Date a man from Ganado, United States. Soft spoken, hardly do clubing but will check out a country western bar. Well educated and considerd well mannered. I can adjust easily to any environment. I can easily spoil someone. Would like to date first before getting serious. I can get extremely romantic if I meet the right lady. I treat a lady like they want to be treated. Non-abusive physically and verbally. I like ladies with light brownish hair and light colored skin. They drive me nuts.
Meet a soulmate from Ganado, United States. ladies i would like to say that if you feel you can't have a relationship with someone unless you feel "sparks" right away, then please pass me by. i am not going to be confused for fabio by anyone, i know some beautiful people that i wouldn't let babysit my grandkids, so please get to know the inside before you judge me. i am pretty sure you'll like what you find, i have never raised my hand to a woman, i do not run around on my mate, i never disappear without my partner knows what i am up to and where at and with whom. i guess in a word i am faithful to a fault, i love the outdoors, and like to travel the side roads, hold hands, snuggle just for the sake of snuggles, have never been too embarrased to show affection in public(appropriate of course). am new to this area and plan on staying, need a guide and friend.