Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 50 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. In 2001, I left my paralegal career to start a business in the pet care industry. Little did I know that as time went on I would have little or no time for a romantic relationship. Fast forward 12 years, and I am now in a new career (working for someone else). I feel like I finally have my life back.
I grew up in Iowa (with a few years in northern Minnsota), but left the cold winters and humid summers for Arizona in 1987. I moved to Colorado in 2006, but realized after four years that Arizona was where my heart was.
I feel incredibly blessed to have good health, great friends, and an awesome family. I love to travel, mostly to tropical destinations, and I have a passion for volunteering with the elderly.
My perfect summer day is a hike or a walk with my dogs (or both) in the early morning followed by a scrumptuous breakfast, a movie and a nap in the afternoon, and socializing with friends by the pool with a glass of wine in the evening.
I would love to meet someone that is energetic, enjoys a healthy lifestyle, and shares some of my interests. Someone who is playful, witty and flirty, that's not afraid to hold my hand or kiss me in public. Someone who will call me to talk rather than texting me (I'm not interested in a relationship with my keyboard). Are you who I'm looking for? Send me an email and let's meet for coffee.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am Originally from New York. I been here in Arizona for 23 years. I love it here, You can't beat the
I still have the accent but.... I left the attitude behind!! :)
I have been a a cosmetologist for 28 years and a Personal trainer for 20 years. I absolutely love what I do, it has such a positive effect on individuals. I live a healthy lifestyle, I am in the gym working out 4 to 5 days a week..I would like to find that special someone that has the same active interest as I do.
I enjoy watching and going to sporting events, cruising, beach destinations, concerts... etc...I like to try new things!! I am a very active lady, not much of a couch potato!!.....
I have a great family and a wonderful group of friends that I enjoy spending time with. I like to surround myself with positive individuals .
I love to laugh, smile and being happy tells it all..
So, if you are a Honest and a really good guy send me an e-mail and say Hi!!
PS... Please no married night stands... flings.... rebounds.... just say-in-..:)

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. First and foremost... I love my family. I love to cook and enjoy good food!!! I enjoy sports of all kinds(except hockey) . Yes, I am a woman who can actually talk sports with you. Please dont expect me to lounge around on the couch all day, everyday! I am 50..but very active and I love life......I want to share my life with someone who can laugh and be a little spontaneous. Bring me flowers for no reason...mmmmm good idea!!! I want to be appreciated and will appreciate you as well. I am a romantic person.. love hugs and kind words, I work hard and love my job. When I get off work, I enjoy being home and sharing my time with someone special. I enjoy the outdoors and new travel adventures.I certainly dont mind getting dirty...and turn around to dress to the max for you, enjoying a night out for dinner and downtown . My dog is my best buddy right now. His name is AJ. We sure would love to share our time with someone. I am looking for a relationship with someone who shares my interests. I am looking for honesty, integrity and drama!!

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Still thinking about what to say. Quickly, I guess, I love dogs, being outdoors (particularly northern Arizona), travel, good conversation, hiking, biking, cooking, reading. But doesn't everyone? The most desirable traits I look for in a man? The Hs: Humble, honesty, humor, hunky, happy and compassion for others. We can work on the Cs and figure out the rest. This is a 30-second profile. I haven't decided to bite into the apple yet.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I'm just a girl looking for a boy to love me!
I would like the company of smart, humorous conversation. Someone who is honest, happy, kind and has a great sense of humor.Someone who is down to earth and doesn't want to play games. Someone I can respect as a man, father, brother, son...
I am looking for that one special man who takes my breath away. I feel so safe in your arms, I want them around me all the time. I love the chemistry that we share and want to fall asleep listening to your heartbeat as my head rests on your chest. We can be in a room and feel as comfortable in a serious conversation as we can not saying one word. I want someone who is looking for me...your best friend, your lover, your soulmate. I want to grow old with you.
I am a woman who is full of life, has an infectious smile and is easy to get along with. I am compassionate, honest and smart. I feel comfortable in a pair of jeans as well as a beautiful dress and heels. I believe in family and friends. I like new adventures, especially when I'm in good company.
God is important to me and so are my kids. But I'm missing something...
If you are looking for the same things, then ... here I am!

