me a more “global” perspective which is now part of who I am.
I run a group of five businesses in southern half of the US (several locations, about 100 million in sales and 200 employees in CA, AZ, FL and TX). I admit that my job can be a bit taxing at times, but I usually get away with 9 hours a day, limited travel and without working weekends—I think that’s a pretty good deal—yes ? ...I have plenty of time and resources to travel and play with You :-)

Date someone special from United States. This is actually pretty simple. I'm a professional guy that would love to settle down.
If you're the kind of woman that enjoys really intelligent conversation, getting out for fine dining, theater and other fun things, then we should meet! I imagine wonderful times together, discovering new restaurants, talking about the world, maybe going to an art gallery, and sharing our lives with each other. A great get-a-way might be a trip to L.A. for the Getty, or to San Francisco for the theatre. We both love dogs! We are devoted to our families. How's that to start?
Now a warning! I have all kinds of idiosyncrasies - harmless and hopefully endearing to you. I spend a lot of time in my office. I can be absent-minded; sometimes I forget birthdays. I'm not a "player" and I don't have a player's moves; sometimes I'm not the smoothest guy in the world. Although I'm very friendly, and make friends easily, I don't have a rollicking social life; I can be a bit of a loner. I'm into the substance of things; although I have a classic sense of style, I don't have a lot of patience for pretension.
But - I am a very good and devoted friend. Beneath an outward reserve, I'm a very passionate man. And while I can be quite tough-minded when necessary, I have a warm and gentle heart.
I'm not here bidding for a million dates, looking to play the field. This profile is aimed very narrowly at those few women that want a devoted and adoring partner in life, and want to date for the specific purpose of finding that partner. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to be a gorgeous, thin, Ivy League educated, or even college educated at all! But you must be nice, stable, and presentable, and have reached the point where you feel that flowers are nice, but the ultimate romance lies in having a man that wants to come home to you - and only you.
A few things to know:
Brains beat braun
Mercedes...not motorcycles
The Symphony beats The Suns (most of the time).
Neiman Marcus - sexy. Dillards - practical.
Champaign, yes. Beer, well, ok, maybe. (I actually don't drink, but you get the point)
Business is more interesting than sports.
A girl's weekend is at the spa, not the lake.
A two hour hike, together, on a lovely day - priceless! Camping - never!
The Economist. Not Road and Track.
Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes for fun: never, ever, ever (we are not paratroopers).
Men pay on dates.
A long romantic kiss, if done right, can be better than sex
My picture: Not posted here, because I don't want half the women in Starbucks recognizing me when I walk in the door (as I recognize them!). But send me an email address, and I'll send you one.
Finally: Smoking is an absolute deal-killer.

Meet single man from United States. I'm originally from Rome, Italy.
Overall I have an insatiable love for life!
I like to be active in every sense of the word. I particularly like outdoors activities.
In the evenings on the other hand I enjoy more to hang out in a low-tone and relaxing ambiance. Renting a movie, preparing a nice dinner or simply enjoying the company of few good friends.
Since I have two great children, I love spending time with them as well. I enjoy the great feeling of family togetherness.
I’m generally attracted to positive, outgoing and especially genuine people.
I like to stay healthy and try to conduct a healthy life style. Being from Italy I carry with me the love and appreciation for fresh food.
Although there are some base qualities and values that I look for in my companion, I do not follow a specific profile or list of adjectives to find my partner. I believe that this takes away part of the spontaneity and fun of getting to know someone.

Date a man from United States. Who am I? I've been thinking about that for a long time,I might figure it out someday. I'm easy going, love to laugh, go with the flow and see what adventures come to me, or what mayhem I can create. Not sure if that describes me accurately, but what the *%#@.
What am I looking for? Someone who is real, sweet, and sincere. A woman who likes to be treated well, and would find it easy to reciprocate. Someone who can carry on a conversation or just exchange B.S. as given. someone who would rather have a smile on thier face than to be frowning and stressed out on life. Someone who would love me for me.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I feel that I'm at a really good place in my life - successful career, outside interests that I finally have the free time to do, and 2 awesome kids (who I have 1/2 of the time). All I'm missing is a really great woman who loves doing things like getting great seats to concerts, trying new restaurants, will indulge my love of pro hockey (and will come to the odd Coyotes’ game with me), and who generally doesn't get uptight about most things.
My life has had peaks and valleys, but the peaks way out number the valleys. I’m a partner in a small boutique law firm that has offices in Minneapolis and Scottsdale and most days, actually enjoy what I do. My job involves some travel as most of my business is out of state, and if I’m lucky its to a place I don’t mind going, like Mpls, L.A. or Chicago.
I don't have a checklist for who you should be. I appreciate people for who they are, their life experience, their outlook on life and how they treat others. Ultimately, I want to look over at you in the middle of the night and wonder how I got so damn lucky. At that moment, I'll know what was on the checklist.
If you’re up for some new adventures, hopefully leading towards a solid relationship, send me a message. Would love to hear from you.