Date someone special from Sonoita, United States. Who I am is a sweet and giving person. I enjoy the sun coming up, listening to the animals wake up and address the day.
I am not giving into this "natural aging process" lightly. I REFUSE!
I enjoy all moments of the day, slow, hectic, happy and tense. I am getting use to problem solving and not the normal panic some people buy into.
The evenings I enoy the most are ones in the country side around a fire with friends. Now in my life I want the firend who counts the most to be by my side day in and day out. That would be the perfect ending to any day in my life. Oh yeah, don't forget the coyotes singng in the background and the owls and poorwills filling in where need be.
To have a true blue friend and lover THAT is the frosting on the cake of life!