Date women from United States / Alaska / Big Lake, 53 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am a simple woman. I am not high maintance, demanding or spoiled. I don't spit, yell or throw things....I actually think it be fun to learn the throwing part. I have lousy aim. I am not barbie. I dye my natural blonde hair brunette and auburn. I can out work most guys and lift my fair share of the weight. I enjoy the woods. I like roughing it. And I don't mean in an rv. Although those are fun too. I like flowers and butterflys. I wear some makeup and like to smell nice. I love to cook and I most definitely like to snuggle. Steam up the windows. I am physical and affectionate. Under my flannel there is always laceI . I guess I should mention that I have a motorcycle. New to it and definitely still learning. And no, it isn't a harley. I have neither the money or the experience. And I ain't out impress anyone. I have an old beat up bike and it suits me. But I do look good in chaps. When I have a pair that fits.
My kids are teens and early 20s. They are independent but are my focus. I am extremely proud of them but know their faults as well. Family means alot to me.
Mr Man....mmmmm...what do I want? A man. Some ambition, working, likes to play. Honest, straight forward. And hey, like you, I wouldn't mind if you are easy on the eyes. No guys that kick puppies, make babies cry, or uses the c word all the time. Rude, crude and socialibly unacceptable is fine but have a little class.
Want to keep up with the Jones's, you're on your own. Want someone to build a future with, work beside.....we can talk.
By now, most of you will be running. Oh well, that's the way it goes. And the picture was taken 2 years ago. My kids say I need to change it....I say, I like it. It stays. I haven't changed much in 2 years.