Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 47 year old - page 2

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Purely marriage phobic but not relationship phobic. I usually start dating from group outings where the others fade away as we get more into each other. IРІР‚в„ўm not shy, just donРІР‚в„ўt want to hurt anyoneРІР‚в„ўs feelings if there isnРІР‚в„ўt a love connection but only a friendship connection. Some people would describe me determined, considerate, and warm; other people would describe me loud, cocky and fun. I am an ambitious self employed professional who knows when and how to relax, preferably on the shore of any body of water, sipping (I said sipping) a tropical beverage. Outlandish conversationalist or pensive listener. I work hard and then hardly work. I want to retire early if I donРІР‚в„ўt die trying. I enjoy the Symphony, Sammy Hagar, the Marine Corps Marching Band, Jimmy Buffet, and American Idol equally. Not adamantly hunting for a serious relationship; but I could be convinced.
To my perfect match: You should be an independent, responsible male who is considerate and respectful but definitely never whiney, clingy, nor schmoopy. Intellectual conversation complimented by dry wit is a must. You need to look sexy in just a bath towel and reading glasses. You tell a good story, but not necessarily about yourself. You talk more about “what if” than “if only”. You understand nuance. You enjoy watching or playing sports, but won’t miss a funeral because of rival matchup. You appreciate good food and will eat things that once had a face, but with some remorse if you really had to think about it. If you think its ok to fall asleep on my couch before we are married for 10 years, sorry—I don’t need a roommate or another cat. Ouch, that was harsh. Again, must love dogs.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I like to keep things simple. Too much complication takes to much energy. I want to spend time focusing of things that are important. Everyone has some type of drama in his or her life; it's okay but spending to much time on the problems leaves little time for enjoying life. Enjoying life is what I want to do. I mean allot of what I say and say most things that I mean. Depends if the persons ability to handle what's being said. I have a tendency to try to consider someoneРІР‚в„ўs feelings when delivering criticisms of or facts. I love to laugh and think most silly things are funny. I have a great deal of slapstick humor. On the other hand IРІР‚в„ўm a strong business person and I know how to get things done. I enjoy traveling and enjoy getting away for the weekend. I travel as often as I can. I tend to visit Europe and the West Indian Islands. My family still lives there.
I want someone in my life to be them confidence in themselves. It's so important to believe in your self. Being genuine is greatly appreciated, if it's expected that the same be returned. I like someone to have a somewhat strong personality but kind demeanor. I want someone also to be able to make decision when needed. It's okay to be unsure but be able to admit to that. I am a person first and a woman second. I will treat someone how they want me too treat them. I try not to have any expectations of anyone. Just that we enjoy life with each other.


Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am an honest person with a soft heart. I am looking for my partner. Are you out there? I love to have fun and laugh! I can laugh at myself and yes, I like to laugh at people too. I don't like lots or drama, nor do I create it. I feel that I need to have a connection with someone when I met him. I am a spiritual person and think I have my head on straight. I am nowhere near perfect, nor do I pretend to be. I understand going through a hard time. I've been there and I've grown from it. I am a single mom that is spending far too many nights at home. I enjoy people and doing things outdoors. I love to hike, swim, read, travel and play! I love exploring new places. I have been through too much to play games and feel that honesty is the best thing. I love going places for a glass of wine or a beer and listening to music. I am looking for someone who enjoys some of the same things. I am looking for a gentleman. Someone who knows how to treat a woman. I would like someone who is ambious and grounded. You must have a sense of humor and like to have fun. You must be honest and not represent yourself as someone else. I want someone who is responsible. Sitting by the pool having an iced tea and reading a book is what I find myself doing on weekends. I have two boys 17 & 22. I realized that my time alone is growing and I want to find someone to share my future.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm grateful for my kinds and grand daughter, they are first and foremost in my life. People always ask me how I can always be so positive even when things aren't going well. I enjoy getting out and doing things a quite walk a day trip with the kids, or just hanging out enjoying a good movie or conversation.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I can be given to extreme goofiness, and extreme elegance. I eat rare beef and raw fish, drive a 56 T-bird, and appreciate good manners. I take risks. I am not afraid to fail or succeed. I am very strong, and very soft. I love to laugh. My wit is dry and fast.
Adventure to me is Istanbul, Bhutan, or maybe it's just that hole in the wall restaurant I haven't tried yet.... I like Zumba for fitness as well as hiking in the cooler weather. I have been blessed with one little girl, she is nine now.
After two fulfilling previous careers, I am now a microbiologist working in vaccine development. I have lived in Europe, South America, 3 African countries, Mexico, North, South, East, and West here in the US. Plus Texas, not sure whether that is a State or another country.
Humor and optimism are important traits for me to find in a man. I would like to meet someone who is still a learner and who feels that he hasn't or seen enough of the world yet. (If you write ENTIRELY IN ALL CAPS, we are probably not a good match, but I will overlook that minor irritation if you are a great cook!.

