Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 32 year old - page 3

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. Hey, how's going all? I've been out of the dating game for a little bit, not in a relationship but more in the way of working a lot, so I figured I would check out I'm in Microwave Communications (cell phone stuff, I'll spare you the details for now). I'm a pretty laid back guy. I like going out, watching movies, a good meal, wine, beer, wake boarding, snowboarding and a lot more you would have to find out if you are interested. There are very few things you can control in life, one of them is how you treat other people. That being said, its import to show respect especially in a relationship. I believe trust is the most important element of any relationship, without it, no relationship will last. WHO I'M LOOKING FOR: First off, I'm looking to date and take things slow, but I am looking for that bid picture girl. Someone who agrees with my above statements. Everything else is game. A lot people are great for a lot of different qualities. Its hard to explain those qualities, but when you are with someone that has what you like, you know it. I hope all this doesn't sound too serious, I like to have as much fun as the next person. So let me know if you are interested and let's do something fun.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I'm a 32 year old classically trained theatre actor who moved to AZ to produce educational video content for the Children's Ministry at a big church in town. I was born and raised in Kirkland, WA but had an adventure in LA for 5 years before becoming a desert dweller.
Me: Equal parts Cary Grant, Marty Feldman and Justin Timberlake. Under "special skills" on my resume, it says "Dancin' Machine" and "Karaoke Rockstar"... and "Manual Transmission". I'm a huge fan of Cinema as Art. Less so about movies as just entertainment. But, Art that's also entertaining? Now we're talking! I dig watching and playing sports (particularly the NFL... though I don't "play" that one. Go Seahawks!). I spent 5 days at Yosemite a couple of July's ago and was reminded how much I LOVE camping. Never quick to quarrel, but I certainly have strong opinions. I hope you do too. Makes things all the more spicy. And I'm a gentleman, so I'll be walking on the street side and opening doors for you. Family is important to me (especially being a husband and father some day) but mine currently is VERY small. Just my Mom and I. I've had some pretty fun adventures over the years and am ready to find an amazing woman/wife/partner-in-crime to share the rest of them with.
And also I love Jesus. Maybe that should have gone first.
You: It's VERY attractive that you strive to be healthy physically, emotionally AND spiritually. You MUST like smiling and laughing (because I'm VERY witty), and at least occasionally wearing a dress. I'm not terribly concerned by what you do for a living as long as you get at least a moderate sense of fulfillment from it and endeavour to do it to the best of your ability. Though none of us absolutely know the existential Truths of the universe, you have to at least care about them and acknowledge that we aren't here on accident or random chance. You have to like dancing and at least be open to going to a Karaoke bar on a weeknight.
Drop me a line if you're interested in making some memories with someone fun... that would be me.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I likes a simple woman not wonder woman not barbie just someone who knows what she wants out of life no time for games ready for marriage kids and a long loving caring life with me and knows god who lives by his ten commandments

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. I'm looking for someone to enjoy life with. A person that when something happens during the day the first person I want to tell is them. A person that I constantly think about, and when I finally see them at the end of a long day all the mishaps, bad luck, and stress of the day dissapears. Not looking for hook ups. I really want to develop a connection before anything physical happens. I like to turn the microwave off with 1 or 2 seconds left, it makes me feel like I'm diffusing a bomb. I prefer dating woman with kids as I have them too and enjoy doing things with them. I like them, and they seem to like me too. lol. But if your a kid at heart and it doesn't bother you that I have children then that's o.k. too. I want to get to know you via e-mail, phone call, or text messages before making a commitment of my time to meeting you. Otherwise I just feel if we jump right into meeting and it doesn't work out for reasons we could have discovered earlier it was just a waste of both our time.
I am extremely non-photogenic. . No, seriously, a photographer once told me I am one of the least photogenic people he has ever photographed!!! Lol. Im comfortable with who I am however and know I have plenty to offer the right woman, emotionally, physically, and socially!!
I used to play poker professionally, hope to open a sports bar/grill one day and have an idea for a "bucket list" television show id like to pitch one day. As well, I will be going back for my masters degree in about a year. SOOOO excited for that!! Although I know it seems with a full time job on top of all that I don't have time, I would love to make time for the right person.
I'm goofy with a serious side. Mature with the sense of humor of a toddler. Manly with a sensitive side (I sometimes tear up at the national anthem)
I like ALL sports, I'm an Olympics whore, no real preference on going out at night or staying in as long as i am enjoying my time with good company. Really just a go with the flow type of person. Im a giver and although I've been walked on in the past for it i have come to accept that it's just who I am so I have to understand that some people will tale advantage of that. But once a person takes advantage of me I put up a wall between that person and myself. I try not to worry about the little things, just live your life, laugh, and love. Make the most out of this precious thing we call life, and hopefully find someone that wants to share it with you. That's my motto.(well I have lots of mottos) Finally, I feel that honesty and trust is unequivocally the most important aspect of any healthy relationship. That's why I have an "open phone/e-mail policy. (I don't request this of you, its something I allow because I want the person im with to feel 100% comfortable that they can trust me). That's how much I value trust. Without it, a relationship is destined to fail. I want the person im with to know they have nothing to worry about and I am 100% committed to the person I am involved with!!
I hope I've sparked an interest as im excited to get back into the dating world again.

