Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 31 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am hard working man that enjoys my free time and am looking for someone to shared it with. I do have a busy schedule so an understanding woman is best of me. Someone that has their own life going on as well.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm caring, loving, encouraging and looking for the same.
I'm interested in someone who wants to change the world with me, and I can't wait to see what 2012 brings.
Personal growth is very important to me, therefore I spend a lot of my free time reading and trying to continuously grow.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. A little update while I revise my profile. I have just returned from a yearlong deployment in Afghanistan and I thought I would give this a try.
I love meeting new people. I am a lot of fun to be with. I generally get along with everyone. Put me in any environment and I will walk away with new friends. I love to have a good time. I am very well educated. I double majored in college and now I am finishing my master degree, well when I get back. Only one class left. I can hold an intelligent conversation with any one, from sports and movies to finance and politics. I always try to be very respectful to everyone, even to those who dont really deserve it. I am still a southern gentleman. I still open doors and pull out chairs. My mom wouldnt have it any other way. If I am out with you then your happiness comes first. I want everyone around me to have a good time. If you have any questions, just ask. I am an open book.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. O the online profile self description, this is where I tell you that I am perfect !! haha
I am not too bad of a guy!! I grew up in a good family with values and morals. I have always been a hard worker and set my goals high. I have a play full sarcastic sense of humor. I live a healthy life and hope you will find that important as well. I am the youngest of 3, sister and brother. Our family has lived in the North Phoenix area for the last 20 years. I stay in Phoenix because I love the outdoors and what place offers more sunshine to go outside and play.
I work in the Aerospace Industry and enjoy my job, most of the time I am outside and consistently challenged which keeps me interested. Great thing about my work is I never do the same job twice. I travel more than most for work so I hope I can find someone that will understand my current obligations.
When it comes to traveling I love to make some side trips and get off the beaten path. I find going to places that are the most opposite of USA.( Example: Cambodia) Places as such in my opinion have so much more to offer in culture, food and simply a glimpse of their lives.
If you like video games, rap, or sitting on the couch every day then we probably won’t find ourselves compatible. Enjoy the outdoors, active lifestyle, and see the glass half full, not empty then you will probably find my company enjoyable.

Date a soulmate from United States. I just moved back to Arizona after living in Hermosa beach for a year which as you can imagine was awful being next door to the Pacific ocean so I decided made the smart move back to the hot desert. Actually, I lived in Phoenix for years before, but spent my last 2 years between Los Angeles and Denver, but I am moving back to Arizona as I took a job doing... well I won't go into that as it would be just as boring to write as it would to read about.
I'm definetely an active person usually getting to the gym 4 or 5 times a week, golfing, basketball, running and hiking. I definetely like my nights in as well hanging out watching a movie or just getting together with friends.
Now that I am back in Phoenix the places I like to hang out at are Chelsea's, the Vig, Postinos, LGO, Old town (not the clubs too much). I doefintely like travel, but I haven't done nearly as much international travel as I would like. I was in Australia 3 years ago and haven't been overseas since. I've traveled a lot around the US for work and pleasure and I think the best time I had was in New Orleans because of how different it was from any other place I've been. Yes, those random road trips with a girl to California, Vegas, Colorado or wherever are great and if I'm not doing that, relaxing at home watching some movies is always fun.
I'm sarcastic, funny (I'm not just writing that for the hell of it), outgoing and try my hardest to keep situations from being too boring. I know you may have some other profiles to read, or maybe you don't after reading mine, and if that is the case send me a message. I have to tell you sometimes I have as many as 2 messages in my inbox at one time so if I don't get back to you right away just know that is the reason.