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. Back on Match!... But then again, so are a lot of us. Funny how you see some of the same people looking for love. Shouldn't be this hard... right? :-) I've actually met some very nice men on this site and have even made some new friends, I guess I just haven't met the "right one" for me... I do know a lot of people who have met on this site, so I think with the right attitude and honesty, it can work. About me....I have a lot of energy and sometimes itРІР‚в„ўs hard for me to slow myself down. I take a lot of pride in what I do. In my career IРІР‚в„ўve been a teacher for 20 plus years and there isnРІР‚в„ўt a day that goes by that I regret my decision to go down that path. In other words, I love my job and it's perfect for me. :)
I have two boys who mean the world to me. My oldest is 21 and will be a senior at U of A this year. My youngest just graduated from high school and is planning to go into the Navy with his hopes of making it into the SEAL program. It's amazing how fast the years have passed. Both of my boys are bright and active kids and are into about everything... mostly good thank God! They have their moments as all kids do, but for the most part they really are GOOD boys and they make me very proud.
In addition to my job and kids, I truly have a passion for God, life, family, and friends. IРІР‚в„ўm very close to my extended family and they are awesome, supportive and always there for me.
I’m physically active and I love the outdoors. I’m not a “sideline” kind of girl. I love a challenge and I like to be right in the middle of things. I work out just about every day and being physically fit and active is very important to me. I would love to be involved with someone who shares that passion, but not to worry; I’m not looking for “the perfect guy". An average build and looks are absolutely fine with me. It's truly what's inside that matters. I pretty much love all sports and am always open to trying something new. I would love to meet someone who wants to join me in outdoor activities such as hiking, running, tennis, or just chilling on a patio with a cold beverage and the beautiful Arizona sun (or stars). A gym-mate would be nice too! I can always use a good spot!
If I had to pick a place that I am at my best it would definitely be at the beach. I absolutely love the surf and sun. There is something very peaceful about the ocean and I find it to be the perfect place to unwind and calm down.
As I said, I'm "back on Match" and I would really like to meet someone who is ready for a relationship. Someone who is honest. I think it's time for a 'disclosure'! If you've lied about anything in your profile... especially your marital status, age, fitness/activity interests, etc...please do us both a favor and pass me up. Honesty and integrity mean the world to me and that should start with your profile. :-)
In closing, what am I looking for in a guy? Honesty, integrity, sensitivity, someone with heart. Have you ever kissed someone and felt an energy that is indescribable? I have. Have you ever loved so deeply that you can't imagine life without that feeling? I have. Have you ever met someone that you can feel their energy whether in their presence or not? I have. I want that again.
:-)(Please note: I most likely will not respond to a wink) Take care and best of luck in your search for that special someone.

Date a soulmate from United States. myself: too impatient to bother with this
you: patient enough to understand. :)
alright, for the sake of having my profile 'approved', here are my 200 characters.
I am fairly intelligent, non-judgmental, like to laugh, I'm a night owl, ok with staying in to watch a movie or going out to hear a local band or...whatever sounds fun. Love being up all night if I don't have to work next day, up half the night if I do...back of a bike is the most awesome feeling ever, seeing new places, especially old towns, staying the night in an old hotel, the more haunted the better! :)
Love all animals and nature: trees and rocks, the wind in my face, ocean, mountains, water of any kind, I WORSHIP the moon (ok, not LITERALLY) but avoid the sun unless I'm actually DOING something...
Music: grunge, indie bands, metal or hard rock, country to a minimum, rap rarely to never, I'll listen to Celine Dion when I decide to give it all up and kill myself since that's what most her stuff makes me wanna do - haha! Pop can be fun but I avoid Top 40 for the most part...Too smooth is boring - in all things, for the most part... ;)
Books: prefer non-fiction & history, some sci-fi & fantasy, Anne Rice, classics & some Russian ...wish I could read faster but at least I get every word out of the books I make it through :)
I'm sure there's much more but this has got to be at least 200 characters so...I'M DONE! ;P

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for someone to share the second half of my life with. Someone who enjoys being healthy and feeling good, naturally, by way of living right, eating right, and staying active. My kids are grown and well adjusted. I love fresh air, hiking, a clean and comfortable home full of friends and family. I love God, my family, my friends, my dog, and my country. I am very resourceful. I can live on a little or a lot. I can make something out of nothing. I am extremely flexible as long as there is a plan. You don't have to be those things but you do need to appreciate those things.

