Date men from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 47 year old

Date someone special from Goodyear, United States. I am originally from Oregon.. Ive been in the valley for 16 years. I grew up in a small town with good family values and morals. we take care of our own, treat other the way we would like to be treated..We do what we say we will..and if we want it.. we do what it takes to make it happen..and if it didnt happen.. it was for some reason outside of our control.. we never give up.. we make no excuses.. we own up to it if its ours to own up to...though it may not always be perfect.. it was with good intent...I will go to great lengths to make a good thing happen...and will stop at nothing. Im the one that wants to know what's on top of that mountain...I was also the one that put the tac in the teachers chair...and the one that didn't settle for the dozen roses at Safeway....but instead went out and hand picked the vase.. and arranged two dozen roses on my own ... and hand delivered them to you at work.. then took you to lunch...I put my whole being into everything I self motivated.. and driven..and caring...
Im looking for someone to spend time with and to share things in life with...and maybe one day find that one to ride the roller coaster of life with.
and this is the last day of membership.. july 6th.. I have better things to do than to play this game..