Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 33 year old

Date a woman from United States. I would consider myself an average, normal girl. Im independent, low maintenance, and fairly easy going. I dont have a "checklist" of things Im looking for. There are certainly characteristics that are attractive to me, such as kindness, honesty, sense of humor, but Im really looking for that spark, and to make a great connection with someone. This whole online thing is pretty new to me, but Im very open minded and look forward to meeting some new people

Meet someone special from United States. A little about me: I believe, but not for sure, I am now part of the coveted Alaskan elite. After living in Alaska for 24 years, I think I am now what they call an Alaskan "Sourdough." Pretty hefty stuff. ; ) For all you newbies, just being seen with one of us does wonders for your Ak cred. Ha. Ha.
As much as I love it here, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time away to travel different parts of the world and for schooling. I am a family oriented person, so being back up here allows me to spend quality time with them. Family, friends, and the outdoors are really what make me the happiest. If you like to fish, camp, fly, scuba dive, raft, cook (or eat a good meal), ride horses, hike, travel, play sports, watch movies ,etc., we probably could find something fun to do with one another.
I have a down-to-earth and free-spirited personality; two feet are planted firmly on the ground with eyes that look forward to the growing that comes with experiencing new challenges and adventures. I naturally enjoy where I am at, while I'm there, taking in all in. I like to have goals and feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with putting my mind to something and achieving it. I am a goof sometimes, inquisitive, and care a lot about my fellow man. I find the simple things in life also make me happy and enthusiastic . . . the smell of a steak on the grill, having a good conversation with a friend, or fishing by a peaceful lake. I love to laugh and find the humor in everyday things. Life is even funnier when you got a friend laughing right along with you.
I am looking for someone who values his family and friendships in life. I appreciate a man who is slow to anger and has a positive attitude, especially when things don't go exactly as planned. Often, those unexpected situations, make the best memories. A guy who is intelligent and witty, is a real plus. A man who opens the door, because he is taking the time to show that respect and caring, is attractive and appreciated, in my book.
I also appreciate a man who takes care of himself and his things. It says a lot about him. Lastly, It's nice to be around someone who is a good communicator when needed, and, at times, needs to say very little to communicate effectively. : )

Date a soulmate from United States. I am honest, kind and gentle. I love children and have a beautiful daughter who is 10 years old. I am open to new experiences and always trying new things. I love nature and travelling. Being active is my motto in life. My curious character always helps me to discover new things about life and about myself. My friends are always glad to be in my company, my colleagues think of me as a valuable partner. I have a good sense of humor, and positive way of thinking.
I would like to find a man with whom I can create a happy family life. I want to give my future husband my attention, my love and care. I am searching for harmony. I want to meet a caring, communicative, responsible, attentive, loving, self-sufficient, courageous, kind and affectionate man.

