Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 22 year old

Date a guy from United States. I am looking for a long term, lasting relationship, that will hopefully turn into marriage with kids. I got out of a 4 year relationship where my other said she didn't want this and wanted to "fling" with other guys. So it is imperative that i find someone who wants to be happy together as a couple for a long, long time and is past their "flinging" stage as well as ready for something more real then a cheap rush. I know it may not be the first person i talk to through this, but i am hoping somewhere out there, there will be that one person who wants to be happy with me, be treated like a princess, and stay by my side through the tough times and the good times. I am hoping that there is someone like me out there, that wants to be happy. I am hoping i find someone that i can just be with, no matter where, and be happy. Wether sitting down at her or my place and watching tv, or exploring what is out there and having an adventure... I just want to find a person who makes me happy just seeing her smile, so being with her is all the more joyful.
idk, i hope that makes sense to someone.
In addition, i cook very well and have won awards for my quiche. I clean and often clean up after people out of habit. I am well mannered, for example: in the 4 year relationship i was in, i have never failed to open the car door, any door for that matter, for my ex gf. I always insisted i pay, because i asked her out. And i made it a point to get to know the parents, when allowed, and make my best effort to get them to like me, since i know that is always something important to a significant other. And i tried to drive when ever possible, so she did not have to, even if that meant driving to her side of town, just to bring her to my side of town.
idk, maybe i'm crazy for trying to find love here, but it is worth a shot i suppose. Maybe there is someone compatible with me just on the other side of this screen.
I have a big heart, i am told i am unlike other guys because i like to express my emotions, and that i am not only sensitive to myself, but others feelings as well. In addition, i was just told recently that i am a sentimental person, but i suppose if anyone wants to give this romantic a chance, they can find out for themselves. Worse case scenario, i treat you to a nice dinner and a great conversation, then we stay friends. Best case scenario, we both think the best of the other and move forward to see if there is a relationship to be had.
I suppose i should write a few more things about me as well:
1) I am a logic based person, but i am also a romantic and express my feelings in a good way.
2) I am very driven to work in the Tech industry as a Computer Systems Engineer or something in Networking and Routing.
3) I have 4 years of military experience with Arizona State University's Air Force ROTC program and was actually contracted for those 4 years as a member of the Air Force.
4) I do not have time for games, i want someone who will be real with me and let me be real with them. If we both like what we see in each other, then i know we can create something really special together.
5) If you want to find out anything else about me, just send me a wink or email, i would really like to get to know anyone who is serious about finding a lasting and loving relationship.
Sorry for the long thread here, i just wanted to set the tone. I am serious about finding someone to spend the rest of my life with, so i wanted to make sure that who ever reads this knows that and feels the same way.
For those who like me, i look forward to hearing from you :)
P.S. my profile pic is from when i went skiing recently. I like to do the double black diamond runs, so if your a ski person, we can have some fun come winter :D

Meet a boy from United States. First of all I'm not like most guys my age who seem to care about nothing but getting drunk, getting high, and seeing how many girls they can get with. It sucks that women think that's what every guy is about. But girls seem to always go for those guys.
I'm a fun loving guy looking for a woman who i can connect with. I'm always active, I exercise daily and like being outdoors but also like to travel and see new things. I have seen much of the world and been across 5 different continents in the last few years and want to continue to travel and experience more culture. I love learning about History and I'm always eager to learn and teach new things. I'm more of an old fashioned and traditional kind of guy and I believe that every woman deserves to be treated like a lady. People often say that I'm very mature for my age, war will do that to a man. I'm mainly looking to meet someone that I can talk to about anything and above all I can really connect with, if not by a relationship then a friendship. I would like to meet someone who is strong-willed and knows what she wants. I enjoy talking with people and getting to know them, sharing stories, and experiences about life. I am really easy to talk to, but I believe to truly get to know somebody you have to get to know them so send me a message so we can talk. I look forward to possibly talking and getting to know you.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hey my name is Aaron! I can be a goofball at times only because I love to laugh! I don't think I could possibly breathe without music. It is motivation and inspiration for me to move forward with my life. I am currently working 2 jobs while training for this track team that starts up in 2 months. I love running, staying in shape, and learning. I'm grateful for being as healthy as I am and being raised by such an amazing Father. As of now I'm looking for a girl to spend time with and be adventurous with. I am hoping to attract a beautiful girl inside and out. To be straight up, I'm kind of an intimate guy. Living with excitement is the only way to live.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm a recent college graduate who came out to Scottsdale for work. I've been out in Arizona for a year now and I'm still looking to meet new people and learn more about the area. I have a broad range of interests that include live music, reading, and traveling. I have a small group of close friends in Scottsdale that I'm looking to expand. I grew up in the Washington, DC suburbs and I'm very family-oriented, despite being far from home.
I'm looking to meet an intelligent and exciting woman who is truly passionate about her interests. She should be compassionate and kind-hearted. I'm open to communicating and meeting with anyone.

