Date single man from Arizona, United States. I like walks and eating out in different interesting restaurants. My miniature poodle is the loved of my life -- he'll be 13 this August-- but you wouldn't know it, since he likes to play so much. I continue to be on a spiritual quest privately and am learning to love and accept each individual since they have that "special spark" in them. Just finished Autobiography of a Yogi and love it! Do not watch TV, hardly listen to radio, spend some time working on Websites (will probably create more business in that area.) Was a computer programmer for 20 years, in education before that. I like to do the dishes and iron when needed. I also like to cook and do my own clothes washing.
You are tender-hearted, non-judgmental, never want to argue or critize. Have a good sense of humor, enjoy good jokes, love every tender moment we will share together, loved being together -- not smothering, but allowing for one another's creative expression. You will love every-day and intimate conversations. You will especially love to be touched, held, caressed, loved and appreciated for who you are.
I will consider your needs before anyone else's--including mine.