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. Let's see...I guess 90% of the time I am pretty shy. I like to sit back and observe what's going on around me before I jump in. Totally watch out for that 10% though. I enjoy being silly and try to not take life to seriously when it comes to the small things.
I have a pretty active social life. I have a hobby that takes up a lot of my time. When I am not doing that I really love going to see live music and hanging out with my puppy.
I am looking for someone who has a sense of humor and knows what he wants in life.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. hola!
i'm an alaskan woman ~ and a global citizen. i care about creating a more peaceful, loving world -- and live my life trying to have fun, be kind, and make a difference. i love people. i dig people who love people, animals, nature, and want to try and make the world a better place.
usually, you will find me smiling...i jokingly say positivity is my superpower. i try to live my life being open-minded, energetic, kind, optimistic, and authentic. i'm at a place in my life where i have a lot of clarity about who i am and my dreams...and this is lovely. in my perfect world, i'd find someone who was also clear about who he is and his dreams--and there would be some very cool overlap in these areas of our lives. i have big dreams and am on here because ultimately i think it would be really rad to share life with someone else... i'm actually quite happy on my own, but i suppose the romantic in me hopes that i might cross paths with someone on here with whom i have an undeniable connection; who impresses me with his brilliance and wit and sense of adventure, and makes me want to spend more time with him. in the meantime, i like making new friends, and i'm dreaming of my next adventure...
i'm not sure there is anything better in life than to be by a campfire with good people and good snacks ~ or to stare up at the northern lights or moon, bundled up in the freezing cold ~ or to watch the mountains, wander along through a forest ~ or to sit and listen to a river.
i value cultures, family, nature, adventures, and friendship. i find myself laughing a lot, love the mountains and trees, the rush of big cities, the calm of small towns, reading books, traveling to far off places, learning new languages (i love espanol), eating good food and cooking, learning more, listening to people's stories, sharing, dancing, being active, the arts, and care about trying to make the world a better place.
i'm looking for ~
kindness, fun!, honesty, passion, laughter, optimism, intelligence, creativity,spirituality, depth, a sense of adventure, confidence, patience, an open mind, an open heart, a love of life...
if these things sound like you ~ then we would probably have even more fun together ~
*somebody who thinks it sounds fun to drink coffee and read a book, go outside and play in nature--hiking, camping, kayaking, canoeing, skiing, or snowshoeing into the woods, who appreciates simple, small things in life--like an amazing sunset on the mountains or picking blueberries, someone who would like to go rock out and dance at a sweet live concert, who likes to chill and cook good food and drink wine and watch a movie, someone who is thoughtful and spontaneous at times, someone who will be an energetic travel partner...
*someone who is happy to be in Alaska, and still wants to explore (and maybe spend some time living in) other parts of the world. someone who is a "thinker" and pays attention to the world around him, reads, and values good conversation (someone who values communication), someone who is down-to-earth but also a bit of a dreamer...
*someone who is independent, confident, and happy with his life already-but thinks it would be cool to share his time with another person.
**bonus points for being woodsy, playing guitar, being creative, speaking languages other than English, having traveled the world, and/or cooking well. :)**

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. How would my friends describe me, from most of my friends i hear encouraging , strong, an old soul, a natural leader, I am moved by their flattery.I'm not churchie But I care about spiritual things, as well as others. I don't make important decisions without talking to God.Oh get this its an interesting story , one of my older friends told me after seeing the movie Secretariat two characters in the movie reminded him of me, really which ones, I ask ? He said go see it and you tell me. I went ... Humm . The next time I saw him I said well I can see the the lady who owned the horse but who else? He replied the Horse. It's heart, the more it was pushed the better it preformed. WOW! Blush Blush. Friends are important,good people must be kept, they are gifts. I am proud of my children, 2 sons 23 and 18 The younger lives at home he is a senior in high school. I have a great family. I am one of six kids I'm the oldest girl. I am a thinking woman, I have strong values. If you want a simple minded Lady I'm not your girl. I'm into bright steady kind men and loyalty. I like to play, I want to play.... I love the water, I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love watching. Watching people interact, a perfectly preformed play in sports, ,animals playing,going fast, speed, the wind, farmers on tractors make me smile. Toned and tanned men who take care of themselves impress me.I enjoy alone time with my other, as well as adventure. I've traveled quite a bit in the last 10 years, and Im not done.. I am visual I see art and beauty all around me. I like to cook, I like to touch and be touched. Ive owned a business over 20 years, and If im in ... Im really in. So If you think in a similar way as me, or you get what I'm trying to say. Pass me a note . Be encouraged, I could mark the yes I like you box..... find out. Oh in case your interested I'm also an artist I paint...a few of my paintings are in my pics. AND please members with pictures only.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I am a calm and well-balanced person. I love nature and spend my free time with friends. I don't like when people lie. I am kind, charming, cheerful and a little bit shy. I am a very active person and try to live my life to the fullest. I like sport. Also I collect little toys. All my friends know about this hobby and try to give me small presents.
In a man I appreciate such qualities as loyalty, kindness, responsibility for his actions, honesty and intelligence. I want him to be not only my husband, but also my best friend too.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. What I'm looking for:
The truth is I'm not sure boxing in what I think I want or need is the way to go. What I can tell you is....
He will love me enough to tune out all the not so perfect pieces of me and everyday and I will thank God that I have him!!
What You Can Expect:
You can usually find me laughing at something. Most recently, laughing at the fact that I nearly knocked myself out playing Golf at the driving range. There should be a warning, "Ball may bounce"
What I Love:
My Family. Water, typically the ocean. Warm weather. Being woken up by the sun. The overwelming joy of feeling sand beneath my feet. Corny popsicle jokes. Dancing in my car. Singing throughout the office. Smiling.
Thoughts on relationships:
Seperation is as important as time together.
A little arguing keeps things alive.
No is an exceptable answer almost 10% of the time. LOL
Fun Facts about Me:
God is a vital part of my life.
I rearly wear coats even in winter. I love hats!
The beach is the way to my heart.
Small things and gestures brighten my day.
I'm accident prone but always up for a challenge.
Sometimes I teach Sunday School.
Love Sunflowers.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I've lived in Alaska my whole life, I work in the health care field. I'm pretty independent & fun loving. I love to travel out of Alaska a few times a year for vacations. I enjoy being in the outdoors, but also love to stay in now and then to watch a movie. I enjoy a good hockey game, a live concert or show. I enjoy an occasional wine or beer. I love a good sense of humor, someone who can cook and be adventurous with me. Would like to meet someone who enjoys life, is happy, has good values. Easy going like myself, honest, caring, intelligent and educated. Works hard for what they want in life. Appreciates the good in others and the beauty of Alaska. I enjoy mountain biking, road biking. A few of my favorite things are camping, kayaking, hockey, fishing, hiking, BBQ's, family get togethers, cross country skiing.