Date single boy from United States. Single male looking for someone who is looking for a serious relationship. Has to be physically active and open to others opinions and ideologies. Also has to be at least five feet tall and has to have a great smile.

Meet a guy from Scottsdale, United States. I'm a driven man who believes in working hard and playing hard. I'm looking for a girl who can be faithful and loving. Someone who will be by my side to enjoy my life with. I love a girl who is spontaneous and has a great smile with a positive attitude!

Date a boy from Scottsdale, United States. I'm the shy guy at first, but once you get to know me its hard to get me to shut up. I can have a good time whenever, whether it be out at a bar or club, shooting pool, doing something outdoors, or just sitting at home watching TV. I'm looking for someone that has a good sense of humor, can laugh at themselves, and doesn't take anything too serious.

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. I tend to be a very laid-back person but I am very devoted to my friends and family. I like to hang out with people that are easy to talk to and like to have fun. I am a little silly, weird, etc. but like to be unique and meet people who also are a bit independent.

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. If I had to sum up myself I would say fun, adventurous, respectful, funny, and little shy (well at first). I really love travelling, hiking, and just being outdoors in general. I love to try to new things especially with someone who hasn't done them as well.

Meet single boy from Scottsdale, United States. someone funny cute smart and knows how to have a good time. someone i can be myself around. someone who would try something new at times not knowing what to expect. i want a girl who is funny but can be serious at times.

Date a guy from Arizona, United States. Well, I just moved to the Phoenix area from Pittsburgh; I'm looking for a friend to show me around the city and maybe have it grow into something more. I always find joy and get excited about the little things in life. I enjoy getting out of the house and finding fun new things to do (which won't be too hard since I just moved here!) I can be a little sarcastic at times and enjoy laughing, smiling, traveling, hiking, eating, photography, biking, going to sporting events, etc. I am very easy going and try to keep an optimistic view on life.
I also love the tv show How I Met Your Mother and Jesus is a pretty cool guy, too.

Meet a boy from Arizona, United States. Hi, I like to think of myself as a good person. I treat everyone with kindness and respect and I can get along with almost anyone. I love being around people and getting to know new ones. I am also not your typical Scottsdale guy. I don't judge people by what they drive or how much money they make, nor am I a "tool" or a douche. I am a down to earth open minded guy who genuinely cares about others and never takes anyone for granted. I am the type of person who will ask a person how their day went because I sincerely want to know. Or if someone is having a bad day I would try to find out why and cheer them up. My family is really important to me. They helped shape me into the person I am today. I also have a great sense of humor and can find a joke in most situations. Honesty is also very important to me, I literally hate lying. Communication is the only way to get to know someone and if you can't be truthful then you probably shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place. I can get pretty out going depending on how comfortable I am. I am pretty ambitious too. If I want something bad enough, I will do anything in my power to achieve it.
Music I Like: rock, pop, rap, 70's, 80's, 90's, a little country. I tend to like individual songs rather than artists. Therefore I listen to a little bit of everything.
Hobbies: Learning new things, drawing, writing, traveling, learning German, playing/ watching sports, finding new places to go, watching movies,
Goals/ Aspirations: BA in History with a minor in German, Use it to travel the world and maybe even work for History Channel. Live in Europe for at least two weeks before the age of 25.
What makes me unique - I'm a genuine guy with a big heart. I care a lot about others and I stay true to my morals and values. I also still believe in chivalry and I wholeheartedly believe in treating girls with kindness, care, and respect. I am probably one of the realest guys you can meet. I promise you, you won't find another guy like me. And I keep my promises. I'm a modern day gentleman.