Date someone special from United States. My friends would say that I'm caring, compassionate, personable. I'm a great listener. I offer good advise. I grateful for each day of my life and each sunrise. Children and rainbows
make me smile at their mircle of their creation.
I'm looking for someone to share the fun and happiness of life together.

Meet a soulmate from United States. About me: I'm passionate about enjoying life, being my son's best friend (hes 27), being a blessing to others, spending time with my dog (Nitro), adventures, working out, and enjoying my relationship with God. I retired from a successful, highly demanding leadership position in manufacturing and learned that your position in a company or the amount of money you earn does not define you as a person. It took me 26 years to learn that but I did! LOL I'm really not sure what career I will have next and can only pray it will involve inspiring others and making a positive difference in someone's life. In the mean time, I will study full time to finish my Master of Arts in Christian Ministries, take care of my mom in Montana, and open my own business.
The things I enjoy most are working out in a gym or outdoors. I love mountain biking, weight lifting, hiking, skiing, and camping. I'm known by my friends to go on the road less traveled or as a "trailblazer." LOL I'm a competitor and have been in some type of sport my entire life rather it be figure skating, bodybuilding, or figure shows. Currently, I am getting ready for a physique show in Las Vegas (Nov 5th). On a side note, I do play poker. I enjoy no-limit Texas holdem and found it is a good way to exercise my strategic skills and make a little cash on the side. No, I don't is about self-control, strategy, focus, and statistics....just a fyi.
At this stage in my life, I would like to meet someone who could be my partner, someone who is physically fit, emotionally available, and has spiritual balance. It would be an added bonus if he has my same sense of adventure, can appreciate a sarcastic sense of humor, and loves the outdoors!
Thanks for reading and God Bless!

Date a woman from United States. My friends describe me as friendly, enthusiastic, outgoing, sincere, thoughtful, intelligent, persistent, enterprising, affectionate, playful, creative, curious, kind, dependable, and generally optimistic.
I am passionate about being outdoors, hiking, staying physically fit, cooking, eating and sharing great food, holistic health, studying and learning new things, and maintaining a youthful spirit. I prefer slow food and fresh food over fast food, canned food, and boxed food. Cooking and healthy eating are a huge part of my life but I'm not an ascetic (not vegetarian or vegan; been there, done that!).
My ideal mate and I have great chemistry on all levels. We respect, admire, adore, support and encourage each other, laugh a lot, and can talk about anything. We easily resolve conflicts as they arise, accept our similarities and differences, and have shared values, interests, and compatible lifestyles with enough differences to make our lives interesting and exciting.
You are handsome, physically fit, take good care of your health, are highly intelligent, well educated, kind, honest, playful, affectionate, emotionally stable, generous, confident, easygoing, and sensitive. You enjoy the outdoors, your work, and making a difference in the world. You've been in at least one long term relationship and know what it takes. You're into (or open to) cats, hiking, holistic health, and personal growth. You're looking for wonderful woman who is your best friend, lover, confidante, and partner in the adventures of life.

. I'm hoping to attract a man who is loyal, honest, someone I can communicate with, a man who loves nature, and hope he takes me out often to discover and see new places.
In the first date, I would like it to be simple, calm, and a bit romantic.

. I must start off my profile by stating that I am taking this Website Dating Service very seriously. I am looking for a man to share my life and interests with. It is important that you take it seriously as well. Please read on for my profile.
I am a single woman who is a huge Arizona Cardinals Football Fan. I love going to the games and Tailgating prior to the game. I love listening to music as for it is positive energy for me! I enjoy going to rock concerts, comedy clubs, swimming, riding the Light Rail and walking around downtown.
My friends say that I have an outgoing personality, I have a sense of humor I like to make people smile. They say that I like to talk and they also say that I am a good listener.
On some vacations I just like to lay out by the pool, swim, have a drink at the pool bar and enjoy the atmosphere. On other vacations, I like to explore what places have to offer and learn about their culture.
I love animals and I try to help the homeless ones by finding them good homes. Helping animals is a passion of mine. It is hard and sometimes very stressful, but in the end, seeing a cat or dog find a loving home is worth all of my hard work.
I work out at the gym 3 to 4 times a week and I try very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I am looking for a man that enjoys the same things that I do. What I am looking for in a man and in a relationship is maturity, honesty, passion and communication.
I am the kind of lady who likes to meet people in person and in a very public place. I like to get to know people face to face. I am not a big fan of instant messaging as for I feel it is "hiding" behind the computer. If you are seriously interested, please send an e-mail and we can go from there.

. My name is Samar. I am a single mother of two teenagers. I am an Artist and a full time Art Teacher. I love to hike, sightsee, dine out, to to the movies, paint, and just about anything with the right person.