Date men from United States / Arizona / Peoria, 59 year old

Date single man from United States. I have spent decades travelling the world in both work and pleasure. I've been around this planet many times to thousands of places but feel I have only scratched the surface. We have limited time in our life and I want to enjoy and explore. I would like to do that with a woman that shares my desires and interests. Intellect, humour and spontaneity blends wonderfully with sexy, sassy, beauty and grace.
I'd like to meet a woman that is caring, fun, intelligent, sensual and has a zest for life. Not afraid to leave her comfort zone and desires adventure. I'm hoping to find that one person who enjoys my company as much as I enjoy their's. I like to do random acts of friendship and kindness. I'm far more of a giver than a taker.
I admire intelligence, loyalty, hard work and self-discipline. Thoughtfulness and an ability to laugh at the lunacy of ourselves. Humor soothes and playfulness relaxes. Trust and respect are earned. Someone who thinks things through with honesty and realistic expectations but limitless dreams. I appreciate a sense of humor, intelligence, spontaneity, playfullness, positive self esteem, honesty and balance.
I'm confident yet humble. I realize that one of the key components to happiness is the awareness of one's strengths, weaknesses, stupidities and the necessity to constantly self improve and a yearn to learn. In review, I have learned more from my mistakes than my successes; we tend to take those for granted. I'm respectful, honest, intelligent, caring, giving, loyal, fair, open-minded, practical, easy going and grounded (excluding aircraft). I love to travel and emerse in other cultures, watch the sun rise and set, full moons and marvel at the universe. I enjoy most sports and outdoor activities. While I prefer smaller crowds and earlier venues, I'm also ok with the opposite. I appreciate the difference between lonely and being alone and am comfortable in my own skin. I'd prefer being alone than with the wrong person. Reading a book by the fire while being distracted by your presence would give me quiet pleasure and comfort. There is a balance to life, Ying and Yang, give and take, lift verses drag (oops airplane talk). There is no black or white, simply shades of grey and to enjoy successful sharing, life is a compromise.

Meet someone special from United States. I am a secure person looking for someone who is secure herself. I enjoy sports and being with a person who enjoys it too! I like to travel and see new places. It is definately more fun with someone who shares the same interest. I am a big family man and most of my family live in the Chicago area. I am a happy person and friends make me smile. My social life is a little slow now since my divorce. I am looking for a good friend in a relationship since I believe all relationship start as friends first if they will survive.

Date a man from United States. The "I" part :
LOYAL - I'm the guy that looks into your eyes, not the woman walking by !
HONEST - I'm the man who avoids the dog house at all costs and shares all. But really, I'm not perfect and am able to provide the dog with some company occasionally and not by choice !
THE GENTLEMAN'S WORD - MY hand shake means more than a signature.
CURIOUS - Why do you do, what you do??? I explain...and we move forward anyway !
The man thing - I wear Wranglers NOT Designers.
The "YOU" part ..... You subscribe to these concepts :
The "WE" takes precedence over the "I" in the relationship ALWAYS.
You can, as I will, put yourself in the other "person's shoes" to see things from the other party's perspective.
SPEAKING is communicating.....SILENCE is punishing.
YOU love to dance.... I take lessons !
YOU dress for your man, not for attention.... I'm your guy.
Routine provides comfort, but comfort requires variety.
Creative persuasion rekindles excitement.
"My ship sails straight" - You understand what that means.
This very active gentleman seeks the permanent company of ONE gorgeous lady to embark on the adventurous journey of all journeys....ONE HAPPY COUPLE to be envied by all.
If you are OPEN, HONEST and ACCEPTING....I am your man.
You know who you are and are comfortable with yourself.
You be just you.....I can figure out the rest.
And we all live happily ever after..... !
Now if you are addidcted to dating sites, your computer,, you love your wine a little too much, the bar scene, restaurants....Now then, many other gentlemen may desire your presence....This one will keep looking for that elusive LADY.
Write don't wink.... I will make our interview or, rather, the "get acquainted process" a fun one.
Please, ladies, some sanity and reason with respect to dating here. I will stay on Match and so should you...until WE BOTH MUTUALLY AGREE NOT TO. Assume nothing with me...assuming ruins relationships...TALK to me....All will be well.
The military have a CODE of CONDUCT, a CODE of HONOR....I do too.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Intelligent, creative, fun, golfer, sports fan. Looking for a quality person with good values and integrity that doesn't play games, and is attractive. Willing to relocate to be with the right woman. Just completed writing a golf instruction book that was a true passion and quite a process. My daily joy is caring for my dog. I taught golf for 15 years. Not the golfer I used to be as age factors into swing speed, but still love the sport and still able to teach well.