Date single man from United States. As an opportunist I like to take advantage of things that come natural to me. Fortunately my childhood upbringing paved the way for me to embrace the world and make the best of my god given talents. I'm extremely satisfied where I am at this point in my life and have built an amazing support network.
I'm an entrepreneur who has always enjoyed a bit of calculated risk and certainly would describe myself as spontaneous. I'm creative, thoughtful, passionate, and empathetic towards others -- sometimes to a fault.
I am extremely selective in who let into my circle of life. I have a pretty busy schedule which leaves little time for kids play. But don't get me wrong, I do love to play. As a matter of fact I'd rather play then pretend to play executive but that's another story. I'm hoping to turn globe trotting into a full time gig shortly.

Meet a soulmate from United States. A little about me... I would say that I am very confident, but not over board. I believe in standing up for yourself and what you believe in when its necessary. I am very close to my friends and family and I am always there for them. I strive to be the best person I can be. I believe in taking care of yourself. Being very active is important to me, I try to get in some form of physical activity everyday.. I treat others the way they I want to be treated and expect the same.
A few things I enjoy:
The Downtown Area
Beach Cruisers
Quiet nights at home
Any kind of music
My Harley and love my truck
The outdoors
Dive Bars
The Gym

Date someone special from United States. Well, I'm a hopeless poet and romantic, but fully aware. I love to write poetry to help me cope with lifes situations. I'm very active in my children's lives and I know its cliche, but my kids are positive motivating factors in my life! I'm a great conversationalist and I am looking for a woman who values friendship, is honest, outgoing, has strong family values and morals and believes in themselves. I appreciate sitting at home watching a movie, playing video games with kids, not a big wine drinker but love Moscato w/some bruschetta(Postino anyone?) I appreciate honesty and someone who has a great sense of humor. I'm not picky by any means, just looking for someone who would acknowledge and reciprocate my efforts. I'd like to be quite honest in saying I feel strange sitting her saying what I like or what I am looking for along with talking about myself because just writing how or what I stand for doesn't do justice to what I really feel about what I'm saying(if that made any sense). I love movies of all sorts, from the Notebook, Like Water for Chocolate, Love in the Time of Cholera, A Walk In The Clouds, Fools Rush In to The Expendables, ALL Jet Li/Bruce Lee movies, Horror movies, to Braveheart, Gladiator and any epic movie! I enjoy reading books by Koontz, Stephen King, and any books on religion or history. I enjoy watching sports and UFC fights. I wouldn't say I'm searching for love, but I would like to experience real companionship which is part of the deeply rooted seed that I believe grows into love, so I guess in a round about way, I'm looking for that connection and if it does grow into something more than so be it. I love learning about other peoples point of view and experiences, knowledge is wisdom, and wisdom is power that spurts growth. Oh, and Avengers is one of the best movies ever. I"ve probably rambled on enough, so if you would like to learn more feel free to email me. Did I say Avengers was one of the best movies ever yet, yeah I did, but oh well. haha ;)
Oh wait, Mad Men, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Game of thrones, Homeland, Tru Blood, Dexter, Revenge, Supernatural, and the list goes on and on...sorry lol.:)