. I'm lucky. I love my work. I love my strong, healthy body with its natural curves. I'm comfortable in (and appreciative of) my own skin. I'm kind-hearted and easygoing. I'm enthusiastic about life, enjoy lively debates, good food, wine, laughter, hiking, being with family and friends. Being active. Being outdoors.
What am I looking for? It's pretty simple. Just a down to earth guy who has good morales/values, active, outgoing, has a strong work ethic, and is happy with himself and his accomplishments. A good sense of humor is also important.
There is so much more to say, but I'll leave that for a future conversation. Thanks for checking out my profile. If your interested in knowing more about me or talking please send an email. Take care.

. I just moved here from Juneau and I don't know much about ANC. I work a lot, but it would be great to meet someone to show me around.
I like being outside. Hiking, biking, kayaking - pretty much whatever. IРІР‚в„ўm not super extreme about it though. I donРІР‚в„ўt want to run up a mountain right after work. I also like having downtime. Reading, watching movies, sleeping in. All good things. Sometimes I just want to be lazy and watch The Wire or It's Always Sunny and not do anything.
I love watching football. I grew up in Wisconsin so obviously I'm a cheesehead.
Attraction is important, but I am more attracted to someone who can make me laugh and can laugh at himself. IРІР‚в„ўm looking for someone who doesnРІР‚в„ўt mind sarcasm, can dish it out as well as he can take it and someone who doesnРІР‚в„ўt take himself too seriously. I donРІР‚в„ўt really care what kind of music you listen to or what tv shows you watch as long as you don't judge my tastes. (For the record, I listen to pretty much everything, but probably prefer rock and my favorite tv shows are Friday Night Lights and Battlestar Galactica.) I dont have a preference on eye color or hair color. (Although I DO think that Clay Matthews should cut his hair. I mean, donРІР‚в„ўt get me wrong - IРІР‚в„ўd still crawl into the back of his Trans Am but come on!)
Basically, I just want to hang out with someone not lame.

. I am newly single checking out what kind of men are out there an on the market. I'm curious and hesitant to date online but it seems to bring some pretty awesome couples together. I'm looking for a man who cares about his health and who has an interest in learning.