Meet someone special from United States. I think I'm beginning to understand how this Match game works. Let me give this a try:
I have an extremely optimistic view on life. Despite all the terrible things that the news tries to tell you is happening, there is beauty and excitement everywhere. I've studied in France and recently spent most of a year in Peru. I got to visit Spain, Morocco, Prague, the Netherlands, and seen some of our local states as well. Life is an exciting adventure - and everyone else in the world is just trying to make it exciting as well (some people just get lost during that journey). I consider myself very patient and generally quite agreeable (I like everything). I genuinely try to care for people I meet and I think that I have a tendency to believe in my friends' dreams before they do. -- In so many words, that's my happy side.
I am not, however, very considerate of people who like to take advantage of others, liars, cheaters, thieves, or dishonest people in general. I love life because I think it's awesome. I have no interest in people who actively try to make life bad.
I have a great job right now that takes a lot of my time. It's great because I enjoy it and will end as being a springboard into starting my own businesses, which is what I want to spend future career doing. Whatever that entails will, at a minimum, allow a lot of travel and helping others to better their own lives.
Essentially I'm looking for a partner to join me in this life of crime. Or just support me as she follows her own passions. It would probably be easier if our passions mingled for the most part. I want a woman who wants more out of life. You don't have to know exactly what you want, just that you want more.
Intellectual and physical chemistry are a must in a relationship. If your mind doesn't turn me on then nothing else will either. There are many ways to test physical chemistry without sex. I enjoy dancing. I'm sad to admit I'm not as awesome at dancing as I'd like to be, but if two people can dance in sync well, many good things are possible. The chemistry does have to work both ways. I want a woman who wants me just as passionately as I want her.
As far as ME goes: In general I'm very type-B. I'm extremely reserved in group settings (I just don't feel the need to compete for attention), but with just one other person I tend to be very social and open. I love all the typical guy movies, action, explosions, monsters - but I also don't remember disliking any chick-flick type movie I've been wrangled into seeing. I don't watch sports, if at all-ever. I love being active and playing sports, but I can't stand to sit there and watch a bunch of guys that I don't think are even any good at the game they get paid to play (that's my rant for the day).
If you've made it this far, wow, Hi - How ya doing? Shoot me an email! We can go running in the park... or.. Wine tasting! It'll be fun!

Date a man from United States. Originally from Ohio and Irish/Catholic, moved out to Arizona for school back in 2000. Graduated from ASU with a Bachelor's and Master's in Real Estate. Go Devils. Coming from a big family I enjoy visiting my siblings and spoiling my nieces whenever I can. Not a fan of tattoos. Love hanging out with friends on the weekends, going camping, and hitting up the local bars to relax. Very proud to be from the Midwest and love visiting as much as possible...especially during the summer. Love to hike and be active. A little too excited about the season of Christmas and the music associated with it.
Been working in commercial real estate for almost eight years. Love networking and meeting new people. Come fall it's all about college football and the NFL. Looking for any excuse to escape the heat during the summer. Love a good sense of humor and anything that has to do with comedy. Big into movies and TV. Love dogs and wish I had the time for one myself. Also, love participating in Pat's Run every year and just did my first Tough Mudder this past year in northern Cali.

Meet single man from United States. I am relatively new to Scottsdale. I moved here for work and have loved it so far. I am in private practice here and it's definitely hard to meet people. I've gotten quite tired of the clubbing scenes and figured I should give this a try since a good friend of mine recommended it. He just got divorced though and lost half of everything, but I think he's back on match to try once more. ha.

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. Warm, hard working, fun, adventurer, love Life and new experiences. Love music: playing, listening, going to concerts. Finding new restaurants. Hanging with my dogs. Spending time with my family. Honest.

Meet someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I am a great man. I was in a long relationship that has recently ended and am looking to get back into dateing again. I am a very happy person so don't want to meet anyone who isn't happy. I was greatful to get paid to play a sport that I loved. I own my company and truely love what I do. I am looking for someone I can have fun with and take out on the town. My social life is good I have been going out and hanging out with friends. I want a successful and put together woman. I want to eventually have and start a family...

Date a man from Scottsdale, United States. About me: I am fun, interesting, smart, caring, and a generous person. I love making people laugh and having a good time. I could be happy staying in or going out, as long as I am in good company that is all that matters.
I currently work full time in addition to furthering my education. I am majoring in Criminology and will be transfering to ASU by next year. I served in the US Army for six years, serving two tours in Iraq. I am proud to be an American and I love this country. I really enjoy having political conversations with people. I respect other people's viewpoints... it makes for a good, friendly debate.
My Date: I am looking to meet an intelligent, classy woman that enjoys being treated like a lady. I have been raised old school and I am a gentleman. I treat women the way I would expect someone to treat my mother or sister. I like women that are independent, funny, and genuine. Looks are a plus, but I want substance.
Looking forward to talking.

Meet single man from Scottsdale, United States. I'm a laid-back, athletic guy who likes to go out and have fun with friends. I like to explore new restaurants, see shows, or go to other events, but I am also fine with cooking up a nice dinner and spending the night in with a good movie. I like to work out and play just about any sport, especially hockey which I played in college. I also like spending time at the beach and doing pretty much anything outdoors. I recently bought my own place, so I'm enjoying working on projects around the house.
I grew up in Westchester, NY but moved out to Scottsdale, AZ about four and half years ago. So far I'm really enjoying life in Scottsdale and exploring all that the southwest has to offer.
I'm looking for someone who is ambitious, smart, sensitive, and sexy. Someone who shares my love for traveling. Someone who has a great relationship with their family and who likes to live an active and healthy lifestyle.
I'm not sure what to expect from Match, I've been blessed to see a lot of beautiful places and have a lot of amazing experiences, and I'm really looking forward to continuing the adventure with someone special.