Date a woman from United States. I consider myself pretty fortunate to have great friends and family. They are really important to me, but I am missing a certain someone. I haven't been fortunate enough to find my other half yet. Is Matxh where I'll find him...yet to be seen.
I'm just a girl who loves to laugh and be silly when it's appropriate of course. I'm super sarcastic, in a fun way if you get it (that is what sarcasm is about, right?!). ;)
All of my pictures are current and I really am 5'8". So please don't tell me your pics are current if they are 5 years old. P.S. If you are really 5'10", but say you are 6'...I'll figure that out pretty quick.
I'd like to find someone who wants to share cuddling on the couch or spending time with our friends and laughing and just having a good time. I'm a girl who is just as comfortable in jeans and a tee as she is all dressed up in a little black dress and heels. I do love to wear my heels, so I usually stand about 6' tall. I believe in instant attraction and I think mutual attraction is important. I love adventure, laughing, and warm deep kisses. Really, if you don't like someone who is passionate about kissing, I'm probably not your girl. I am very affectionate and like to hold hands and touch.
Mazatlan is a favorite place and I try to go every year. I enjoy spontaneous weekend trips too. AZ is a GREAT place for that! I also love just a quiet weekend with someone special. I hope to travel abroad more, and I've got my passport ready.
I appreciate a fine wine or a good beer. I love football, I mean I LOVE football!! I like going to watch any live sporting events or concerts. I am a music lover, most every kind. And, OK I confess I have two Pomeranians...but they think they're tough guys.
What do I want in a guy...I'd really like to find someone who wants to be my companion, friend and lover who is looking to share love and is truly affectionate. Honesty and integrity are important and so is a good sense of humor. If you happen to have a Harley I could hop on the back of...that wouldn't be so bad either. ;)
I adore my family, my grown daughter, my friends and my dogs, but I would really like to find someone to spend my time with too.
What are you looking for, do we sound like a Match...?
Please, if you're looking for a hook-up or a sexting friend...pass me by.

. I am a happy, sarcastic and funny person who tries not to take life too seriously. My friends would describe me as loyal and can always be counted on. What makes me smile is any commercial or movie where animals talk or act human. I am confident in myself, no-drama and don't take an hour to get ready to go out.
My favorite thing to do is stay home on a Sunday and cook and watch football.
I love my job, and like going to work, which is probably a rare thing.
I’m grateful for my children who are now adults – yeah! I’m hoping to attract someone who’s confident without being arrogant, sexy without being pushy and someone who knows how to kiss.
My goal right now is to take one big trip a year to see all the beauty in the world.
Love going to movies, dancing, camping reading the Sunday paper. I love throwing on jeans but I clean up well for the right occasion.
IРІР‚в„ўm exploring, but I'm finding Match a lilttle frustrating. I miss the days of meeting people out and feeling that connection. Anyone know what I mean?
Also, I don't know what being 50 means, but I don't look it and certainly don't act it. I am adventuresome and love life.

. Looking for someone to share, grow and learn with...for the next 50 years! Communication, forgiveness and commitment are key in any relationship. He is intelligent but down to earth. Strong but open to his softer side. He has integrity and a big heart. Someone who is inquisitive and open to new ideas. He is really active and healthy but can still appreciate killer chocolate chip cookies!
I'm good at helping others to believe in themselves. I have spent my career in public education but now I have found another way to give back through teaching yoga. I have a high energy level and like to pack a lot into my day which usually includes a couple of forms of exercise (ex. a hike and a yoga class). However, I do enjoy downtime..especially with the right person:) I shop the perimeter of the grocery store and cook with fresh, organic food. I'm not much of a TV watcher, however, I do like cuddling up in front of a movie. I'm affectionate and enjoy physical attention.
I have good friends who just turned 20 and good friends who just turned 60. I can hang in either crowd, or any in between, and enjoy myself. The CD's playing in my car are by: Bob Dylan, The Cranberries, Modest Mouse, Jack Johnson, Keith Urban and Lady Gaga. I'm positive, nice to strangers and make friends easily. I'm open-minded and accepting and can listen without judgement. I would like to find a great partner to enjoy life with.

. I am looking for my best friend and partner - a long term relationship to enjoy life. I hope you enjoy outdoor activities, the sunshine, and being together laughing! I love attending sporting events! I enjoy cooking and spending time with great friends. Are you that special person?