Date men from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 53 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Under construction.
Basic stats: 52, Single (actually, in final divorcing stage but it was pretty much over at the start), white, male (obviously); in shape standing 5’-8”, 185 lb. with mixed brown & grey hair and hazel eyes. No facial hair. I wear glasses full-time. No tattoos or piercings (OK, so I’m boring)!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. hoping to find new friends and make lasting relationships. I have friends that have found good people on this site and have them for over two years. I feel I should try to do the same and expand my social life

Date single man from Arizona, United States. JUst want some one to share thoughts and interest with. Would like you to take care of you and ill take care of me. I believe i'm pretty easy going would want that back. Would hope that you and i could communicate cause that is very important in my oppion, not a mind reader.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I don't like to complicate things any more than they already are, just keep it simple. I enjoy a good meal out, which is important as well as dining in with that special person. I like animals and most like me, yes I can even handle the cat . I enjoy the outdoors and nature, mountains, desert, ocean, sunrise and sunset. It's great to be at a party with lots of people and great conversation or sitting quietly on a swing beside someone as the rain dances on the roof top. I don't always have to be the winner but do have to finish the race and/ or reach my goal's. I like just about everything, well maybe not sushi or laundry, but you get the idea.
I'm pretty much old fashion values with an open mind to new and better ideas. I'm no Brad Pitt nor do I want to be, so if money and looks are what you're after then I'm sure you've not made it this far but if you're looking beyond these things then we should talk because there is a good chance I might have what you're looking for. Sometimes it easier to find what we're looking for if we close our eyes.

Date a soulmate from Goodyear, United States. I would like to meet someone who has similar intrests and aperations as I do. Someone who is not stuck in the material world. And someone who looks for the positve in all she sees. The most important aspect of any realationship, I have come to realize is that there must be mutual respect and trust in the entire relationship or it will crummble under the weight of disfatsaction of both people. There must never be any form of jealousy from anyone. I am ready to have a full, thoughtout, freindship that could develop into a real strong mutual lasting emotional endever.

Meet someone special from Goodyear, United States. I like the outdoors, sports of all kinds, I'm very competitive but will not be offended if you win. Right now, I golf, fish but love to hunt, camp, go to the lake.
Like to go out, go to small out of the way towns, antique, will even do a George Straight Kareoke if I have just the right amount.