Date men from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 26 year old

Date someone special from Goodyear, United States. Where to start? I am originally from Reno, NV but got stationed here in Glendale a few years ago. Other than the extreme heat I love it. I am an Air Force air traffic controller. No, that's not the guy that waves the flashlights at the pilots. It's a great career that I love doing. I would say that I'm very outgoing, intelligent, and extremely honest almost to a fault at times. I like to think that I'm pretty chill and don't take myself to seriously. I am extremely patient which sometimes annoys people around me that are in some kind of rush. I was divorced when I turned 21 so I am very much over it already. I was just very young and dumb at the time. I have a long list of goals and ambitions to keep me constantly motivated. I believe whole heartedly that you should be willing to make fun of yourself before you think about poking fun on others. I come from a pretty big family that I unfortunately don't get to see as often as I would like which is one of the few downfalls of military life. But they still mean the world to me. I am that guy that calls my mom everyday just to tell her I love her and I'm not remotely ashamed of that. I have a lot of different passions in life but one of the biggest would be traveling. I want to see the world even if its just a simple day trip to some small ghost town I've never seen. I am a hardcore football fan and sorry but I hate the cardinals. Most would describe me as very go with the flow. I'm just as happy going out as I am staying in. I like to keep it classic as far as my style goes. Blue jeans and a tee obviously clean cut being military. I have no problem going out for a drink or two here and there at the bars but for the most part I'm pretty much over the bar hop every weekend phase. Ok I'm rambling now.
I wouldn't say that there is any sort of list that I'm looking for in a woman. If you restrict yourself to the same qualities that you always look for in someone than how do you find the one that will be different? So I guess if you find yourself interested don't be afraid to send an email and see what happens from there.

Meet a boy from Goodyear, United States. Hello there. First things first. My name is Shaun.
I was born and raised in Northern California. I'm a bit of a prankster. I like to have fun no matter where I am. I often come across as the quiet shy guy, but I'm actually a big goofball once you get to know me.
I'm pretty old school. I will slow down my walk to hold a door open. Also I have a half sleeve of tattoos on my left arm, and a rosary around my neck in case that's a deal breaker for you. I'm a pretty fit guy. I enjoy working out regularly, and playing sports whenever I get the chance.
I'm looking for that special somebody to be my better half.
Life's a gamble...send me a note if you're willing to take that chance ;)
Disclaimer: Fun time with good laughs or your money back.

Date a guy from Goodyear, United States. I'm very fortunate to work as a software engineer in a field that I love. My work keeps me pretty busy but I have a great group of friends that I enjoy spending my free time with. I usually try to stay pretty active when I can and enjoy working out, hiking, and playing indoor soccer in my free time. I also enjoy relaxing and watching a movie or reading a good book. l also love travelling and learning about different cultures when I have the opportunity and have been fortunate enough to have traveled to some amazing places. I can't wait for the next trip!
I hope to find someone with similar interests to enjoy my free time with.

Meet single boy from Goodyear, United States. Like I said before, I came to Phoenix just three weeks ago and I will stay until December.
I'm lookin' for cool people to hang around, going out for dinner and maybe more :)
No LTR (or in other words...not longer then December....).

Date a soulmate from Goodyear, United States. Im a real relax person who is pretty much up for anything. I do have some goals in my life, I like to consider myself a person that people can depend on . I am looking for someone who also has some goals, head strong but great personality that is real easy to get a long with everyone and very kind person, also someone with a great sense of humor. and not picky of things.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Well I'm Josh. Was in the military where I was in spec ops training ( I know every guys says they were special forces but they can rarley prove it haha) and now I'm currently in the fire figher academy. I graduate May 5th. My friends would describe me as the quiet one in the group who always has something funny or clever to say. I'm not the type of guy that likes alot of attention. I live a very very active and healthy lifestyle, although there's a dairy queen down the road from my house that I can't resist going to. I'm a sucker for animals and old disney cartoons.
I've been to about 10 different countries and almost all the states. I love Arizona but there's so much more to see than desert haha. My family has a cabin in the woods north of Payson. I'll go up there during the summer for a day or two with just a couple of books and relax. I don't really like writing about myself so if you wanna know more just ask away

Date a boy from Arizona, United States. My name is Drew. I'm 25 years old and looking for someone who wants to enjoy each others company without a lot of excess drama. Recently it seems like for whatever reason I've had a lot of exposure to women who are completely wrapped up in work to a point that seems unhealthy. I get it, I have a career which means a lot to me but I think it is important to find a balance point and to be able to turn it off. I would like to find someone who is interested in sharing a healthy lifestyle from diet to exercise, and more importantly someone who shares my faith.