Date single man from Peoria, United States. Thank you for stopping in to review my online profile. If we should have the opportunity to get acquainted with one another, I would hope that you would find me to be a man with a good mind, excellent character, a warm heart, and an interesting sense of humor. I like to believe that I am still young at both heart and mind, and that I am also somewhat of a romantic!
Admittedly, life has dealt me a very good hand. While I did attempt to pursue a collegiate education after graduation from high school, it rapidly became apparent to me that life had a different course for me to follow, and that a structured formal education was not my calling. Coming to grips with that realization at 21 years of age I left school to begin following my deep rooted entrepernurial spirit, and entered into the business world full of great expectations, dreams, and aspirations. In spite of my lack of formal preperation, in addition to being somewhat naive about what I was about to undertake, I still did manage to succeed in my chosen vocation with the assistance of some hard work and good fortune. The above effort allowed me to retire at the age of 33, and since retiring I have not committed to any other full time endeavors, though I do still try to successfully navigate the turbulent financial markets to insure myself a comfortable standard of living.
I am here at Match to hopefully meet a woman of quality, with who I could share and expand my collection of interesting life experiences. I have a good life, yet I believe that it would only be better, if I was able to share it with a significant other? As a partner, the qualities that I willingly bring to this relationship will include, but are also not limited to living with an open mind, a loving heart, a caring soul, and a compassionate nature. I always try to be attentive, sensitive, and fully aware of my partners wants, needs, and desires. I also believe in the need for open communication between soul mates, and would always prefer to sit at the table of compromise, rather than be involved in an argument that will destroy the foundation upon which we have built our relationship. Furthermore, I would appreciate if we both always felt comfortable in our ability to be able to express ourselves openly and in an uninhibited manner in any and all areas of our lives, be the issues emotional, intellectual, or sexual in nature.
While I must confess that I initially do take notice of a woman's outer beauty at first meeting, I must also admit that I am even more motivated and intrigued when I have the opportunity to learn about her inner appeal as well. Yes, it is vitially important for the health of our relationship to be physically attracted to one another, but I also understand the necessity for the inherent elements of depth and substance to be present at the core of this relationship, if we are to avoid the physical appeal suffering a short shelf life.
I admire a woman whose quick wit and curious intelligence effectively lend themselves to dialouges of meaning, while at the same time she manages to never lose site of her playful sense of humor. She is a woman who lives a life of purpose on purpose, confident and secure in herself, yet barren of ego and arrogance. Furthermore, on a regular basis she embraces and practices sincere acts of kindness and compassion in the way she relates to others, and that these qualities which are clearly present in her character, are also easily recognized by anyone who happens to both listen to the words she speaks and the actions she takes.
Life is an adventure, and I promise to try and make even the most ordinary of moments into extraordinary memories. I am ready to make a life long commitment to a woman of quality. Please do put forth the effort to contact me, to see if we are both comfortable attempting to take this journey together? I sincerely look forward to hearing from you!

Meet someone special from Peoria, United States. like to have fun with friends. hope to attract someone nice and cute that likes to have fun. my grandkids make me smile when i'am around them. close to my kids especially my daughters. iam i'am grateful for my children and grankids. i want to travel and see different states and countries.


Meet a soulmate from Peoria, United States. I'm a caring person who thinks of others. I own a company and am very proud of it but I am most proud of my employees whom most have been with me for awhile.I love to go north to a place I have to get away and relax. I'm looking for a person that can enjoy being with just me or a group for dinners at home or a quant party. I play golf as much as I can and belong to a country club up north.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. i am sincere and cheerful, i don't take life too serious, but i respect other's wishes and thoughts
there are more then enough chalanges out there,
i try to go with the flow, i would always want to talk
it out, then argue. life is too short, so pick your battles carefuly. i don't rise to anger easily, but that is not to mistake me not to have passion.
i do not really have strong absesions the things i do enjoy, i do so in moderation. i guess i do love my quiet time at home, but love my get togethers
and other social gatherings too.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. ez to get along with , a oldfasion guy i open doors ,pull out seats treat my lady right .
i have 3 grown childern living on there own.
i like sports , quite dinners , long walks , sitting on the sofa watching movies or just talking

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I enjoy all facets of construction. I may be an electrician by trade but I have skills in many other fields. I am almost finished remodeling my house. My last project was building and installing a walk through gate and a large RV gate on the other side of the house. Currently I am building a seven drawer chest that I saw on the New Yankee Workshop.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I don't like talking about myself, but hear goes. I'm about 5'6 to 5'7, I have dark brown hair with som grying on the sides. I have a beard that I keep trimed short, it has a lot of gray in it. I am a hard worker and very handy around the house and cars. I like to cook and watch a good movie.