Date men from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 29 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am outgoing fun professional looking to meet someone with the same interest and that is down to earth and wants to share some adventures and fun I am easy going enjoy sports and traveling to new and old places

Meet a guy from Arizona, United States. I am a very funny person that enjoys watching a good comedy. On my free time I like spending time with friends and family. I am currently employed and also attending college to meet my life goals. I like palying baseball. I am looking for someone exciting to meet. I have alot to offer in a relationship.

Date single boy from Arizona, United States. I'm a sweet, honest, fun-loving guy who is looking for somebody to create new memories with. Whether it's something as important as meeting friends and family or just the memory of silly whispers during a movie. I am looking for somebody to share something special with.
Over the past few years I have found that the type of woman I am looking for is hard to find in a club or at a bar so, I have decided to give this online thing another shot. I have never really put an effort into a website like this so I am a little skeptical that people will really be open to giving somebody a chance based on a silly headline and what is normally a bad picture. Although I am skeptical, I am also excited for this chance to meet somebody and share all I have to give; you never know, maybe we will create a lasting friendship or maybe even more together.
What do I have to offer, you might ask…? Well I am a very good listener who is easy to talk to, no matter what the topic is. I don’t mind sitting there and shutting up or helping by sharing my thoughts or sharing how I handled a similar situation. I am a very caring person who is emotionally strong but I can be open with my emotions and share them too. I have a big heart and give it all to those who are important in my life and even to those who are not important in my life but need some help. I am a family oriented guy who was brought up with a high level of respect for women. I am a romantic guy who enjoys making that special person in my life happy. I love to do sweet things on random days just to ensure that special someone is reminded of what they mean to me. I have so much more to offer so if you’re interested I am more then willing to open up a little and share more of who I am with you.
Now, because I believe that learning about each other is an important part of the foundation of any strong relationship or friendship I don't want to give away to much about myself in a posting so.... If you want to learn more about me and are interested in the possibility of finding somebody to create new memories with, please send me an E-mail and maybe we’ll begin creating those memories.

Meet a boy from Arizona, United States. I moved to the Phoenix area a few years ago from WI. I like going out with friends, working out, cookouts, the beach, and anything that is active. I'm a sports fanatic and enjoy going to games or entertaining friends at home. I like meeting new people and traveling as well! While I still occasionally hit the bars, I don't think it's the best place to meet people or start a relationship. Message me if you would like to know more!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Hey ladies! I'm outgoing and trying to improve my future with my career but I want to share it with someone that appreciates me. I always try to go above and beyond everything I do and I don't like to waste time doing something that doesn't make sense. I'm a guy that has a lot of common sense, has a bunch of laughs, but also knows when to take things seriously. I think I'm a good catch.....I 'm just looking for someone that doesn't take advantage of it and appreciates what I can offer. I'M ALL IN!!! Are you??

Meet a soulmate from Goodyear, United States. If I had to boil down what I'm looking for in a single sentence, I would like to find someone that's going to keep my on my toes. I need someone that is going to challenge me intellectually but at the same time not take things too seriously.
I was born in a small town in Kansas but I grew up all over the place thanks to my father's career in the Navy. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to move around but it wasn't without its challenges. After high school I was in the Air Force for a while, took a quick detour with school and am now a semi-productive member of society. I'm currently working for Lockheed Martin as a Systems Engineer. That title sounds better than it really is.
Overall I don't really have anything to complain about. I get to travel a lot and most days I enjoy my job. I'm tremendously excited about finishing my degree at the end of this semester. Overall, I seem to be content as long as I'm actively working towards a personal or career goal. It might seem a bit obvious but I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm just putting in my hours at work every week.
A couple random bits:
I love a good laugh but I'm probably not as funny as I think I am.
My passport doesn't have nearly enough stamps in it, that actually bothers me.
If I'm talking about movies with a group of people, I'll extol the virtues of a movie like The Godfather but secretly my favorite movies are more along the lines of Pineapple Express or Anchorman.
One of my passions in life is cars. I run a lot of track days in and around Phoenix which is where I get my adrenaline fix. Since I'm not independently wealthy that also means I maintain them as well but it doesn't really eat up that much of my time.
I also enjoy playing the guitar and piano though I don't make nearly enough time for it. I'm hoping that changes after I finish school.

Date a guy from Goodyear, United States. Trying something new to get out, meet new people and explore new places.
My job keeps me busy at times but I am completely the "Work hard, play hard" attitude. With anything I do, I always put myself into it, wont leave anything unaccomplished. I am driven to a point but not 100% on a path. Real big on honesty, see no reason in lying about anything. We all have our pasts and skeletons in our closets. It just makes us who we are.
Pretty laid back, few and far between have ever seen me mad. Grew up in San Antonio for about 20 years before I entered the Air Force, which has taken me all over the country and some parts of the world in the 5 years I've been in. Wish I had more time for traveling or even someone to travel with.
I have a big heart and sometimes tend to wear it on my sleeve. I will always put family and freinds above myself. Its all about making everyone else happy. I love charity work especially when it comes to working with children.
As far as what I am looking for, can't really tell you. Figure if you look to hard, you'll end up missing whats right in front of you. With that said just ready to meet new people and if I end up finding the one, its even better. As always, if you have questions just ask.

Meet single boy from Goodyear, United States. Just trying out to make friends I'm not originally from az so is hard to meet people in here since the city is so big. I'm fun to hangout and always like to have a great time. Thanks for reading

Date a boy from Goodyear, United States. I'm looking for a woman who is pretty, few extra pounds, I like woman who are thick. good teeth, doesn't have jealousy issues, or baggage. Funny, Not afraid to meet my intermediate family and conversation. Honest, and trustworthy. NOT A CHEATER. Someone who expresses her love. Not lazy.

Meet someone special from Goodyear, United States. Athletic and Outgoing. Intensly laid back. thats me.I'm just a good dood who enjoys life and music.
That being said, people often mistake my even keeled temperment for being too serious when they first meet me. But when they get to know me they see that I am totally different.