Meet a guy from Arizona, United States. Im never sure what to write in these boxes so im trying it again. Im medically retired from the Army trying to start a new chapter in my life. i served for 7 years and deployed 3 times. I plan to attend ASU in august to continue with liberal arts. Im a very personable guy who is very laid back and easy going, I am god fearing and i dont judge cause i have pretty much seen and heard it all. I have big goals ahead of me and I try to live my life to the fullest. Life shouldnt be taken to seriously cause then you will miss what it has to offer. Just have fun cause if you cant control it then theres nothing to stress about. I am lookin for a woman who is independent and does not need me every second of the day. i need a strong woman who supports me and brings out the best of me. someone who stands behind me as puts up with all my flaws cause im not perfect. im full of adventure and wish to share that. i would like my woman to be self respecting and carries morals that are important to her. someone who will be there when im down to bring me up again.

Date single boy from Arizona, United States. I am a simple guy. I am a honest genuine person. I like to have fun, live life to the fullest, laugh and willing to try new things. I am friendly and easy to get along with. I engoy playing sports, watching sports, working out, crossfit, fishing, camping, hiking, the out doors and shooting guns. I was in the military and now I am going to school full time. I have a semester left and then I am going to pursue a career in law enforcment or fire. I am a big family man and ya thats the short story of me so if you want to know more let me know.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Originally from Minnesota but i moved to Arizona to attend school. I am a very hard working dedicated person and I live life to it's fullest. I laugh often and am very optimistic. I think my smile is contagious.
I graduated from ASU with a degree in engineering and a minor in business. I hope to be going back to get myh masters pretty soon. I love to learn new things because I love my career.
In my free time I spend lots of time with my friends and family. My friends and family are loyal to me and I'm the same in return. I like to read, shoot around, play guitar, and I'm trying to learn how to cook.
I enjoy helping others more than anything else. I would put everything I'm doing on hold if someone I know needed help with anything at all.
I am a huge music fan! I like all types of music but mainly listen to rock and hip hop. My favorite musicians would probably have to be the Black Keys, Sublime, and John Lennon.
I am incredibly honest and trustworthy. I would expect my match to have the same qualities. That is extremely important.
I am always joking and laughing and I want someone who has those same qualities. If you like dave Chappelle, you will probably have the same sense of humor as me.

Date someone special from United States. Hmmmm, weeeeeelllll let's see.. This is my first actual dating site that I've decided to create a profile with. First and foremost, I'll say that I'm a gamer and I'm generally interested in technology and the advancement of it. In my spare time that's what I'm usually doing. Either gaming, reading something obscure over the internet or getting hooked on a book, Goosebumps rulez, exercising, running in the rain for no reason, I'm a huge movie person, watch dumb youtube videos, or finding music, camping and nature in general, bowling, cofffffeee, and other random things that I'm sure will pop-up in a conversation. I'm not a religious person either, at all. So, if you try and push your ideology onto me, it's probably not going to work out between us ;). Not really big on the whole 'lets go out to the bar and get blasted scene.' I don't watch dumb reality TV shows, pretty much anything on MTV :|
Hmm, as far as what I would like in a person.. I don't really have any preference honestly. As long as you get my sarcastic humor, can carry a conversation about anything that pops up, tries not to change who I am or attempts to be bossy. I don't really tolerate negative people, I don't have time for that. Nothing complicated and about the equilibrium.
Welp, I think that's it.. I think. If I forgot something, just ask.. I'll be as honest as possible. After all, not like I have anything to lose :). Oh and to make things easy and because I really don't want to pay ha, just look me up on that social networking website. *hint*

Meet a boy from United States. Hi. I’ve lived in Arizona for almost two years now. Just recently moved from Goodyear to Downtown Phoenix. Sooooo stoked on having a change of scene.
Being an engineer, I do have some nerdy tendencies... just a warning. It's not like I play World of Warcraft or go to Startrek conventions, but I am a big fan of Scrabble. I'm also shy initially, but this changes quickly if the person is as awesome as me.
To compensate for the nerdiness, I keep in shape via a large array of outdoor activities, my favorites being hiking and snowboarding. By the way, I know that basically everyone on this site says they like to hike, but I actually do spend a fair amount of time on trails. Anyway, I digress. I also raise my coolness factor by shredding the guitar… like a badass. Music in general is a big thing for me, so if your musical tastes are as excellent as they are diverse, we’ll get along just fine.
Let’s see, what else. �Guess as an added bonus I like to cook. My main expertise is on the grill, but I try new recipes of all kinds fairly often, and typically surprise myself as to how well they turn out.
Finally, I'm a big fan of pine trees, local businesses and good beer. Thus, I head to Flagstaff as often as I can. If you like the vibe up there alot better then here in the Valley, we've already got alot in common.
Just ask if ya wanna know anything else, and good luck searching.