Date men from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 28 year old

Date someone special from Goodyear, United States. I'd like to think that I have something interesting to say.
Wouldn't it be great if I just left my profile at that? The thought of it makes me laugh, but I think it would perhaps be too socially awkward even for the Internet :)
Let's try this instead: I'd like to think that I have something interesting to say. I lead with that because that's what I look for most in a woman. You may be an amazing surfer or rocket surgeon person, but that intangible back-and-forth element of a conversation is what keeps things interesting over the long haul. And when you run out of interesting things to say to each other, then you go out and share new experiences. So let's round me out as a person so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not you'd like to share your past and future experiences with me.
I have a man crush on Louis CK. He's hilarious. I love the The Office, but this last season has been really hit or miss. I moved from Illinois to the Phoenix area in 2007. I've got a pretty good lay of the land in that I know my way around the Valley. I did, however, recently go to Vancouver for an education conference (oh, I'm a big fan of education by the way) and really liked the vibe that was going on there. It was definitely a hipster city in that I'm pretty sure it was an elaborate set for an Apple commercial. But I'm fairly certain that I would have been photoshoped out of any commercial on the cutting room floor because I'm totally not cool enough to be a hipster; I'm more like the guy who sweeps tables behind the cameras. I know that's random, but I say that to say this: All of my family and most of my friends now are not in Arizona, and while I quite like it here, I'm not tied to this area in any substantial way. Unless, that is, you turn out to be amazing (fingers crossed).
Other things...I think that Carl Sagan is a genius. I think that The Princess Bride is genius. I used to want to be an eagle when I was younger. I love overcast days. I'm not really big into professional sports. I thoroughly enjoy playing sports, and it's fun to catch a baseball game every now and then, but it's just not something that really interests me. Getting away and enjoying a glass of wine is nice. I consider myself very self-aware and believe that kindness goes a long way (how very Midwestern of me). And I think that I'm too intellectually curious to dismiss most things out of hand. Does that sound braggy? I don't mean it to be. If you get to know me you'll see that I'm too self-deprecating to be braggy.
My music tastes range from country (I was raised in a corn field) to fashionably popular bands such as the Florence and the Machine types, though my heart really belongs to 90s rock/punk. Don't judge.
Finally, it's kind of important to know that I plan to have sold my house in Goodyear by the end of June and to have moved to Tempe or Scottsdale shortly thereafter. That said, I'll totally drive back to the West Valley if, as I hoped for above, you are amazing.
P.S. You may have a story or two to back me up here...but I can't think of a more lame thing than a man winking at a woman on here. I didn't even know that guys had that option available to them until recently. It seems like it should violate some term of service or something. So if you are reading this because I winked at you, there must have been some glitch in the universe but you should still block and report my profile.
P.P.S. I need to put better and more recent pictures up because those are several months old and that's hardly fair to anyone. The Bieber hair turned into Dave Grohl hair but now it's short again.

Meet a soulmate from Goodyear, United States. Hey there! I'm Michael and I moved to Phoenix a couple of years ago and I figure I should put myself out there to see what happens. I am a very honest and dedicated person and will always give a truthful answer no matter the question. As you may have guessed I'm in the military, more specifically, I'm EOD which stands for Explosive Ordnance Disposal, or simply put, Bomb Squad. I do a lot of traveling and consider it a blessing and a curse. I am a very open book so if you have a question, ask!
I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on things; I have a nice house, two nice cars, and am quite happy with my career. One thing I would like to do is further my education so that I can be more marketable when my stent in the military is done. I have no idea if I will be staying in the military for the full 20 simply because with my job, I'm gone a lot, and I don't want to miss half of my family’s lives. But right now I'm single and getting paid to travel the world and see and do things most just read about. Who else can say they spent two months guarding the White House or played beer pong with Prince Harry?
Like most guys, I am a problem solver, but I am also a great listener and I understand that some problems don't need to be fixed but just heard. I am a nice guy, but the unfortunate side is nice guys finish last. Women say they are tired of all the "assholes" that they date but will continue to date them. This is a problem for me because I'm not going to become a jerk for the sake of getting a date; it's not who I am. The whole thing hurts my head as I just don’t understand why someone would continue to subject themselves to verbal, mental, and physical abuse. The latter also goes the same for me, don't mistake me being nice for a sign of weakness, I will not let anyone walk all over me.
I'm on Match because I don't like the bar scene and I'm gone too much to try to meet people organically. Not to mention being in a rather large town allows you to be much more selective in order to find the person that best matches what you're looking for without having to wade through the muck. I ultimately want to find my best friend that I can be myself around without feeling self conscious about being goofy or too spontaneous. I want to find the person that I can tell my dreams to and dream about. I’m looking for someone to challenge me and comfort me, but most of all, someone to love.

Date single boy from Goodyear, United States. I am an easy going person. I enjoy spending my time with family and friends doing most anything that keeps me outdoors. I enjoy spending my summers rock climbing and mountain biking and my winters on the ski slopes. I moved to Goodyear from Maine in July last year and have been enjoying the winter but the summers will take a little getting used to. I spend a lot of time traveling around the western US for work and it has taken me to some interesting places I never expected to see. I would like to meet someone who is family oriented and enjoys the outdoors.

Meet a guy from Goodyear, United States. This is an opportunity to express who you are. Here are some things that you can write about to get started. How would your closest friends describe you? Who or what makes you smile? What accomplishments are you most proud of?

Date a boy from Goodyear, United States. im pretty much a happy, friendly, gentle giant lol. im usually a lil shy to new situations but once i get warmed up i can pretty much get along with any body. I have a pretty broad set of friends and family so i would say im pretty social and i like to go out for a lil excitement now and then but im also a bit of a homebody and am not opposed to chilling out for a weekend at home with a good movie or video game. what im looking for in a relationship is just someone who is cute, funny, friendly, and is drama free and honest. who is there own person who has nerdy/dork qualities such as myself. Im super passionate about music and love going to concerts and discovering new music. I dont really know what else to say here. im not much of an essay guy lol.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm 28 living here in Goodyear, AZ. I am fun loving, sarcastic, laid back, and family orientated. I can enjoy any scene as long as I have good company that I can joke around with. However, I prefer doing things that are more laid back and chill. Sense of humor is a must. I can be a big nerd from time to time and a bit of a corn ball. I love to learn from others and teach what i know. Well I guess that's all for now. I can’t tell you everything or I’ll ruin the air of mystery :)

Date a soulmate from United States. Im just here to enjoy and live my life.
I dont have a list of specifications, I'm always excited to meet new people.
The people I'm usually most attracted to are outspoken good hearted people and theres nothing more attractive than a sharp wit to keep me on my toes.
upon first meetings I sometimes seem like a spacecase but I actually pay alot of attention; I'm always looking for new and creative ways to put a smile on the face of the person I'm with.
I was raised very traditionally and I believe in being a gentleman.
I have a serious passion for any kind of art form, particularly drawings, paintings, music etc. and if youre talented I'll probably be interested right away.
other than that, I'm healthy, I run fast, I love hard and I dont snore! :)
hit me up!