Meet a man from United States. Down to earth. Not too sure I want to share much about myself. Just take things one moment at a time. Never setup an online profile on any dating site before. So now Im rambling in order to meet the two hundred word minimum.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I'm a recent transplant to AZ by way of Chicago. I'm laid back, sarcastic, spontaneous, athletic, honest, witty, loyal, well-dressed, and down to earth. I'm an absolute music freak that has been to well over 500 shows/concerts. I do a lot of reading. I watch a ton of movies. I'm a technology junkie. I'm a Microsoft software licensing guru. I love baseball - especially at Wrigley Field. My favorite sport to play is basketball. I used to play football but got old. My family is the most important thing in the world to me. I have a smallish circle of friends but we're all very close. I have two little nieces that are the cutest girls ever born and no one can argue that with me. I make a great Trivial Pursuit and euchre partner. I try to golf at least twice a week. I love to check out new restaurants and actually have a growing list of places to try on my iPad - I'm thoroughly enjoying working through all of them while continually adding to the list.
I love experiencing the random situations that life always seems to provide. Live music, new restaurants, and exploring the nooks and crannies of the city are things that I dig. However, I'm over the "bar scene". I can enjoy a couple of cocktails, a few glasses of wine with dinner, etc, but barhopping and getting rowdy every weekend are days that are long gone for me. These days, I prefer to go out with a few close friends, have dinner and drinks at a nice/new/upscale restaurant, go to a concert or back to someone's place to play cards, listen to music, and just hang out. I have no problem spending a Friday or Saturday night at my place listening to music, reading, and watching a movie.
I'm looking for a lady that is intelligent, educated, funny, witty, sarcastic, driven, responsible, spontaneous, down to earth, likes music, travels, adores dogs, and is just generally a nice/good person.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. About me? hmm. Well I love to hike. I try to get out as much as my schedule allows. I also like to mountain bike, I haven't been doing it that long but I've yet to hurt myself, which I've been told is inevitable. I also paint, I haven't painted anything in awhile, but I've found it can be therapeutic, even if I'm not Van Gogh. In the winter, I try to get on the mountain as much as possible for snowboarding. Favorite saying is, "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching." I try to live this, as life is way to short not to. As far as work, I'm in sales. I work for a commercial HVAC company. My professional career is very important to me, but when I leave the office, I keep work at work. I love good conversation and quick humor. I think humor is so important in life. With humor, you have the ability to turn just about any situation into a good one.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. So here's my profile...but what to write in a short amount of space that speaks interestingly?? I'm an honest guy and to prove it, I'll start by letting you in on my secret (I am not a strong writer). Ok, now that that's out of the way...They say start out with something catchy so: I grew up in Michigan, went to undergrad in Boston and somehow made my way to the palm trees here in Arizona. I've studied in London, backpacked through Eastern Europe and trekked through Israel. I hold a BA in Public Relations, a Masters in Social Work and have recently started a new business having nothing to do with social work. Yes life is short so you have to keep it interesting! I'm a fun, honest, loyal to a fault kind of guy with passion not only for the exciting things in life but for the day-to-day things as well. I love coffee shops, weekend trips, laughing but my favorite is conversations that you don't want to stop! I am confident but not overly and can be spontaneous but am always thoughtful about my actions. Yes I know some of these things contradict each other but come on...I'm 6'3 and Jewish, seriously, how could I not contradict myself occasionally. I'm passionate about life and try to make that seen in my actions. The core of who I am includes family, personal growth, fitness, intimate conversations, volunteering, yoga, traveling and even cuddling! I'm extremely active within our community and volunteering is an essential part of life. I am a student to life but enjoy its journey and am just looking for someone who would like to take a lesson with me....if you're interested; I look forward to hearing from you! Now it's your turn! Enough about me, I'm looking forward to hearing all about you!

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. About me… hmm… I’m a 32 year old, 6'2", 180lbs Arizona native. I was raised in the North Valley and it’s where I reside. As for my career, I work for a huge corporation in information technology. I'm a little bit edu-ma-cated, spontaneous and random. It’s not uncommon for me to talk about existentialism and how much I like puppies all in one breath. In my free time I like to hangout with friends and family, take long road trips to extraordinary places, and try something new on a weekly or daily basis. People also say I’m stubborn, and I wholeheartedly agree with that. I do not take life too serious and believe you shouldn’t either. I do like to hear both sides of the story even if I think I’m right. Arguing is too daunting and completely unnecessary! I like volunteering to help animals and people. I have a 7 year old Pit-bull that is totally awesome! He even likes cats!
This onetime in band camp, JK!!! I’m looking for a woman who’s not crazy or controlling. I believe the word “love” is a made-up, although, I’m still searching. I am mentally collected, financially stable, and totally awesome. I believe in God but don’t go to church. I think fitness is an important part of life and I strive to live healthy and stress free. I workout Monday – Friday for 2 to 3 hours.
About you: You should have a job, be mentally stable and financially together. I don’t care if you make more or less money than me. As long as you’re happy then that’s all that’s all that matters! I believe education is somewhat important but not completely necessary. Some people are just not built to be in school but then there’s other who need it. I prefer if you’re thin to average, have a great smile, and a great personality.
I know what I am looking for, so if I do not respond it’s because I believe you and I would not be a great match. However, I want to wish you happy fishing and the best of luck. :)